• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The direction of the big bang


Well-Known Member
So you evade the scene until you think the coast is clear and then when you do make a reappearance you only throw personal insults around. When are you going to answer my questions that I asked of you? Your drivel is meaningless, and I will not carry on a one sided conversation with you. What's the point if you never answer any of my questions? Answer the questions and I will carry on with you, if not, I'll not respond to a intellectually dishonest person such as yourself.

He seems to have no idea what he's talking about. Evading the scene? I have a life. He's the meglo here. Very entertaining.


Ursus marijanus
You used that fact of our standard as the basis for your claim. The origin matters because if c wasn't a constant, then you couldn't use it to define a measurement. If I can measure the speed of light in my inertial FoR different than your measurement of the same beam then we cannot agree on lengths. So somewhere our measurements must be in error, either length, time or speed of light. If we cannot agree on basic measurements, then it becomes impossible to do science and each and every place in the universe can have it's own local laws.

How is it to be determined who has the 'correct' measurement then? Who's FoR is the preferred one?

How do you explain atomic clock experiments traveling on planes showing a discrepancy exactly equal to what was predicted using Lorentz transformations?
It hasn't been directly observed, correct. Nothing is actually ever proven in science so your language is suspect. Length contraction has never been falsified.
I don't expect you see much considering your lack of understanding of the implications of your unfounded beliefs.

Length contraction occurs in every axis of travel. No one expects contraction in a direction where there is no relative movement. Using the Cartesian coordinates, if I am moving in only the x axis, that is where the contraction will occur, if I'm moving in both the x and y axises, there will be contraction in both of those.

You are making it impossible as there is no way to determine a preferred frame of reference. In your world, everyone will measure a meter an/or a second different depending on how they are moving.
Really? I could say the same for you bu I am better off merely demonstrating why you don't understand.
Learning physics is not being brainwashed.

So the speed of light IS variable. I measuring the same beam of light at 10% of the speed that you are measuring it. Zero velocity relative to what? You? Why is your FoR special?
I had tried to point this out earlier. Positing a privileged frame of reference is the same as resurrecting the notion of an aether.
At that point, the edifice collapses with a ponderous inevitability. You did by main force what I tried to do with elegance.
More like his brilliant insight. If I'm traveling .99c relative to you, then you appear to be traveling .99c away from me. Who's motion is preferred? You on earth are flying through the solar system, which is zooming through the galaxy, which is moving withing our local group, etc. Where exactly is the 'at rest' FoR?
No you actually cannot which is your major error on which your whole house of cards falls.
No one has any way of knowing, including you. You have no way of knowing if your inertial reference frame has any velocity unless you consider it relative to something else, hence the name.


Well-Known Member
And yet if space turns out to be bendy and there is a Higgs field, the idea of a cosmic constant, which Einstein rejected, could still be in play. In fact, the expansive nature of Dark Energy, seems to be what Einstein found so preposterous in his math.

Aether is a fine a word, as any. Remember, the EM is postulated to be everywhere. It's the medium for radio, etc. Waves propogate against the EM field and the energy is passed. It's like sonar thru water. EM is the "water" for radio in vacuum. Something is acting as the the water for gravity waves, we think, The Higgs Field?

And matter does appear to make Space act like a gel that can compress. Why matter would moves easier and always toward other matter, in "thicker" Space?.....well, a Nobel Prize awaits.

EDIT: It wants to clump together, matter does. It wants to increase its affinity to clump even more. Only velocity can keep it apart. And that's from our shoes to the orbits of galaxies. Is it the affinity to control the wild effect of spacetime thru gravity? Gravity = Black Holes as the ultimate fate, but perhaps not the only fate. The other is worse from Matter's point of view. Annihilation. Matter could be trying to "escape" Dark Energy. Gravity as a survival mechanism for Matter?

What we call entropy appears, now to be, a race between two forces. Dark Energy and Matter. Can all the matter be collapsed into a Black Holes before Dark Energy can create the uniform quantum uncertainty? It does this by simply making distance and duration, too great, to hold Matter together. Space itself had changed dimension such that the Strong and Weak atomic forces can't keep it together, is the model.

I've read one view that equates this to a life cycle. If a universe can make Black Holes well enough, it can blow off entire universes from the "bottom" of it biggest Holes. It collects Matter and Fruits, as it were, mathematically speaking. In this model Dark Energy is the Death of the particular Universe's, blood line, if it can't spawn for some Quantum reason with the necessary Forces. And it's eventually, the natural death of the Parent Universe. Not so sad, considering the richness of Multi-verses, spawned by her.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I feel a void from the lack of Chief so,

You only accept this because it makes you feel comfortable. You don't want there to be stars in the sky, because you are afraid to look up. If everything was black then you'd have no reason to look up and threaten your materialistic comfort. You only believe dark energy because of your narrow science view, but science can't tell you about things that can not be detected, like mind energy. Also, Tesla.
Lol its good to know that I'm on your mind when we are not conversing.


Well-Known Member
I'm a little behind. So what you guys are saying is that the big crunch/big bang theory is wrong. And the Dark Matter theory is more plausible. And it is basically where energy just forms, and pushes the galaxies apart. And sooner or later, no stars are going to be visible due to how far away they are. Is this because they are separating faster than the speed of light? Confusseeddddd, I need to do more reading.. But for now until I feel like it Id rather discuss it on here.

I had a theory the other night, givin that bigbang/bigcrunch theory was correct that the universes outside of our universe are constantly doing this cycle. And they zip around in random patterns. Now if youve ever read about String Theory(Me, of course I hardly know anything about it buuuttt....) then one of the parts I remember is that inside of quarks there are vibrant strings right? And they randomly jiggle around. Now what if, since space and time DO NOT exist in between the universes doing this cycle. What if those universes are actually strings in our life. And there is some crazy explanation as to where since there is no time and space,it is actually possible that HUGE/tinytinytiny universes(including our own) are currently making up the tiniest atomic particle, and ALSO making up the huge universes as they are? Just like a loop. Ive always believed in some kind of loops theory, but that theory makes made more sense to me than any other loop theory Ive come up with.


Well-Known Member
Really.. Sooner or later, if the theory of gravity is right then the universe will become a singularity again though.. Once all stars are sucked into black holes, and then the more massive black holes consuming the less massive, all making one black hole making the universe a singularity. I dont know, I need to talk about it with you guys so I can get a more clear thought level on the whole thing.


Well-Known Member
Really.. Sooner or later, if the theory of gravity is right then the universe will become a singularity again though.. Once all stars are sucked into black holes, and then the more massive black holes consuming the less massive, all making one black hole making the universe a singularity. I dont know, I need to talk about it with you guys so I can get a more clear thought level on the whole thing.
Except that's not the way gravity works. You (and current scientific theory) have it wrong. Mass does not come together, mass moves apart, and rightfully so, since the second law of thermodynamics states that entropy always INCREASES. That means mass gets less dense over time by means of expanding its volume.

So for instance, the planets in our solar system and our sun are one and the same object. The solar system is the sun, with its outer most boundary being the least dense area, naturally, since the density order of the universe is for the core of an object to be the most dense, and as the distance from the core increases, the density decreases. It's an "outward" flow of mass, and as the mass gets further away it gets less dense.

So is that just a bunch of BS? NO! What it means is that the planets came from the sun, and they continue to get further away from the sun as time marches on. That also means that all the mass surrounding a black hole in a galaxy came from that black hole. The core of the galaxy being the most dense (black hole) and the outer boundary of the galaxy being the least dense. Everything moves AWAY from the core as the core itself gets less dense by expanding its volume. Mass evolves to space! The earth came from the sun.


Well-Known Member
That makes sense. Funny, thats the exact opposite of my thought process. Put a new twang on it though.

I just read some thing about negative energy, and it is formed in between two attracting pieces of mass in a vacuum. In this negative energy, light can actually flow faster than its original speed. If two normal pieces of mass attract, then how is the sun pushing planets away? How are Galaxies pumping stars out? Where do the stars come from?

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
[...]On an atomic level, what happens as the organism is growing? Not a cellular level. But an atomic level. How do the atoms 'know' to form into organelles? How do atoms 'know' to form into mitochondrias in order to produce proteins for the cells? If genes and DNA code for all of this, how was it made?
...my current understanding of things is that every single thing is a sexual interaction. From the 'bonds' to the bondage I guess (:lol: I kidding)

...but really, It's pretty amazing to think that what keeps things going here on earth is sex. We hold tensions, and or reproduce. Maybe the quantum level doesn't know why it does what it does either. Drive. <-- That's the deal on this side of the beyond. (imo)

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Entertaining thread. Seedling, you might want to tone it down about 6 notches. You are being uber obvious as a troll and/or dangerous retard.


Well-Known Member
Correction, if you don't know what your frame's velocity is, then you have no business measuring light in your frame and debating me about the speed of light in my frame (that does know the frame's velocity, and therefor can know both the speed of the frame and the speed of light). I know the speed of the frame, so like in your example, I determined the car was traveling .99c, so I KNOW that since my car is traveling .99c that the real speed of light is 299,792,458 m/s. On the other hand, you don;t know the velocity of the car, because you have no way of determining that velocity in space, not relative to no other object. There is no other object to have a relative velocity to, there is simply a car in space and the light it emitted. You made up some BS .99c car velocity, like you had known that from measurements you took in the car. So tell me, how did you determine the .99c velocity using light and clocks in your car??? I'm dying to hear this!!!
I used a car as an example because I was using a traditional thought experiment. Keep in mind, the principle of relativity has been around a lot longer than Einstein's explicit use. It goes back to Galileo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galilean_invariance) and applies to Newtonian mechanics as well. All it means is that physical laws must look the same to one observer as they do to another.
So let's try this again. You and I are in space, maybe in an EVA suit, traveling toward one another at a constant velocity of 99% of the speed of light. There are no planets or stars visible, we are in intergalactic space, the only reference to determine that you or I are even moving is that we can see each other. I measure you coming toward me at about .99c and you therefore must be measuring the same thing. We both have flashlights. How do you determine that you are the one that is stationary and I am moving, i.e. that your frame is the correct one? How do you know that I'm not traveling at .49c and you at .5c? Of course it doesn't actually matter as there is no such thing as non-relative motion or a special frame of reference because there is nothing in empty space that can be referenced, like the luminiferous aether. So in this scenario, how would you prove to me that you are stationary and your measurement of light is the correct one and mine in in error. The answer you have basically given is that we both turn on our flashlights and the one that measures c at 300,000 km/s is the correct one. There's the rub. If your belief in some absolute space is true, then we should be measuring the speed of light differently at different directions the earth is moving when orbiting the sun. When going one direction against the fixed space that you claim is present we should get one result and 6 months later we should get another, and the guy in the space suit that positioned himself near the sun would get a third. You are basically ruling out any long range radio communication with my friend in another galaxy because his galaxy is whizzing by us at tremendous speeds yet he thinks his galaxy is the stationary one and ours is the one that is moving... what a fool, huh?
Don't make plural what is not. It's not "our" measurements in error, it's YOUR measurements in error. I know what the velocity of the frame is, you do not. Since I know the velocity of the frame I can make an ACCURATE determination of the real speed of light.
Do you deny you are moving at great speeds through space while sitting in your house typing this now? Tell me the exact velocity of the frame you are now in. Don't forget to take into account what time of year it is because sometimes the earth is moving in the same direction as the spiral arms of the Milky Way are moving and sometimes the opposite. I can't wait to hear how fast we are actually going, especially considering the expansion of space has been accelerating since the Big Bang.
Everyone has the correct measurement if they first know their frame's velocity.
Yet unless there is something inherent in space we can measure against, like the aether, how can we know our velocity?
If you use Einstein's ways, you don;t know the frame's velocity, because in Einstein's world, it's not your frame that is moving, it's every other frame that is moving. Ask all of them, they'll tell you. (What a load of crap!)
As explained, it's not a principle of Einstein, it's a self-evident fact about measuring invariant speed. It is impossible to tell if I am moving or I am completely still and everything else is moving. You keep failing to explain how we are supposed to know anything about the absolute velocity of any frame if it is not relative to anything.
Length contraction has never been falsified so it's what, still taken to be true? (rolls eyes) I have an invisible blue dragon in my living room. It's never been falsified.
Sure an invisible dragon might not be able to be falsified yet we didn't arrive at thinking there is an invisible dragon based on evidence. It is funny how you completely ignore my comments about time dilation, which can be measured and is intrinsically linked to length contraction.
If you are moving only along the x axis the y and z axis are NOT contracted. So as in your car example, the car is moving along the x axis. Do you think the light will be the same distance from you along the y and z axis after 1 second, as it is along the x axis after one second?
Who's x and y axis? Mine or yours? If I appear to be moving diagonally from your POV, that's two axises. Of course from my POV, your apparent movement is on one axis only because the Cartesian grid I setup is shifted 45 degrees from the one you are using. Oh, wait, you can just turn your head a bit and I'm no longer going diagonally but straight from left to right. :lol:
Another correction. It's Einstein that doesn't have a way to determine the preferred frame. I have a way of determining an absolute zero velocity in the preferred frame. I know the frame's velocity, regardless of the velocity (to include a zero velocity). Einstein has no method of determining an absolute zero velocity, so he fabricates his illusion world.
Well I'm still waiting for you to give us your magical answer of how you determine anywhere has zero velocity. I have already demonstrated that you can pick a point in space and I can show that you are in motion. Of course that can only be done in space where there are other things to measure your relative motion against.
No, the speed of light is defined.
Incorrect. The speed of light has been measured. It was discovered, not defined.
It is impossible for the speed of light to be anything different than 299,792,458 m/s,
Correct. So now back to you and I in empty space with flashlights. We BOTH must get the same measurement for the speed of light, even though we are approaching each other at 99& of that speed. My flashlight beam is traveling at 300,000 km/s same as yours, yet we both feel like we are standing still so we each think the other is the one that is moving and if each of us are carrying light clocks, it will appear to each of us that the other person's clocks have slowed down and if each of us were carrying a one meter metal rod, it MUST appear to each of us that the other guy's is shorter than our meter.
Relative to the light sphere. Relative to the point that the light was emitted in space.
Throughout all of history, every time many has measured the speed of the sphere of light form their fixed position, they have been moving through space at tremendous speeds. There is no spot in the entire universe that you can point to that has true absolute zero velocity.

It's not "my" frame of reference, it's the preferred frame because all objects travel in the preferred frame where light travel time defines distance.
Circular response. The position you choose is preferred because light is traveling at a specific speed; light is traveling at a specific speed, therefore that frame is preferred.
No, his BS! I had it right the first time. There is one car in space. How do you determine its velocity using light and clocks? Again, Einstein has no way of knowing that, so he pretends that since you don't know the velocity of the frame, and no way of knowing, that it must be zero. lol
I never said you weren't in a car also, you merely assumed that. When I started the thought experiment, I didn't think I needed to teach a remedial lesson about Galilean invariance.
When light travel time is the same one way times along a stick and back, in all directions, then the stick has an absolute zero velocity.
So something that I should be able to do in any inertial reference frame, which means that there are no preferred frames of reference.

Who the F is Einstein to tell me no one can know the absolute velocity of my frame.
Einstein never told you anything of the sort. Einstein merely built upon that fact that has been understood for over 400 years and applied it to speeds approaching the speed of light.
His whole world is based on a misguided assumption that one can't possibly know the velocity of a frame in the preferred frame.
The fact that you can think there is any preferred frame, and have been unable to explain how there is, demonstrates who is really the misguided one.
His whole world is based on the assumption that his frame is never in motion, it's always the 'other' frame that's in motion.
Actually, this sounds like what you are claiming, that you can show me a frame that is never in motion.
Sorry buddy, when using light and clocks to determine the meter you have to KNOW the velocity of the frame!
Sorry buddy, but when we have to go back to explain the 400 year old principle of relativity which holds true even if there is such a thing as absolute space, then you are the one that is ignoring remedial physical truths about inertial reference frames which then hinders your understanding of SR and explains why you cannot grasp its implications and think it incorrect.


Well-Known Member
Except that's not the way gravity works. You (and current scientific theory) have it wrong. Mass does not come together, mass moves apart, and rightfully so, since the second law of thermodynamics states that entropy always INCREASES. That means mass gets less dense over time by means of expanding its volume.
The second law applies to closed systems. The universe as a whole is always increasing entropy but that doesn't preclude local areas of increased order. The universe will eventually experience heat death, the highest level of entropy but that doesn't mean that currently gravity cannot create a star.
So for instance, the planets in our solar system and our sun are one and the same object. The solar system is the sun, with its outer most boundary being the least dense area, naturally, since the density order of the universe is for the core of an object to be the most dense, and as the distance from the core increases, the density decreases. It's an "outward" flow of mass, and as the mass gets further away it gets less dense.
Our solar system used to be a big dust cloud, a state of high entropy. However, at some point, the force of gravity acted on it that created a local area of lower entropy when our star formed at the center.
So is that just a bunch of BS? NO! What it means is that the planets came from the sun, and they continue to get further away from the sun as time marches on. That also means that all the mass surrounding a black hole in a galaxy came from that black hole. The core of the galaxy being the most dense (black hole) and the outer boundary of the galaxy being the least dense. Everything moves AWAY from the core as the core itself gets less dense by expanding its volume. Mass evolves to space! The earth came from the sun.
There's no such thing as black holes if Einstein was wrong.


Well-Known Member
See, he somehow thinks science is arguing with HIM, over right and wrong. Joan d'Arc might agree with that kind of logic, but not Science.

There is no right and wrong in Science only the current Understanding and that's what makes him wrong in layman's terms.

Mass moves outward? Against gravity? In motion, mass exchanges energy to slow the rotation of the parent body and the orbit does move out.

Our moon was much closer, maybe even 50,000 miles. But, earth was rotating much faster. Conservation of Momentum is all that this concept is. Just some snake oil with window dressing to say it's the Correct way to perceive orbital
gravity mechanics.

It just does not play in the galactic scale. The outer reaches are rotating way too fast, and don't meet the Conservation of Momentum rule. It's how we discovered Dark Matter.

And, others, please don't fall into the lazy trap that some PhDs will figure it all out. By the time you learn what was figured out, they will have moved on.

Big Bang has tried to included Dark Matter and Energy, I just consider the math quite torturous, and not KISS, not Occam's Razor. But, that's the Theory and neither right or wrong.

So, no one but the truly lost will say there is any absolute Scientific proof of anything.


Well-Known Member
I'm a little behind. So what you guys are saying is that the big crunch/big bang theory is wrong. And the Dark Matter theory is more plausible. And it is basically where energy just forms, and pushes the galaxies apart. And sooner or later, no stars are going to be visible due to how far away they are. Is this because they are separating faster than the speed of light? Confusseeddddd, I need to do more reading.. But for now until I feel like it Id rather discuss it on here.

I had a theory the other night, givin that bigbang/bigcrunch theory was correct that the universes outside of our universe are constantly doing this cycle. And they zip around in random patterns. Now if youve ever read about String Theory(Me, of course I hardly know anything about it buuuttt....) then one of the parts I remember is that inside of quarks there are vibrant strings right? And they randomly jiggle around. Now what if, since space and time DO NOT exist in between the universes doing this cycle. What if those universes are actually strings in our life. And there is some crazy explanation as to where since there is no time and space,it is actually possible that HUGE/tinytinytiny universes(including our own) are currently making up the tiniest atomic particle, and ALSO making up the huge universes as they are? Just like a loop. Ive always believed in some kind of loops theory, but that theory makes made more sense to me than any other loop theory Ive come up with.
Well, you are mixing up a lot of Scientific thinking here, but, generally, pretty close to understanding the problem. We just don't know.

The vast, beyond imagination could instantly become tiny, beyond imagination, because the random fluctuation in Quantum pairs mean Locality as well and Causality (before/after) becomes indeterminate. Information exchange restraints, of the speed of light, are gone. Light is gone. There is no relativity (to what?)

So, the Universe could collapse instantly into the actual beginning state, not just a state similar to the initial Big Bang. But, the actual Bang just repeats itself. Non-causal means an instant (in the Now) reversion to the initial state. 40 billion years as if it never happened. The Universe just kills the old time line and starts again.

The Greeks seemed quite sure that "Time" was a repeating cycle. Maybe they were on to something? :)


Ursus marijanus
...my current understanding of things is that every single thing is a sexual interaction. From the 'bonds' to the bondage I guess (:lol: I kidding)

...but really, It's pretty amazing to think that what keeps things going here on earth is sex. We hold tensions, and or reproduce. Maybe the quantum level doesn't know why it does what it does either. Drive. <-- That's the deal on this side of the beyond. (imo)
Imo the question moots itself. At an atomic level there is no difference between alive and otherwise. Life organizes itself at the molecular level on up. Molecules and crystals are the highest level of organization in which atoms participate in a way that depends on their properties. Molecules are not alive, and neither are crystals. Large complex assemblies of molecules combine and confederate to form organelles etc. cn

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
You guys are all wrong. Gravity is just a concept created by the man to hold us down. Not me though. *puff, puff*

*floats away*


Well-Known Member

If you want to hear an actual physicist address some of these issues.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, seedling seems to be evading this discussion. Wasn't that the term he used when he accused Doer of not answering his questions? Ironic isn't it.
Maybe he now understands the futility of his argument and is too arrogant to admit he's wrong. Of course, there's always the possibility that he's such an idiot that he still thinks he's right and Galileo and all of the scientists since are wrong. Maybe he's right and we have another Nobel Prize winner in our midst. Amazing how many of them are on RIU.