Again with the 'lefties' bullshit. Clearly nothing was learned from previous posts... If you're not a leftie, you shouldn't take offense!
When I get paid less than $15,000/year, and pay over 15% in income tax, If you make $15k, you don't pay 15% bro, you shouldn't be paying over $1,100in federal income taxes. and Gov. Romney get's paid over $20 MILLION and pays less than 13% in income tax, and bitches about "freeloaders" paying MORE than he does Dude, there are few people in this country that pay more in income taxes than Mitt Romney, I think you're getting hung up on percentages instead of dollars paid, to me, it pretty much renders that argument fucking off the charts retarded. By his own goddamn logic, he himself is a "freeloader". How the fuck can't you comprehend this shit? How is it that a guy that paid over $3million in taxes is a freeloader but a guy like you that paid around $1,100 gets to bitch about it? It take s quite a bit these days to get me pissed off but you're doing a fine job at it my friend..
EDIT: I must have misunderstood that question...
Mitt Romney is claiming 47% of the country is utilizing some government aid. He's further claiming of that 47%, most don't have jobs and are simply suckling off the gov. teet. When 40% of that number make up elderly who have paid into social security their entire working career, and disabled or handicapped vets who can't earn a living because of their service for the country. No wonder your so pissed, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about! People on SS or disability are not taxed on their benefits unless they have supplemental income on top of it. The military pay taxes on their pay unless they are in combat.
So you better revise your 40% and quit reading those idiotic left wing propaganda websites.
You sir, are a goddamn idiot falling for everything the GOP propaganda machine is spitting out because you hate Obama so much, probably because that same machine has brainwashed your retarded ass into voting against your own goddamn interest.
Dude, don't tell me what my fucking interests are, I have a much better grip on my circumstances than some dolt on a political forum, why don't you worry about you and I'll worry about me.
What the fuck are you talking about? From 1:10-1:39, Cenk says it is dominantly republican states (red state) in the south who have the most occupants who DO NOT PAY INCOME TAX. What the fuck do red states have to do with anything? LOL Romney's 47% figure includes, social security (those that have already PAID into it, justified "entitlement", medicade, elderly and vets. Fuck you for supporting rich white upperclass faggots who find loopholes to get away from paying their own goddamn fair share in taxes. You clearly are goddamn retarded. How the fuck old are you? I demand a goddamn answer. You must be a leftie if you were dumb enough to fall for that strawman.
Who the fuck is arguing about where the 47% is coming from? Romney just said 47% did not pay federal income taxes, are you saying this is not a fact or are you butthurt because he was right? And who the fuck are you to tell me I have to pay more money in taxes to support these people?
Jesus fucking Christ... Romney claims... fuck dude, I'm done bothering... this shit is pointless..
You are the stupidest fucking person I've come into contact with on this forum. I have been active since 2008.