Eric Holder cleared in Fast and Furious


Well-Known Member
Yet again the GOP looking retarded.

Issa wasted all that time, money and effort hoping to blemish the administration and got his ass handed to him, way to go!


Well-Known Member
It just means he wasn't doing his job as the top guy because it appears he was clueless.


Well-Known Member
It just means he wasn't doing his job as the top guy because it appears he was clueless.

This is straight up partisan Hackery at the top levels, they were hiding it from him to blemish the administration and got an agent killed, wasted time, effort, money and exported violence south. He didn't even know about it, yet another one to blame in the previous administration. AND THEY GOT CAUGHT. Only time Obama invoked executive privilege and he did it because the GOP congress is TREASONOUS.

The world is laughing at us.


Well-Known Member
Yet again the GOP looking retarded.

Issa wasted all that time, money and effort hoping to blemish the administration and got his ass handed to him, way to go!
Yes, his employee said he was not to blame...

Which is why they should have had a special prosecutor.


Well-Known Member
Wait, so you are trying to blame the GOP for a debacle that happened in the Obama Administration? Impressive.
I'm not just trying, and I'm certainly not the only one, read the article, I can't make this shit up. He didn't even know, and not because of incompetence, because he trusted his office.

desert dude

Well-Known Member

This is straight up partisan Hackery at the top levels, they were hiding it from him to blemish the administration and got an agent killed, wasted time, effort, money and exported violence south. He didn't even know about it, yet another one to blame in the previous administration. AND THEY GOT CAUGHT. Only time Obama invoked executive privilege and he did it because the GOP congress is TREASONOUS.

The world is laughing at us.
It appears the world is laughing at Holder.

From the link you provided:

"The initial headlines shouted that the IG report had exonerated Holder. That's one interpretation. But the portrait the report paints of Holder's management is deeply disturbing. Time and again, information and warnings about the operation's enormous risks flow from Arizona to Washington … and suddenly, mysteriously, stop just short of Holder.

The inspector general's report concludes that they can find no evidence Holder knew about Fast and Furious until well after Terry's death, but … well, the circumstances of Holder being so out of the loop, so in the dark about a major operation certainly appear unusual, perhaps to the point of straining credulity."

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I'm not just trying, and I'm certainly not the only one, read the article, I can't make this shit up. He didn't even know, and not because of incompetence, because he trusted his office.
I think you should actually read the stories you link to before you claim the world is laughing at "us". The article is making it pretty clear that Holder was responsible but not accountable.

From your link:

"A suspicious mind could look at this strange pattern of underling, after deputy, after staffer not mentioning critical information, and information getting all the way to Holder's office but not being seen by the AG himself, and conclude Holder's staffers were keeping him in the dark. Would that be to preserve his "plausible deniability"? Another conclusion might be that someone just wasn't honest with the inspector general."


Well-Known Member
Me too. You often find it in stories about Obama's administration. At least the prez is good for the vocabulary of mostly low IQ Democrats.
yes, democrats are low IQ. that must be why santorum said smart people will never be with them. :lol:

you're a gigantic douche. not to mention a racist.


Well-Known Member
I think you should actually read the stories you link to before you claim the world is laughing at "us". The article is making it pretty clear that Holder was responsible but not accountable.

From your link:

"A suspicious mind could look at this strange pattern of underling, after deputy, after staffer not mentioning critical information, and information getting all the way to Holder's office but not being seen by the AG himself, and conclude Holder's staffers were keeping him in the dark. Would that be to preserve his "plausible deniability"? Another conclusion might be that someone just wasn't honest with the inspector general."
mmhmm, Wilkinson sent 3 emails that day and withheld the most crucial piece of info. That is why the IG exonerated him.

You need to read it, it said "Repeatedly, everyone under Holder seems to do everything possible to make sure he isn't informed"

desert dude

Well-Known Member
It seems the British press understands that when the attorney general investigates himself, the investigatory outcome is likely to exonerate the attorney general. Surprise!

It strains credulity, I say. Read that last line with a cockney accent.

"We now know that the best that can be said about Holder is that he was oblivious to a major, exceptionally dangerous operation going on within his organization. And the most generous interpretation of that is that he had staffed his office with professionals who had epically flawed judgment in deciding what the nation's top law-enforcement officer needed to know.

There are still some big questions that remain – including whether this should stand as the final investigation of the subject; and whether it is appropriate for a government official assigned to sniff out mismanagement, corruption, and cover-ups to be reporting to the exact officials he's investigating."