Yes! I agree completely, but we've been looking at how discreet (more or less) wavelengths effect photo-morphology. If you will, how efficiently a given wavelength will facilitate electro-chemical reactions within the plant cell.
As far as I have found, nobody really knows how a plant cell cracks co2 into carbon and o2 or if the plant has the ability to mix or steer the photons of different wavelengths. Also does resonance play a role in all of this?
The way to NW for me, was/is a natural progression of experimentation from PLL to T5 to HPS to led. Also, the question arises, what is a good starting point? "Occam's razor"
As far as cheep Chinese leds, (good, fast, cheep.) pick 2, though a little natural selection here couldn't hurt. It could be said that some of the best scientific breakthroughs were mistakes!
Having a data sheet is a plus.
But I can't fault your logic here, but for me the price of a given diode is not as important as the price of electricity, cooling and most importantly my time, which is in very short supply!
Also, 10w led for $9.00 on a star.
That's less than a dollar a watt. (looks like they run best at around 6w) I have a pile of these sitting on the table calling me.
I'm about to be able to compare these "top of the line" chips against the existing pro-grows that I have. Let's hope for a pleasant surprise.
First things,first....
-Even if we knew everything about every wavelength of light,still it would be the
worst option ,to supply these wavelengths ,using
different actinic leds ...(Monochromatic)....Most of them are unefficient and/or heavily dependant on Tj for effective operation...
Not to mention the spectral 'mixing' ( homogenizing ) difficulties and compromises...
-CO[SUB]2[/SUB] does not actually break into C & O[SUB]2[/SUB]...In,fact with the use of radioactive-isotopes ,we know that is the water that breaks (Photolysis)...
It has been proven that the O[SUB]2 [/SUB]evolved in PS originates from H2O, not from CO2.
-Resonance...Mhhh ...
The excitation energy in antenna pigments is transferred to the reaction center by fluorescence resonance
energy transfer, a non-radiative process with up to 95 to 99% energy transfer efficiency.
Let's see what other we know...
Light is funneled to two photosystems with the red-absorbing reaction center pigments P680 and P700
The light funnel consists of antenna pigments that absorb different colors of light.
By having P680 and P700 absorbing such long-wavelength/low-energy light, evolution has provided a pathway for photosynthesis to harvest virtually the
entire visible spectrum!
"Emerson went on to study the effect of wavelength on photosynthesis. This kind of plot is sometimes called an "action spectrum", it shows how effectively various wavelengths drive photosynthesis. Superimposed on this plot we see the quantum yield as a function of wavelenth of the photons. In both sets of curves, you can see that photons of green wavelength are less efficient than those in blue and red wavelengths. Photons with wavelength beyond 700 lack sufficient energy to drive photosynthesis! Recall that blue wavelengths have higher energy than red wavelengths. This fact tells us that whatever pigments are involved in photosynthesis, they apparently have a minimum energy required to excite an electron that is found in a red photon. "
Shade Adaptations and Light Concentrating Mechanisms
Columnar superficial palisade cells allow efficient capturing of light despite the sieve effect (which arises
from gaps between chloroplasts that reduce absorption compared to chlorophyll in solution). Light
channeling may also divert light through the vacuole or the cell wall areas to facilitate transmission into
deeper layers of the leaf. The spongy mesophyll in the leaf interior has many reflecting interfaces which
cause light scattering and increase the probability for light absorption.
Leaves of plants living in the
understory in dim light may have focusing mechanisms (convex epidermal cells) that focus the light
onto the chloroplasts. Trees have elaborate branching structures of leaves, which tend to maximize overall
light absorption by the plant. Plants competing for light in the understory may receive up to 50% of their
light as sunflecks—transient sun exposures—and can often rapidly ramp up PS and stomatal opening
during these brief events. Light reaching the understory is least depleted in the far red wavelengths compared to blue or red etc.
Many plants alter their leaf angles to track the position of the sun (solar
tracking), including alfalfa, cotton, soybean, lavatera, and lupine.
This is a blue light response, which is often controlled at the pulvinus found at the junction of the blade and the petiole,
and such leaves are called diaheliotropic. Such plants are often competing in short growing seasons.
Plants in deep shade often acclimate, but the plant (or at least the shade-adapted leaves) may not be able
to survive if the habitat becomes sunny, due to photoinhibition.
Here are general properties and tendencies of shade leaves compared to sun leaves:
• have more total chlorophyll per reaction center
• tend to be thinner, with thinner palisades
• have less rubisco and less xanthophyll (which is photoprotective)
• have higher ratio of PSI to PSII (3:1 compared to 2:1), or have more antenna chlorophyll in PSII. These
adaptations “enhance light absorption and energy transfer” to make better use of the relatively more
abundant far red light.
• have lower rates of respiration (“dark respiration”

and lower Light Compensation Point
• have lower maximum PS rates (saturation) that sun plants
As for the relation Power to Efficency ,for leds...
The most efficient led dies are the 1 Watt chips..
The lower current,that drives a led ,the higher the efficiency,converting electricity into light!!!
Do not expect 3-5-10 Watt leds to be more efficient than 1 Watt led...
Instead, 10 x 1 Watt leds are far more powerful (and efficient) than 1 x 10 Watt led...
Plus ,the heat from multiple dies gets more easily dissipated ...
A 10 Watt led ,concentrates a lot of heat in a very small area...
Difficult to cool ,keep working efficiently and have a long operational(service ) life...
Probably,you save some money when buying...Nothing else...(Although ,asian 1 Watt leds cost less than .5$ ,per piece....)
Worth to give it try ,though....
Asian leds ,also have data sheets....
But they do not 'fall' exactly ,on the sheets specs...
At least,not all of them..(the leds..)...
Although,the asian led makers, have already developed
plenty of methods( e.x. thicker phosphor layer-more quantity of phosphor) to make their leds more 'uniform' ,
regarding spectra, & output power( better quality of mirror,silicone,protective lens & better dies,ect)