1st grow shot! 250w hps closet hempy scrog


Well-Known Member
Here are the 2 new test subjects, Unknown #1 and Unknown #2, U1 and U2 respectively. The larger one, U1 is the clone that was left untagged at my friends. The smaller girl, U2 is the unknown guerilla grow cut. Both were transplanted from soil to hempy and were topped. U1 was larger and I topped her in a few places. U2 was topped once.

I ran a flush with clearex last night to clear any possible leftover nutes from my MG perlite, and fed with a light nute mix after. I'm running the cfl's only for light right now but my plan is to utilize the hps for a portion of the light time, maybe 12 of the 24 hrs, as soon as the roots hit the rez. Once the screen is mostly full I will throw into 12/12.

I am still using the GH 3 part with florablend, liquid koolbloom, and floranectar supplements. I am going to flush every 7-14 days with clearex and let the pots dry out good before watering again.

Unknown #1

Unknown #2

Edit: I set this page as the start point of my sig link.

I am just sort of doing this grow for fun and learning until the cooler weather of fall to start my next "real" grow. I am loving the trainwreck from my last grow so much that she is a leading candidate for the next grow. Especially since she did not get the proper treatment from me or the elements last grow.


Well-Known Member
Day 5 since I transplanted these 2. Gave them both their 1st full strength dose of nutes tonight, they both appear to have hit the rez and look hungry. I am running my MH at 175w, and heard mixed feelings about underpowering bulbs. Appears to be working fine, the pics look green though.

U1 is coming along pretty well. She looks hungry though and should appreciate the nuting. Got some nice branching and tips are reaching the screen nicely.

U2 is definitely behind but she is starting to get her feet. A couple of tips broke the screen, and were shoved back down. She might not fill out as much as U1 but with some food we will see what she does.

The girls should be thirsty in a couple days so I'll post some update pics then. Peace


Well-Known Member
This is day seven of veg since the transplant. U1 is getting big and starting to fill the screen. She looks to be yellowing and the fan leaves are drying up. I gave them both a heavy shot of N today, hope to see them even out and start to grow more. U1 has nice branching and each arm has nice node spacing. Should fill in nicely.

SAM_0502.jpgSAM_0501.jpgSAM_0498 (1).jpg

U2 is definitely a bit behind U1 still, but I have hope for her to catch up soon. She is growing straight up and has some decent branching, but not alot of stretch. She has put her roots down and should start taking up more nutrients now.



Well-Known Member
Well got a case of spider mites. I think they came from U2 but both have them so I let both my friends know. I sprayed the hell out of them with neem oil, bleached all and repainted much of my grow area, and inspected each leaf to remove what I could find. I will keep up the neem treatments for the next 3 weeks starting out more frequent and laying off some as I switch to flower sometime in there.

On the growth side, U1 is going along pretty well. I removed a few rough looking leaves and thinned out the middle a bit. I am aggressively training her, bending her nice, long side branches in multiple directions to maximize my screen. The topping worked out really well and by the time I flip, all lower branches should be at least screen height, with nice node spacing. She should fill out the screen nice I'm hoping.


U2 is finally getting her shit together and putting out some nice growth. The uppermost tips have grown a good 2-4 inches in the past few days and I can start training her some. I still have faith she will make up some ground on U1 but I don't believe she will catch her. While cleaning my grow area I accidentally vacuumed off one of smaller tops of a side branch. It is almost like a really fucked up fim job. I am going to leave her as she has 2 new growth tips so far from that spot.


Going to an aggressive growth strength of nutes tomorrow and monitor how they react. Peace


Well-Known Member
Lookin good. Sucks about the spider mites.
Ya those little fuckers are the bane of growing. Lucky my grow area is small and I have only a couple plants so I should be able to eradicate them bastards. Cool weather of fall and winter cannot get here soon enough to freeze em all.


Well-Known Member
It is the beginning of day 14 of vegging and training. I have been inspecting them pretty close and I don't see any mite activity, so gonna treat 1 or 2 more times with neem and cross my fingers. They both are filling in nice although U1 is still yellowing a bit. I am going to feed them tonight and then flush in a couple days, let them dry out real good and feed heavy as I get ready to flip them. I am thinking I will be changing photo by the end of next week.

I am going to change up the pics a bit this time and show a little detail into the training process.

U1 has 4 nice long arms with really nice node spacing. I have been training branches in multiple directions, trying to pull down on the tips and up on the beginning and middle sections of the branches. I use nylon string and duct tape to tie down and tape to the bucket sides. I use the screen to tie upwards. I am trying to bend a significant curve and utilize the open middle section to train the new growth on the branch arms into.

This is in hopes to make the small growth tips on the branch arms shoot upwards and spike in growth as they get closer to the canopy top. It looks to be working pretty well and the 2 dominant arms are going to fill in nice I think.

U2 is starting to stretch alot and fill in some more. Call me crazy but I think she may end up with the nicer canopy as she is a bit branchier than U1. Most of her tips have reached the screen and I am doing some aggressive training on her dominant tips.

I'll monitor their growth this week and set my photo period change sometime this week I think. Peace


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for the concern Watt. Im fine and the plants are doing excellent. I have been having a continuous string of computer problems and it finally puked for good on me. I had to dig out a really old laptop just so I could check my email and what not. Good news is the new computer is on its way from newegg as we speak. Hope to get some pics up mid week.

I am extremely excited about the early stages of this grow. Currently at 17 days since photo and 8 days since true solid budset showed. The canopies turned out very nice so check back soon when i can get some pics up.


Well-Known Member
Well my faithful old computer finally bit it, so I haven't been able to update in a while. Got my shiny new laptop in the mail yesterday, just in time to update my favorite part of the grow cycle. Days 21-49 are the most entertaining to journal, as the girls are mostly done stretching and will now start to pack on some serious size and frost. I am very pleased with my canopy on both plants this round, the small amount of extra veg time really paid off in nice branchy canopys.

I am day 22 since 12/12 and showed the first real solid budset at around day 10-11. As I mentioned both are nearly done stretching and are starting to pile on calyx's. I am transfering them to an aggressive bloom strength nute mix and just added liquid koolbloom for the first time 2 days ago.

U1 I am 99% sure is the blueberry that I grew last round. She was very touchy all through veg on the nutrients and since I switched to 12/12 she is a totally different plant and can't get enough food. She sure didn't stretch as much as I originally thought but her canopy filled out nicely. I trimmed alot of the undergrowth around day 14 and could trim a little more if I wanted but I usually don't like to cut too much after week 2.
She is looking nice although some slight paleness or yellowness to the leaves. Will add some cal/mag in my next feeding and see if this helps.

U1 (Possibly Blueberry)

Much as I predicted U2 has ended up with the nicer canopy. She had no nute issues during veg like U1 and though she started quite a bit behind she is quite beastly. This is the mystery clone from a cutting off an outdoor grow and although I don't know what strain she is she sure looks great in the early going. Buds are already much fuller than U1 and she is starting to frost up quite a bit already. Lookin forward to see how she develops and shows off her colors.



Active Member
There you are man I'd been wondering what had happened to you. Plants are looking great, the screen is really well filled out on that outdoor mystery clone. Glad to have you back bro.


Well-Known Member
There you are man I'd been wondering what had happened to you. Plants are looking great, the screen is really well filled out on that outdoor mystery clone. Glad to have you back bro.
Thanks man, good to be back on. I really think that when you journal your grow you notice alot more and do a better job all around. So its nice to be able to get some pics up an monitor them a little better. I hadn't really noticed any yellowing until I set them up for pics today as a case in point.

Ya U2 really looks beastly. She is even more pretty and full looking in person, my cheap camera doesn't do her justice. If U1 is the same blueberry from last grow that I think it is, I had much the same problem with feeding her in veg and now that she is in flower she is just fine. Like I said earlier, this is probably my favorite part of the grow right here and I am looking forward to watching them swell.

Seen over on the world of hempy thread that you have some sweet shit going on yourself so I'm gonna head over to your thread and give you a shout there. Peace man


If I were you I would try out the pineapple express. My last grow was PE and she was amazing. After vegging her out for a month and a half she was a little over 2 feet tall. After 10 weeks of flowering she was a beast at about 4 1/2 feet and yielded about 4 ounces. The buds were so dense and frosty. i got about 4 grams of hash out of the ounce of trim i had from her. It was the first time i made hash so i'm not sure if that is an unexpected amount but i was told that is was. G13 has some of the best genetics. Oh and PE is a very resilient strain. I have a "baby" that i cut from the PE before i flipped my last one and she is doing wonderful. I super cropped the shit out of her and she only took 3 days to fully recover. She now has 10 "tops" and is pretty darn bushy for only being a foot tall. I am only running a 150 watt HPS, 200 watt CLF, 2 4" fans (from walmart) for intake and outtake in a 6'x2'x2 cabinet.


Well-Known Member
If I were you I would try out the pineapple express. My last grow was PE and she was amazing.
Yes I would love to grow out some pineapple express. Unfortunately my paranoia is preventing me from ordering beans online. It's a couple hour drive from where I'm at from the nearest decent dispensary that sells clones but I might look into that option.

Would love to see some pics. Anyone else who would like to, feel free to post.


Active Member
I just gave my buddy some PE auto flowers he is using a 150w hps setup ill post photos if you guys would like to see them when they start to bud up.

Great work on that mystery clone I have been following you since you originally found her and I have to say they looked pretty rough at the start.


Well-Known Member
I just gave my buddy some PE auto flowers he is using a 150w hps setup ill post photos if you guys would like to see them when they start to bud up.

Great work on that mystery clone I have been following you since you originally found her and I have to say they looked pretty rough at the start.
Thanks for stopping by RC. Ya my grows always look pretty rough during veg. I think it is a combination of the transplant from soil to hempy and the extensive training I put them through. All that training pays off now though when they really start to put on some size. The first grow on this journal was my first and with smaller screens than I have now I pulled 86 grams finished off two plants with smaller canopys. Things are looking very good for this being my best yield yet.

Please feel free to post any pics you'd like. I remember searching a while back for a grow journal for you, do you not have one set up?

I will throw some update pics up tonight or tomorrow. Peace