Well-Known Member
I put this all out in the Science section for background if you want to read some more of it. I don't really favor anything, at this point, but the Big Bang Theory conforms to the math and to previous observation. But, I'll say why I think that is now un-trustworthy. So, BB is the Theory. If you want to go up against the Theory, the models need some observations we don't have.Hey Doer. I like the way you think, so I'm curious; what is the best model in your opinion and why?
But, BB is blown, to me because we know that Space seems to compress and therefore Lens light around large objects in "predictable" ways.
But, consider that even with the model, of Dark Matter; we say that gravity is being affected, we think, by other forms of Matter. That is just a guess. There is no model for what that matter could be. Some proposals. Just educated guesses that it even 'is' matter. The gravitation effect is observable, however. They have mapped our galactic DM cloud, by careful check of the material orbits left from the passing of the much smaller Sagittarius galaxy. But, it has a funny shape. Like a squashed beach ball, from the sides. More mystery.
Dark Energy is a calculation of the extra energy to account of the observation that Space is not only compressible it is filling in somehow.
It is not a lot of energy at all, but on the scale of the universe, accounts for 70% of all Energy. Dark Matter accounts for another 25% of the entire Energy Budget of the universe we can now observably calculate.
That's 5% left for our Reality.
If space is filling, the rate is only known, currently. It was recently discovered. Nothing can be said about the rate of Dark Energy in the past. Maybe it's erratic, or on it's own schedule. We can't assume it is a constant acceleration, as we couldn't assume there was no acceleration. We had to check. And we can be surprised.
If Dark Matter is in control of gravity, and Dark Energy is filling in Space and Space is compressible and de-compressible, then we have lost even the Standard Candle Type A Super Nova, as a measure of vast distance already.
We have no idea what tangled path that light came through to make the universe appear 17 billion years old. We don't know the speed of light in various regions of Space Density. It could be like a traffic jam out there and light is just breaking free into our cooler, less dense paint the pretty picture. We don't know. All bet are off. It could be the Density of Space and the Speed of Light are not constants.