Diesel Ryder - Grow


Well-Known Member
hello i got my 10 diesel ryder beans from the good doc last week and just tossed them into the good ole paper towel at about 11pmn now the fun begins !

im a bit worried though as my new house still has yet to be completed ! an i have no " official grow room " as of yet but it will get done before it really matters.

i will be using my 600w mh/hps
dirt in 4l/1gallon pots
instant nute ( if needed )

id love if people put there input as to any thing they know about diesel ryder here.

my main goal here is to breed for a shit ton of seed. and some smoke (1st round ) second is to get a perpetual harvest.

will try and post pics as i usually take a ton of pics but i have dial up so bear with me i hate to wait............ alot!



Well-Known Member
so what should i do for nutes for this strain my idea was to wait for 2 weeks ( they shoud be pretty big by then like at least 6 inches ) of veg mabey 3 then give 1 drop (reccomended 8 drops every 7-14 days ) for the first feed then 2 drops a week later then 3 till i hit 4 then flush for harvest.
any ideas here ?

remember the first go is to get as many seeds as possible so the buds are just a bonus !


Well-Known Member
well good so far 7 of 10 germed within 24 hours. planted all 10 in my soil mix because the other seeds look like there about ready to germ.!

one bean i had was like a mega bean lol it was about 2x norm wonder what ill get from it. lol

p.s. feel free to post here on questions as long as related to this grow/ diesel ryder strain! .


Well-Known Member
oh yea lol when i said dirt up above i meant my soil mix i have 2 basic types

currently using
1/2 pearlite
1/2 topsoil
ph adjustment if needed

organic mix
1/2 pearlite
1/4 worm poo
1/4 topsoil
ph adjustment if needed


i like the consistant results .


Active Member
I have started growing diesel ryder as well. They sprouted last Thursday and Friday. I am currently growing 4. I will have to take and post some pics later, but I was wondering how far along you are with the grow? 2 of mine have their first 4 real leaves with many little ones showing up now too. The other 2 have their two first real leaves and then the next two leaves that are coming out are a little crazy looking. Very skinny and just strange looking. One is worse than the other. Have you had this problem? I know I have read sometimes that these lowryder crosses can be a little wild.

For soil I am using a 50/50 blend of Fox farm Ocean Forest and Light warrior. For nutes I am going to use the Fox Farm line as well. I watered my babies for the first time last night and also fed them a very week feeding of Fox Farm Big Bloom. From what I read, it can help root development and will not burn the plants. It definitely did not burn them and they are looking great, other than the two crazy leaved ones.


Well-Known Member
Sweet! Diesel Ryder. In a few months I'm gunna get me some of that.

I'm no expert but I'm along for the ride :)


Well-Known Member
I got the Fox Farm line of nutes too. They worked great for a friend of mine, and have been doing the job for me so far.

Dont know anything about Diesel Ryder but Ill stick around to watch your grow :)


Well-Known Member
cool they are 2 days old lol they havent pop'ed through the dirt yet but all germed in 2 days and7 within 24 hours. so ill start taking pics a soon as the first one pops through the dirt. ( most likley tomorrow or friday thell poke through ! )


Well-Known Member
I have started growing diesel ryder as well. They sprouted last Thursday and Friday. I am currently growing 4. I will have to take and post some pics later, but I was wondering how far along you are with the grow? 2 of mine have their first 4 real leaves with many little ones showing up now too. The other 2 have their two first real leaves and then the next two leaves that are coming out are a little crazy looking. Very skinny and just strange looking. One is worse than the other. Have you had this problem? I know I have read sometimes that these lowryder crosses can be a little wild.

For soil I am using a 50/50 blend of Fox farm Ocean Forest and Light warrior. For nutes I am going to use the Fox Farm line as well. I watered my babies for the first time last night and also fed them a very week feeding of Fox Farm Big Bloom. From what I read, it can help root development and will not burn the plants. It definitely did not burn them and they are looking great, other than the two crazy leaved ones.

nope i havent yet lol they havent sprouted so we will see but please post a pic ill help out if i can i have a few years of experience.

i like to use plain soil i have a bad habbit of over doing things but i have heard fox farm is top notch stuff !

watch out on ferts with lr x s they are very hearty and can go with out nutes till done im planting in 1 gal plastic water jugs.this should be plenty alone but i will be using light nutes after 2 weeks or it looks like the root ball has used up most of the soil .


Well-Known Member
I have started growing diesel ryder as well. They sprouted last Thursday and Friday. I am currently growing 4. I will have to take and post some pics later.
cool so we will be basicly a week apart we should have a informal contest till we get smoke !

ill hold you to it on the pics !


Active Member
Hey SmartMonkey,

I have attached some pics of my babies as of yesterday. So about 5 to 6 days from sprout. They have actually grown quite a bit since yesterday, but i don't have any pics yet. You can see the one with the crazy leaves that i mentioned. It has another set beginning to come out and they look strange too. Not sure what is going on with it.

My plants are also in 1 gallon pots, but this will be a CFL grow. I wish I could go with an HPS; however, with my current living situation, proper ventilation for an HPS would be really tough. I have them under 8 x 1600 lumen 6500k CFLs and 1 2' 2200 lumen T5 for now. I will be upping the number of CFLs to 12 and changing the color of most to soft white when they begin to flower. I will keep the T5 in there too.

Have your plants sprouted yet? How many plants are you growing this go around? I am planning on using 2 of the remaining 6 seeds for breeding.


mr west

Well-Known Member
Im also growing diesel ryders and have 5 germed 100% of what i planted. Theres lots of pics in my signiture. Subscribed and good luck every one lol


New Member
i dont know shit about the autoflowering ones yet but i plan on ordering some seeds when this extra tax $ comes back.
i can give you basic advice though if youll be needing any of that.

ill be watching to see how well ya do, good luck


Well-Known Member
well good news the spouts are starting to pop.

i took a pic of the first baby out of the ground !

they are under my 600w digital MH putting out i believe 65,000 lumens (i know the hps bulb puts out 95,000),
the light is about 3 + feet away..

my place is close to ready cant wait to move !

but there is bad news my dayton fan had siezed up and my timer is some how non functioning.

i think i fixed the fan it now again seems to work but we shall see, and i placed a bid on a new digital timer hope i win it as i dont want to have to manually control the lights for to long :roll:


Well-Known Member
i dont know shit about the autoflowering ones yet but i plan on ordering some seeds when this extra tax $ comes back.
i can give you basic advice though if youll be needing any of that.

ill be watching to see how well ya do, good luck
if these plants are quality smoke they will earn a valuable place in growing for shure you coud do so many crops in and outdoor with the autoflower plants that otherwise could not be pulled off .

there are also drawbacks but im not gunna nock on the weed im growing lol


Active Member
i kno everyone will be mad for me putting this on here
but i need a quick answer

i just planted seedlings
for my indoor grow medium
im using peatmoss and perlite mixed together
then i also added root stimulator
im feeding them miracle grow all purpose plant food
i also plan on mixing more nitrogen in with the food to help develope leaves
and then when they go into flowering i plan on adding phospherus to promote
BUD GROWTH sorry i dont kno how to spell lol



Well-Known Member
Hey SmartMonkey,

I have attached some pics of my babies as of yesterday. So about 5 to 6 days from sprout. They have actually grown quite a bit since yesterday, but i don't have any pics yet. You can see the one with the crazy leaves that i mentioned. It has another set beginning to come out and they look strange too. Not sure what is going on with it.

My plants are also in 1 gallon pots, but this will be a CFL grow. I wish I could go with an HPS; however, with my current living situation, proper ventilation for an HPS would be really tough. I have them under 8 x 1600 lumen 6500k CFLs and 1 2' 2200 lumen T5 for now. I will be upping the number of CFLs to 12 and changing the color of most to soft white when they begin to flower. I will keep the T5 in there too.

Have your plants sprouted yet? How many plants are you growing this go around? I am planning on using 2 of the remaining 6 seeds for breeding.
your seedlings look good to me nice green no burning..

yes they all started to sprout tonight i posted a pic.

im doin 10 this go, and depending on if i get enough girls and a boy id like a sensi and at least a couple hundred seed and id love to feminize a batch but that may have to wait as it is extremly involved.

i actually wish i had some cfls for the sprouts as im just wasting power my bulb and lumens atm lol but it only costs like 35-40 $ a month to run 24/0


Well-Known Member
i kno everyone will be mad for me putting this on here
but i need a quick answer

i just planted seedlings
for my indoor grow medium
im using peatmoss and perlite mixed together
then i also added root stimulator
im feeding them miracle grow all purpose plant food
i also plan on mixing more nitrogen in with the food to help develope leaves
and then when they go into flowering i plan on adding phospherus to promote
BUD GROWTH sorry i dont kno how to spell lol

no i can sterss enough that you will kill them look at what soil i use top soil and pearlite at ph 5.8 that is all you need for your first month !

i use hardly any nutes only when needed or very carefully and my plants get big quick ! just watch..

but seriously this is not the correct place to post crap like this so please dont again !

keep this thread on topic .. my grow lol


Active Member
i dont have to give them more plant food or nothin?
jus top soil a perlite mixed together and water them?
btw thx for your help man