I messed up, can you help a brother out? +rep

it lloks like ur lacking basically everything it neds what kind of soil r u using and what kind of light may be to much water aswell


Well-Known Member
pot looks too big which oftentimes leads to overwatering and yea it looks over watered get a lot of light on it and let it dry out
now there is a sig quote.;-)

it does look over watered.
Haha! I saw that after i hit the post button, i typed it during a wakenbake sesh and clearly was thinking something else.

i think im going to switch to a smaller pot.

thanks for the advice

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
Fill your pot with 20% perlite from bottom for great drainage. Also get a soil tester it measures the moist in the soil. I water mine when the tester indicates the soil is 2% moist


Well-Known Member
All these people came flocking to provide suggestions so they could earn some rep. The funny part is that OP hasn't provided enough details to properly diagnose what is wrong with the plant, yet everyone seems to already have the answer.

OP, can you provide some details about the plant, environment, foods, soil, lighting, temps? If you do, I will try to accurately diagnose what the heck is wrong with your droopy plant.


Well-Known Member
I'm not looking for rep fella.
All these people came flocking to provide suggestions so they could earn some rep. The funny part is that OP hasn't provided enough details to properly diagnose what is wrong with the plant, yet everyone seems to already have the answer.

OP, can you provide some details about the plant, environment, foods, soil, lighting, temps? If you do, I will try to accurately diagnose what the heck is wrong with your droopy plant.

so the plant is in a stealth armoire under a 70w mh and 4x 23w 6500k cfls, it is at about 79 degrees all the time and has a fan blowing on it. the soil is a blend of perlite, peat moss, blood and bone meal, organic potting soil and i water with an organic plant food.

As for the plant, it is a clone i took from a female plant three weeks ago. the clone rooted around day 9 and was left under two cfls for another week for it to root some more. i transplanted the clone to its new home in my veg chamber about three or four days ago, its sister in a smaller pot is flourishing, although it was a little yellow on the upper leaves.

I hope this helps the diagnosis, and do you think it can recover?

thank you all


Well-Known Member
I stand by my earlier statement and add stop feeding it any organic nutesfor awhile it should have enough in it for now, let it dry out real good then soak the soil heavily then let it dry out etc. how often you feed it

so the plant is in a stealth armoire under a 70w mh and 4x 23w 6500k cfls, it is at about 79 degrees all the time and has a fan blowing on it. the soil is a blend of perlite, peat moss, blood and bone meal, organic potting soil and i water with an organic plant food.

As for the plant, it is a clone i took from a female plant three weeks ago. the clone rooted around day 9 and was left under two cfls for another week for it to root some more. i transplanted the clone to its new home in my veg chamber about three or four days ago, its sister in a smaller pot is flourishing, although it was a little yellow on the upper leaves.

I hope this helps the diagnosis, and do you think it can recover?

thank you all


Well-Known Member
I you lift your pot does it feel heavy? If so then it’s overwatering for sure. The pearlite content of your soil seem minimal I would seriously increase it. Also your pot is much too big, I like to transplant my babes a few time in veg giving them time to establish a good root ball each time, I start with clones in 4” pots then transplant them too 6” pots at 1 weeks veg, 8” pots at 3 1/2 weeks veg then finally put them in 12” pots at 5 weeks veg just a week before turning the light to 12/12


Well-Known Member
how often do you feed? what do you feed? is MG involved here? lol give us allllllll the dirty details of what you have done to this poor, innocent plant.