RIU tolerance break now over


Well-Known Member
So you're lurking to check out how big my dick is? I am an only child.

Don't give me that only child shit,I find the pics funny,bcuz you actually took time out into finding it,you go great length to show how racist you are,but it doesn't offend people,it just shows how stupid and ignorant you are,but don't take it out on all of us bcuz some black dude probably beat the shit out of you in school,now you get revenge with posting shit like this.


Well-Known Member
Just join the police force like all the other white boys do whenever they get bullied in high school,and not get the attention that they wanted,and arrest and harass us,or better yet,go in your bathroom,open the cabnet and eat all of the pills,and take a nap.


Well-Known Member
Just join the police force like all the other white boys do whenever they get bullied in high school,and not get the attention that they wanted,and arrest and harass us,or better yet,go in your bathroom,open the cabnet and eat all of the pills,and take a nap.
so you're another Kaendar. fucking cry-baby.


Well-Known Member
Don't give me that only child shit,I find the pics funny,bcuz you actually took time out into finding it,you go great links to show how racist you are,but it doesn't offend people,it just shows how stupid and ignorant you are,but don't take it out on all of us bcuz some black dude probably beat the shit out of you in school,now you get revenge with posting shit like this.

Ok, you got me... I have multiple half brothers and half sisters. I am black, btw so please believe they all came from one cooter but multiple fathers.

It's great lengths, not links. Please see above picture.

Were you nominated to speak on behalf of the entire RIU? No everyone appreciates what I say, but not everyone is black or choking on black dick either.

You assume a lot. So I will too. I assume that you're late on child support and will be in jail by the end of this month.


Well-Known Member
Don't give me that only child shit,I find the pics funny,bcuz you actually took time out into finding it,you go great length to show how racist you are,but it doesn't offend people,it just shows how stupid and ignorant you are,but don't take it out on all of us bcuz some black dude probably beat the shit out of you in school,now you get revenge with posting shit like this.

You tried correcting "you go to great links" to "you go to great length." I will help you again, it is lengths.



Well-Known Member
Ok, you got me... I have multiple half brothers and half sisters. I am black, btw so please believe they all came from one cooter but multiple fathers.

It's great lengths, not links. Please see above picture.

Were you nominated to speak on behalf of the entire RIU? No everyone appreciates what I say, but not everyone is black or choking on black dick either.

You assume a lot. So I will too. I assume that you're late on child support and will be in jail by the end of this month.
LMAO....I think you are confused,stop mixing crack with your weed and putting it in your bong.I'm not gonna go back and forth with you,it's obvious that you are a troll so,I tell you what,just finish slitting your wrist to some death metal music,and just hurry up and die,nobody is gonna miss you anyway.