what i want in a bf


Well-Known Member
i've been single for a year , i haven't had any sexual encounters since february . with my ex who i dated forever .
i could obviously find a guy to fuck me but i want more than that

anyone in the area who is interested in chilling can email me

[email protected]
Okcupid worked for me after the divorce. I had been with the same person for 8 years... had no idea how to go back out into the dating scene. Bars got old quick.

OkC even has an Iphone app, great way to people watch and go on fun dates. I met the girl I'm with now on there... every thing I have been looking for in a woman.


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
i've been single for a year , i haven't had any sexual encounters since february . with my ex who i dated forever .
i could obviously find a guy to fuck me but i want more than that

anyone in the area who is interested in chilling can email me

Not to be the creepy uncle of RIU but..... There is a lot of traffic on this board. You never know what kind of person you're going to run into. Don't get me wrong, there are some really nice people on this site. But it only takes one bad apple to fuck up your life. Maybe you should edit out the email and tell people to private message you if they want the address. Plus, we most likely do have some undercover LEO's posing as members on here. Please be careful. :(


Well-Known Member
Stop with the 'fake' smile and the self conciousness.
Be yourself and smile like you mean it. You will find somebody.


Active Member
i'm going to take pics and advertise myself on riu as well, GEE WIZ. these girls gotta be shitting me out here. i'd take my time with yo fine self though. you thick just like i like em LMAO but no lie.


Well-Known Member
OK Jadi, here's the way I see it. You have self-esteem issues. (now i sound like Frasier). It doen't matter if you are ugly, that's not the point. There are people out there for you. Some ugly people go for good looking people (Frasier again!). Confidence comes from insde.
This isn't the best site to be asking these questions on because it's a male environment where we all tend to get a bit testoserone inflated.
I think what most people don't realise (male or female) is that in a man's eyes, looks count for 20% and in a woman's, 95%. Generally, I suspect it the woman who is far more worried about her looks and that affects behaviour and confidence etc which follow on to 'pulling power'.


Well-Known Member
You seem a little desperate(by a little I mean a lot )....not to be mean.. there are dating sites on the Internet ya kno.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I don't know where she gets the idea that she's ugly. It just boggles my mind.

Jadie you're a very beautiful young lady. So is my niece who could be your fucking twin (still freaking out over that). My niece is very confident and knows what she wants. She, like you, carries a little extra weight for her body frame. Doesn't stop her from being the beautiful young lady she is. She would never let some guy dictate how she should feel about herself or follow whatever beauty standards that are the norm for the day. Like another poster stated, I like a partner with a little meat on his/her bones. Who the hell wants to fuck a skeleton? Hang in there. Keep your head up and shine. You're a stoner chick. That's something to be proud of. ;)

I remember when the emaciated heroin addict look was in. People died for that fashion statement.


Well-Known Member
Not to be the creepy uncle of RIU but..... There is a lot of traffic on this board. You never know what kind of person you're going to run into. Don't get me wrong, there are some really nice people on this site. But it only takes one bad apple to fuck up your life. Maybe you should edit out the email and tell people to private message you if they want the address. Plus, we most likely do have some undercover LEO's posing as members on here. Please be careful. :(
Good ol' Uncle Carne, always lookin' out for those skylarkin' youngens.


Well-Known Member
i've been single for a year , i haven't had any sexual encounters since february . with my ex who i dated forever .
i could obviously find a guy to fuck me but i want more than that

anyone in the area who is interested in chilling can email me

[email protected]
u should change the word chilling to fucking lol good god i have to admit sometimes i like a slutty girl if only i lived in indiana :)


ha guys relax....it's an email account i literally just made. it's not connected to anything in my personal life. if i was desperate for just a fuck, i'd go to craiglist. i have an okc account as well. by chilling i meant chilling, i wouldn't just go to some random stranger's house right off the bat... yes i have low self esteem but it doesn't mean i'm an idiot.