Fucking Rippers

My deepest condolences to you on your loss :( If it makes you feel better, some years back (when I was a more aggressive grower) I had 2 plots of 50 beautiful early girl plants.. alll female... the amount of work to make these beds (which were dug 1 ft. deep and filled with quality soil mix) was staggering. 5 weeks into flowering someone came and ripped the fuck out of both beds... leaving me with only 4 transplant-able plants. I dug them up (5 ft plants with buds) wrapped the root balls in a burlap sack and carried them 1 by 1 in my arms to another location 2 miles away. This project began at 1am and ended at 5am shortly before the break of dawn. The night before harvesting I looked at them and they were pristine.. the best by far I had ever grown.. with a yield of approx 10lbs. I wanted to wait 1 more night until they were "perfect". The next day I went to collect my beauties.. and nothing was left except for what I took as a sign.. or a fuck you.. one of the 3 inch diameter stalks with the rootball laid diagonally across the grow area... everything else was empty holes.... I will never ever forget that.

Keep your head up, we have all been there and are here to help you through it.
all theives should be hung I hate getting shit stolen from me I've had plants stolen but also over 2,000 dollars worth of tools over time.
Better a tight wire across the path about 8" high. Punji stakes waiting. But one seriously has to consider if a child comes along. Kids shouldn't be harmed even by accident.
Did you have a yellow brick road track leading to your patch? if not it was 1- your growing partner 2- somebody you just had to show 3- they saw your parked car while you were visiting or preparing. This is how you get ripped 99% of the time, people dont just wander thru the bush and end up exactly at your patch and happen to be a rippoff ,it can happen but about 1:100 chance.
That sucks man you had a beautiful garden
I hate rippers with a passion

I worry about dope fiends gettin mine since I live directly across the street from a trap house ...

How many more plants u got left ...
Hope you still have something to smoke on bro
Up here in the northeast people go into the woods this time of year to look for hunting spots (and grows).My hubby when he used to hunt would stumble on grows now and then but he would never rip anyones meds.
Got hit tonight , fucking rippers. Took about 12 plants.

How do you think it happened? All you can is learn from this, have you showed any "friends"? Is it a guerrilla grow? If so was it far back in the woods or not far enough? Etc..
20 plants in total , some ripped up, some torn apart , others cut down. We are nonviolent people and grow accordingly , I believe karma with seek revenge. Lady behind me called police , we had to clean up the street where it was hauled off. Still left with a respectable amount :) it will take more than this shit to take me down.
Fuck bro, sorry to hear that. I was down in Cali last week and went on a hike with my younger brother in Coastal Range. We were WAY deep in the hills and came across a decent sized grow that looked beautiful! We stopped to admire the grow but didn't touch a thing! Yeah we smelled the buds, checked them out and what not, but left it where it was. Karma will do some anal spelunking for you...
^your garden was awesome! this is a part about riu i kind of hate...can't stand hearing about this garbage...
at least you have a great attitude...kudos on that...
well ............
I sure know how i feels to have some one cut your plants down.
Sorry for your loss :(
Whos property were you growing on. I found 12 plants along the edge of my corn field last year they were a welcome addition to my crop.