It seems reasonable to not trust the scientists in this case. There was a big leak of emails between the scientists conspiring to cook the books. The global warming hypothesis is based on models of the climate, and actual measurements of the atmosphere and temperature going back a few decades.
Completely glossed over are some uncomfortable facts: it was warmer on Earth during the Roman era, for example, and the warming that is causing all the hand wringing comes at the end of the little ice age.
Before you are going to convince me to embark on a huge wealth transfer to the government and its cronies you need to get the global warming guess just a little more iron clad.
Twenty years ago all the hand wringers were decrying global cooling and "the coming ice age".
Canndo, I like you. You are by far the smartest and most pleasant of all the left-wing loons on RIU (how's that for a left handed compliment rolled up in troll sauce

), but you have not proven your claim of FOX news being liars.
I can cite multiple examples of outright lies from traditional, left wing media. You need to come up with a similar list from FOX before any of your hurled stones will actually break a pane of glass in my glass-house.