desert dude
Well-Known Member
Much like you're sex life.... (couldn't resist)
Good one. I shant forget when the time comes to respond in kind

Much like you're sex life.... (couldn't resist)
ooooh... that time of the month?
The only way we are ever really going to fix our problems is to be like a phoenix and rise from the ashes. Vote for the fastest burn time you can think of and get it over quick, vote Obama. Romney will only drag it out, this turkey is done, put a fork in her.Personally, I hope Obama wins. It seems appropriate that he take the blame for this fiscal disaster.
The only thing I would like about a Romney win would be the weeping and gnashing of teeth, and crescendo of moans of "RACISM" from the lefties. Though that would cause some momentary and ugly exultation on my part, it would be short lived and ultimately unsatisfying.
time for 4 more years of Obama, madbro?
The only way we are ever really going to fix our problems is to be like a phoenix and rise from the ashes. Vote for the fastest burn time you can think of and get it over quick, vote Obama. Romney will only drag it out, this turkey is done, put a fork in her.
I'm not the one who is acting like a wounded cunt.
The only way we are ever really going to fix our problems is to be like a phoenix and rise from the ashes. Vote for the fastest burn time you can think of and get it over quick, vote Obama. Romney will only drag it out, this turkey is done, put a fork in her.
Guess you aren't a patriot.
Poor guy...
the GOP and their followers hate at least 47% of America.
... and the Demobrats hate 99% of the people, you are evidence of that.
cool story bro
Tell it again
is there a medical school in Moscow?
Probably. I am pretty sure you won't be accepted there either.
Guadalajara has a pretty good med school and they do accept American students. You might try that one.
Personally, I hope Obama wins. It seems appropriate that he take the blame for this fiscal disaster.
ya mean that recession that he didn't create?
you're a gigantic douche. and a racist to boot.
Is it your turn, or Cheesus' turn to go over to Stormfront and create phony accounts for your enemies?
So sadjust another Left pissing match. No substance.