Well-Known Member
Old dude,Where did you get the 6500 2' bulbs? I can't find them locally and I wish I could!
yea you can build one your self for a great deal. Thats what I did. I made a 170w to my specs, exact measurements for my coverage area.
I used a thin sheet off very rigid plastic( can't remember the exact name, but ill get it for you if you want) and then cut .75 mdf peices for support/hanger purposes.
I used 12 t5's in total. Each 14w a piece. 8 of those are 6500k and the other 4 are 2700k. I measure and placed the holding brackets for each light. I went 1/2 inch from the edge, placed the tubes where i wanted them and marked the plastic sheet at the end of each tube( marked center of ends). I then made lines across from the 2 end points fro each tube, and placed the holdings brackets where i wanted them along the line. I did alternating, because i didnt want all the holes in one row because it would weaken the frame.
Once I placed the brackets, I flipped it over and placed the wood support. however I drilled and screwed from the front side(notice no holes in the wood on the back) Each wood frame has 6 screw. You can figure most of it out from the pics. Any questions with measurements just ask away
The thing is really light and so solid.
The sheet are 24" x 14"
the .75 mdf support is 14" my 4.5"