Last Thing You Like To Feed

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Before i lower myself to your level with a BASH,Pretty sure almost everything you smoke can cause Cancer!! And your remark about cigs,you do know M/J is 9 times more carcinogenic.I am a caregiver for Cancer patients and for free.Until futher studies are done on all additives we really have no clue,Just opinions...

Sorry dude, but you're wrong on all fronts.

First of all the comment about MJ being 9 times more carcinogenic is complete rubbish. There isn't one known case of lung cancer from smoking MJ. Go ahead, try to prove me wrong. That's some anti-MJ propaganda that Reagan put out in the 80's. The studies he posted which support those findings are from smoking the non-bud parts of the plant (ie: leaves, stems, seeds, roots, and who knows what they sprayed the weed with first). I can't believe that any grower actually believes that nonsense. You've been had buddy.

Secondly, it's not opinion when it comes to health risks associated with growth regulators like phosphoload (Gravity, Bushmaster, etc..), it's fact. You should do some of your own research before simply going into a denial state, especially if you are providing medicine to patients.

I know you won't believe me, so will you believe SC Labs, who is one of the top testers of medical Cannabis in California? I sure hope so, so take a few minutes and check this out:


PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Can't you grow quality without adding poison to it?
Apparently for them, profit is more important than safety and quality.

LMFAO:lol:....Your link is to a forum like this one, based off the opinion of another grower, who probably, like most growers, have their own way of doing things, and is classified as a "SENIOR" member solely on his post count, which much like you, makes me think he also has no life but to sit on the internet and randomly post dumb remarks to boost post count and gain reputation.:dunce:

Now, since i have no fear of your intelligence level, and I'm sure Beech will back me up here, i must say to you sir:

Sit back, Shut-up, and watch the pros:mrgreen:.....maybe you will learn something if there's a crack in that hard head of yours:wall:

Dude, based on your posts and pics from 2009, I'm not impressed at all. Did you ever figure out how to get rid of your spider mites? Your shit under 2 400 MH lights is pathetic.

You grow poison masked as medicine because you care more about profit than health, simple as that. If you truly cared about health at all, you would do a little research before jumping to your bitchy little dumb ass remarks. I'm done debating this, so keep growing your poison or get a clue.



Well-Known Member
Well ty il throw it out,Didnt know this ive been stuck in my own ways and need to look outside the box.When im wrong il admit it and i was WRONG.
I have been using it for 8yrs and didnt really even think about the harm,just results.


PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Well ty il throw it out,Didnt know this ive been stuck in my own ways and need to look outside the box.When im wrong il admit it and i was WRONG.
I have been using it for 8yrs and didnt really even think about the harm,just results.

Thank you, thank you.


Well-Known Member
Apparently for them, profit is more important than safety and quality.

Dude, based on your posts and pics from 2009, I'm not impressed at all. Did you ever figure out how to get rid of your spider mites? Your shit under 2 400 MH lights is pathetic.

You grow poison masked as medicine because you care more about profit than health, simple as that. If you truly cared about health at all, you would do a little research before jumping to your bitchy little dumb ass remarks. I'm done debating this, so keep growing your poison or get a clue.

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I never denied growing my bag seed for my first grow, i'm almost positive 90% of pot growers do....:wall:

Dig a little deeper, you will find the post with the PPP, WW, Skunk#1, Northern Lights, Himalayan Gold, and other strains i've successfully grown.

As far as your opinion of my setup, i don't remember asking, LMAO...You think i care what you think of me? LMFAO

Also, as a side note, nowhere in my many threads here will you find me once say i sold any of my pot, All was for personal use, and no, none was sold as "Medicine" as you call it, it was grown for me to smoke. And unless your funded by the government to produce your so called "Medicine" and prescribe it to "patients", all you are is a glorified drug dealer. ITS POT PEOPLE.....DID WE FORGET THAT???? So quit acting like you have a degree in this shit and say.......
"Hey guys i just found a study that shows the negative effects of gravity on POT plants. Just thought I'd offer it to the group to be useful..."

Your arrogance and quick trigger finger to argue with someone who challenges your opinion is what makes me laugh at you. We were all newbies to this hobby at one time and need to remember things change everyday....So ones method may be outdated and he may be ignorant to the new methods, so lets teach them, not yell at them and pretend to be better than them while downgrading there methods and setup....And before you say it, yes i dogged your pics, but you get what you give......;-)

your video was very insightful and seems to be a legit source, had you led off with that instead of jumping the gun to tell everyone how stupid they were, and how they were gonna die and poison the world.....that's not the way to get positive attention here.

I'm back to the site now and would like to hear your ideas here, and maybe offer some of my own, but 1 thing i cant stand is please be more open minded and instructional rather than how this conversation started.:bigjoint:

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
I never denied growing my bag seed for my first grow, i'm almost positive 90% of pot growers do....:wall:

Dig a little deeper, you will find the post with the PPP, WW, Skunk#1, Northern Lights, Himalayan Gold, and other strains i've successfully grown.

As far as your opinion of my setup, i don't remember asking, LMAO...You think i care what you think of me? LMFAO

Also, as a side note, nowhere in my many threads here will you find me once say i sold any of my pot, All was for personal use, and no, none was sold as "Medicine" as you call it, it was grown for me to smoke. And unless your funded by the government to produce your so called "Medicine" and prescribe it to "patients", all you are is a glorified drug dealer. ITS POT PEOPLE.....DID WE FORGET THAT???? So quit acting like you have a degree in this shit and say.......
"Hey guys i just found a study that shows the negative effects of gravity on POT plants. Just thought I'd offer it to the group to be useful..."

Your arrogance and quick trigger finger to argue with someone who challenges your opinion is what makes me laugh at you. We were all newbies to this hobby at one time and need to remember things change everyday....So ones method may be outdated and he may be ignorant to the new methods, so lets teach them, not yell at them and pretend to be better than them while downgrading there methods and setup....And before you say it, yes i dogged your pics, but you get what you give......;-)

your video was very insightful and seems to be a legit source, had you led off with that instead of jumping the gun to tell everyone how stupid they were, and how they were gonna die and poison the world.....that's not the way to get positive attention here.

I'm back to the site now and would like to hear your ideas here, and maybe offer some of my own, but 1 thing i cant stand is please be more open minded and instructional rather than how this conversation started.:bigjoint:
Cool story bro.

FWIW, I didn't tell "everyone" how stupid they were. Nor did I lead off with arrogance. I made a simple post from my cell phone. Sorry I didn't have the time on my phone to do a whole bunch of research with many credible links via my cell phone buddy. I figured that anyone who gives a shit about their health would simply do their own research. You don't obviously care, and since apparently only you smoke your own weed, all the power to you.

For the record, here's my "arrogant posts", which somehow got your parties all in a bunch:

Gravity is bad for your health. It's only legal to use on ornamentals. Do some research and do yourself and/or your patients a favor and quit using Gravity asap. Meds with poison are bad umkay.
Smoking weed grown with Gravity is like drinking coffee with a bit of rat poison. Have fun with that.
Just read the back of your bottle. Its clearly labeled for use with ornamentals only, not for use with fruits or vegetables (consumables). It contains growth regulators. I'll let you do your own internet research on the risks of consuming plant matter wachich has been grown with and contains growth regulators. It's bad stuff, unless you like things like cancer and neurological problems.

Here's a link for you though with some more detailed info. Just found it real quick via a basic Google search:
Now, let us compare it to your ignorant first posts to this thread:

well i have personally used gravity on all my indoor and outdoor grows,and seem to remember it adding an abundant amount of weight to my harvest, and delicious taste when added with molasses. So if that's what causes cancer and neurological disorders, well.....then line me up for chemo boys, CUZ DADDY LIKES GRAVITY!!! :bigjoint:

Also, if we only used products labeled to assist in the growing and flowering of pot plants, our resources would be limited very much, Think about it genius, what product do you buy, ANYWHERE, for pot plants that say its to be used on pot plants?.......Go ahead and Google it......I'll Wait....:lol:.......

Oh you back? that's what i thought......NOTHING!!!!

I assume your new here, not by looking at any of your credentials, but by your ignorant and down right retarded comments you used to argue with people who have probably been growing weed longer than you've been alive....:dunce:....And for that I say, good luck to you and your schwag plants sir :blsmoke:
LMFAO:lol:....Your link is to a forum like this one, based off the opinion of another grower, who probably, like most growers, have their own way of doing things, and is classified as a "SENIOR" member solely on his post count, which much like you, makes me think he also has no life but to sit on the internet and randomly post dumb remarks to boost post count and gain reputation.:dunce:

Now, since i have no fear of your intelligence level, and I'm sure Beech will back me up here, i must say to you sir:

Sit back, Shut-up, and watch the pros:mrgreen:.....maybe you will learn something if there's a crack in that hard head of yours:wall:

Now, who's the arrogant one again? Oh, sorry -- I'll just shut up and watch the pros, just like your first grow back in 2008 I guess. Funny stuff buddy.


Well-Known Member
We all need to learn from each other........Guys just drop it i hate DRAMA.
PJ has a very valid point!!!



Well-Known Member
HHHMmmmmmm my father in law is using Gravity. I need to talk to him about that and read the bottle.
I have heard good things about Sweet and GH Nectar. I am going to use Nectar and CaMa+ for the molasses and cain sugar in it.


Well-Known Member
just sweet over here...used to use clearex but then read that its mainly just sugars in it so i just switched to just sweet and it has been so amazing ever since
Great information I have learned about PGRs. I don't use 'GRAVITY', however; I use 'SNOW STORM ULTRA' is that additive falls under "PGRs" ? I ask because is from the same company.

I feed them a heavy cocktail at their final 1.5 - 2 weeks.

Hi-Brix (molasses)

PPMs@1,000 (.5 conversion)
[email protected]

FLUSH with 6x (times) the Contanier size in TAP WATER.



Active Member
good info guys, i was looking into additives and the discussion on here convinced me of my decision.

also amazing to see a few people discuss/argue/resolve on this site BEECH you are a bigger wo/man than most on here! keep that open mind and it will do you wonders!!!


Well-Known Member
I think there should be a STICKY for PGR,Theres alot of ppl who do not know this and Need Too.
Im one who didnt and feel bad,As this plant is a Medicine for alot of ppl and the last thing i wanna
do is cause more suffering for ppl that need this plant just to live,without causing more health



Well-Known Member
i heard gravity and bush master supposed to contain sum kind of carcinogens in them banned in california hydro shops


Well-Known Member
Clearex is for flushing............I think.I use GH Florakleen for salt buildup.

Never got around to getting any clearex beech, i just stuck to the gravity, and molasses in straight water. can the clearex be used with the molasses during the flush period?:?:

Im a fan of the snow storm also, it made my white widows look like rock candy:shock:

Does the guy that posted the video know if its deadly also? Or is it not classified with the gravity and bushmaster products:?:

Serious question PJ....I would like to know because i planned on using it again when the time comes, and since you seem to do more research than me, id like to know if it needs trashed too...:-P
Never got around to getting any clearex beech, i just stuck to the gravity, and molasses in straight water. can the clearex be used with the molasses during the flush period?:?:

Im a fan of the snow storm also, it made my white widows look like rock candy:shock:

Does the guy that posted the video know if its deadly also? Or is it not classified with the gravity and bushmaster products:?:

Serious question PJ....I would like to know because i planned on using it again when the time comes, and since you seem to do more research than me, id like to know if it needs trashed too...:-P
From what I read about it. Snow Storm is safe. Is not a PGR, apparently. I used in the past. However; have you try a grow without SnowStormUltra ? I have try with the same strain (PineappleExpress) and after a couples of runs with and without, I have notice no difference at all, But that is my results based on my own set factors.

Do you guys take pictures of your grow every time you use a new additives ?
