New grower please help me save my plants if possible

Yeah I thought fox farms was great soil. Oh the ambient temp is 72. So i dont believe it is to hot I have a bag of (I assume yeast) I bought from amazon for the co2 generation. I have oscillation desk fans
I will stop using the ph altering things then for now since that seems to be the consensus. And stop using the root stuff. Thanks everyone. Im sure these ones wont survive but im hopeful but I planted 8 seeds behind them just in case
Totally agree with the advice to FORGET the scientific term "pH". If using normal products like soil and nutrients and you're smart enough to go way easy on nutrients and allow for a learning curve that term "power of hydrogen" is like so much fart gas.

In fact, besides common color test strips I have never worried about pH enough to buy a meter until now. Then only because I have homebuilt myself 2 DWC units. A 5 gallon and a 22 gallon. Now with hydro you DO need meters and pH Up and pH Down and etc. The 5 gallon is going up today with a clone of SSH rooted in plain old TAP WATER. Another un-mystery that people make far too complicated for beginners. Are there other ways? Yes! Good ways? Yes? Faster or better ways? Maybe. Easier for beginners to get cutting and rooting clones? No way!

Is knowing a soil pH harmful? No! Can it be useful? Hell yes! Is it necessary to grow good pot? No frigging way.
Dude, DO NOT LISTEN TO THE GUY TELLING YOU ABOUT PH. Don't worry about your PH on your first grow. As a matter of fact I would shelf Jorge Cervantes and whatever "marijuana grow book' you have. Think back to biology and science class in elementary and junior high school. Think about the grass on your lawn or flowers in a pot. Growing marijuana is so much more simple than you are making it out to be. Fox farm soil is fine to use. DO NOT ADD ANY SPECIAL ROOT SOLUTION or anything else. Put the seed two inces in the dirt and cover it. Add a little bit of water. Maker sure you have a fan oscillating on the pots at all times. Try and keep your room temperature below 85. Your lighting is fine. It sounds to me like you just need to have some air circulation and you have some heat problems. GROWING IS SIMPLE. when you have a couple grows under you belt then start thinking about PH and read up about what Jorge Cervantes says. KEEP IT SIMPLE. TAP WATER WILL GROW BOMB WEED. DO not over fertilize your plants. As a matter of fact you can grow bomb weed with fox farm and NO fertilizer. JUST ADD WATER. Don't listen to anyones bullshit about PH. Keep things simple. Plants need air moving on them, they need light, they need water, they need a decent soil (like fox farm) and the LOVE cooler temperature between 65 and 85 degrees. Also, you need to mimic DAY and NIGHT temps i.e. Hotter in the day and cooler at night. See that there is a 10-15 degree differential between night and day.
I agree about everything up to mimicing day and night temps ,that shit don't matter and I would have added once they pop above soil don't water them right away let them dry out, It looks like thats most of your problem. they need to dry out a bit or thy will just die
The few plants that look like they will survive are stunted some look like they could still be alive since they are still green but shriveled. The completly dead ones im gonna remove to make way for new ones. The best looking plant has the small fan leaves and they are growing but the small leaves(cotyl whatevers) are yellow and hard but those dont need to survive in order for the plant to grow or do they?
I transfered 5 to large containers(I used the square buckets they sell kitty litter in works great) 1 plant died 1 is slowly growing and 3 are thriving. Ordering more seeds in 2 or 3 days to replace the one that died and see if I can find 4 more buckets. After I expand beyond the 8 I need to expand out of the closet and I don't know what to hang the light from. Any suggestions?
I transfered 5 to large containers(I used the square buckets they sell kitty litter in works great) 1 plant died 1 is slowly growing and 3 are thriving. Ordering more seeds in 2 or 3 days to replace the one that died and see if I can find 4 more buckets. After I expand beyond the 8 I need to expand out of the closet and I don't know what to hang the light from. Any suggestions?
Yeah. Drill tons of holes in those frigging buckets if you haven't already done so. Any suggestion as to hanging a light of any size usually involves drilling into a joist or be prepared to suffer the consequences.
Im sure people just meant they are not good for young seedlings but perfect for like 1.5+ weeks. Ffof is a great soil !

So long as one lays off ANY nutrients for at least 3 weeks in FF OF due to the macro and micronutrients added. See Rosenthal for a table of common gardening soils and mediums with all their relative pH, Nitrogen in its various forms, and all the rest. FF OF is HOT!!!!!! The hottest of the mediums shown on that particular table.

I can tell by the questions that if you have Rosenthal's book you don't read it. Put it by your shitter. A great way to learn little facts that really are useful. If a grower here says Rosenthal has nothing he needs that "grower" is a dumb ass. And Rosenthal's book is the better of the two between his and Cervantes. Jorge knows weed but the Rosenthal book is far better for the educated if buying only one.
you are unprepared to grow. i tell you this as a friend. get your knowledge base up to speed, and get everything you need together before you start. i would be glad to assist you if you wish, but start off better:)
Well to answer you I have read both books and have taken notes. I read them everyday and they are in the restroom. My question is because I rent and cant leave holes in the wall or ceiling. Im thinking of buying the old clothes racks with the straight bar and hanging from that as I did with the cfls off the closet hanging bar.
Ok so now over the past few days my plants went from very healthy to having fungus gnats. I used a product called gognats and it seems to have worked but now have 1 wilted plant that was already stunted,1 plant with yellow/orange spots and 1 plant with yellow/orange pigments near the veins. Did the gnats cause this or was it the product? How do I treat these crops back to normal? I let it go for 2 days hoping it was just stress from using the product but it seemed to have gotten worse yesterday. To clarify most of the gnats are gone. I say most because I saw 1 today but I smashed it. If I can fix all these problems I will start up a journal. I just like keeping all my questions in this thread for now since this board seems to have numerous posts on the same general topics. Thanks. Oh before I forget im using ffof and happy frog to suppliment. Why do people transplant 2 or 3 times instead of just growing from the final container to begin with?
I checked under the leaves with a X15 magnifying glass for any spider mites. Thats not the problem. Some people say to water the leaves and some say not to. I do water them but only use a spray bottle. I use 3/4 of a spray bottle a day for 5 plants. Is that to little or to much and could spraying the leaves cause the yellow spots?
I checked under the leaves with a X15 magnifying glass for any spider mites. Thats not the problem. Some people say to water the leaves and some say not to. I do water them but only use a spray bottle. I use 3/4 of a spray bottle a day for 5 plants. Is that to little or to much and could spraying the leaves cause the yellow spots?

You are loving them to death just leave then alone. Don't water them don't spray them, just leave them alone
you are unprepared to grow. i tell you this as a friend. get your knowledge base up to speed, and get everything you need together before you start. i would be glad to assist you if you wish, but start off better:)

Gongshow grow bud.... You obviously were not ready to grow anything yet? Keep researching for a month and then try again!! Good luck!
Well theyt are growing fantastic so I don't think your criticism is warranted . Just because I have questions doesnt mean I can't grow because everyone should have questions no matter what. So I ask for help not negativity.
have you read this thread???? you think they are growing fantastic????? woa
Well theyt are growing fantastic so I don't think your criticism is warranted . Just because I have questions doesnt mean I can't grow because everyone should have questions no matter what. So I ask for help not negativity.