Fuck my whole crop is ruined


Well-Known Member
this girl your kicking out know about your grow? be carefull
Yeah i'm not kicking them out until she pop(have baby) and even if she did snitch it wouldn't be good for her health,i got a few friends in the sanitation industry who will help clean up a mess if needed ;-)
and you said they were looking great in veg...

Could it be a possibility you tried to amp them up to much once you switched to flower? Often growers try to raise ppm to early in flower looking for a heavy harvest but your final ppm in veg is good for your 1st week flower. It should be no higher than that. IME really the first few days to a week (depending on the strain) while they're going through the transition they are under a lot of stress and are not using as much nutes. I have found it beneficial to give plain water for the transition period. About week 4-6 is good to go with normal feeding (1000-1200ppm) or if you have a dialed in set up you can try to amp them up with higher ppm's. Careful though because its hard to bring a plant back from over fert easier to feed a under fertilized plant.


Well-Known Member
They all look a lot better except the herm which has been kinda treated badly almost her whole life,the clones branches are growing up nicely ,starting to look like one of those jewish candles lol,i still got a gang of seedlings so imma ride it out until December when i expect all plants/clones/seedlings to be done.Imma try to take better pics tonight,i got a 12 mp camera that still takes kinda shitty pictures but it has a lot of settings i got to find the right one


Well-Known Member
and you said they were looking great in veg...

Could it be a possibility you tried to amp them up to much once you switched to flower? Often growers try to raise ppm to early in flower looking for a heavy harvest but your final ppm in veg is good for your 1st week flower. It should be no higher than that. IME really the first few days to a week (depending on the strain) while they're going through the transition they are under a lot of stress and are not using as much nutes. I have found it beneficial to give plain water for the transition period. About week 4-6 is good to go with normal feeding (1000-1200ppm) or if you have a dialed in set up you can try to amp them up with higher ppm's. Careful though because its hard to bring a plant back from over fert easier to feed a under fertilized plant.
Yeah i slightly over ferted 1 day,cause i didn't plan on feeding them for a while but i fed again by mistake have identical jugs one i use for plain water and one for the nutes,bottled water actually fucked the PH up with the clones,it was neutral but i figured a 6.7 p.h isn't that bad,but im fixing that.


Well-Known Member
I opened the closet about 25 minutes ago and stinky girls they are even with the citrus magic in the closet but the smell didn't come out so it's cool.
Also the plant that will finish first will stop yellowing badly after all the under leaves fall off they don't need.If i didn't LST it wouldn't do it but those
bud sites need light and air and branches were too close to each other,sounds like a deficiency but ill show her soon with the main leaves still green lol


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
ha ha waht an a hole ha ha
I'm not an ass hole i was just saying I'm not growing for seeds,if i was I'd be happy to have a herm to cross with a clone instead of buying CS to make a male since people think buying
colloidal silver is the only way to make females seeds.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of colloidal silver that shit is dangerous for out health and i wouldn't use that shit if i was paid.

Friendly Caregiver

Well-Known Member
Dont be stupid and keep the hermie. THere is nothing you can do to save it, ESPECIALLY at week 3-4 flowering. Cut your losses and keep your best looking plants. And you don't think you hurt the yield? You have most likely cut the yield by 50% because of this silly mistake, not only the time it will take them to recover. Don't be surprised at ALL if you have to go into 11-12 weeks of flowering instead of 8. But its a learning experience, and take it for what its worth.
Dont be stupid and keep the hermie. THere is nothing you can do to save it, ESPECIALLY at week 3-4 flowering. Cut your losses and keep your best looking plants. And you don't think you hurt the yield? You have most likely cut the yield by 50% because of this silly mistake, not only the time it will take them to recover. Don't be surprised at ALL if you have to go into 11-12 weeks of flowering instead of 8. But its a learning experience, and take it for what its worth.
Couldn't have said it better! It's amazing at how a simple mistake or overlook in the somewhat early stages can effect the over harvest that much, but I've seen it so many times. People wonder why my garden rarely goes past nine weeks, yet their garden with the same cuts takes 2 to 3 weeks longer to mature. I've had outdoor plants that were all the same strain but in different locations within a 5 acre plot and its always fun to watch how little environmental changes (or manmade) can effect yield, length of flowering, and overall plant health. I have one OG Kush that was cut from the same mom at the same time, same height, etc as all the rest of my og cuts and for some reason it is going to yield easily 25% more than any of it's sisters. They're in the same coco, same nutes, same greenhouse, blah blah blah. I just wish she would talk some shit to her sisters and get them to step up, lol!



Well-Known Member
Dont be stupid and keep the hermie. THere is nothing you can do to save it, ESPECIALLY at week 3-4 flowering. Cut your losses and keep your best looking plants. And you don't think you hurt the yield? You have most likely cut the yield by 50% because of this silly mistake, not only the time it will take them to recover. Don't be surprised at ALL if you have to go into 11-12 weeks of flowering instead of 8. But its a learning experience, and take it for what its worth.
Naw the plant that have 2 herm branches hasn't been flowering for a week even and as i said it it doesn't show sex on the side of the node(no calyx or staminate on the node) with the herm branches.Also i wasn't planning on keeping it and if i did i would just move it to another room and watch the progress,if they start growing in the fully female parts imma scrap it or throw one of my clones with it and make babies lol and i cloned/lollipopped my plants when they were 3-5 weeks old and had no stop of growth so no recovery time,thats like saying if i pull a fan leaf off it needs to recover.Btw i threw out 2 early showing herms this year already and they actually had male and female parts in all nodes.

Friendly Caregiver

Well-Known Member
Naw the plant that have 2 herm branches hasn't been flowering for a week even and as i said it it doesn't show sex on the side of the node(no calyx or staminate on the node) with the herm branches.Also i wasn't planning on keeping it and if i did i would just move it to another room and watch the progress,if they start growing in the fully female parts imma scrap it or throw one of my clones with it and make babies lol and i cloned/lollipopped my plants when they were 3-5 weeks old and had no stop of growth so no recovery time,thats like saying if i pull a fan leaf off it needs to recover.Btw i threw out 2 early showing herms this year already and they actually had male and female parts in all nodes.
I guarantee you that if you keep that harmie in your neighbors house, YET ALONE your own house, you will still pollinate those plants. As i said, cut your losses and move on. You have much to learn. Take the "I-know-everything" attitude somewhere else.


Well-Known Member
I guarantee you that if you keep that harmie in your neighbors house, YET ALONE your own house, you will still pollinate those plants. As i said, cut your losses and move on. You have much to learn. Take the "I-know-everything" attitude somewhere else.
I left a male in another room before and didn't get any seeds,stop tryna give good advice when u have none.If you don't like how i do things go post elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
Anyway who remember the post i made about the certain smell in male plants? Well the herm has that smell now and no I'm not crazy,i know the difference between horse shit and cow shit lol


Well-Known Member
I remember that post, I've never noticed it before but maybe you got a sixth sense of weed sexing!
You right maybe i do,people think i'm just trying to make things up,i just take notice of Plant anatomy instead of just calyx or staminate,i wish i could send everybody
a sample smell from 3 males i have now that all smell is exactly the same but different strains.


Well-Known Member
you do realize that your credability shrinks every time you say your herm would make fem seed right... you do know thats not how it works right.... right.... hermie begets hermi. go learn something


Well-Known Member
you do realize that your credability shrinks every time you say your herm would make fem seed right... you do know thats not how it works right.... right.... hermie begets hermi. go learn something
If i am wrong why do people use Colloidal Silver to basically herm a plant to cross with another plant? My statement was about 3 identical smells from 3 different plants that i currently have with labels from different strains,and my credibility doesn't have to mean anything to you or anyone in that fact since not one has disproved or discredited my findings with evidence.I'm sure you are like many of the other people currently logged in on RIU you read and believe anything on the Internet instead
of learning from experience,and in addition those same people only have one objective and that is to Burn and not learn.Would you say you are one of the many growers
who see male parts and just trash besides actually studying the plant? The majority of the people on this site (95%) are growing or trying to grow a Sinsemilla crop so
i'm sure they don't take the time for observation and many will make erroneous claims about my findings.