Question about TRIPPING BALLS!


Well-Known Member
K so i jus tripped the other day on wat id call my first real shroom trip. Ive eatin a 1.5 of home grown before and had some ok visuals everything was trippy looking but not morphing or nothing crazy.. No faces just everything had "that look" to it. When id walk things seemed like they were seperating or things were kinda floating a little when id stare at an object on my dresser id feel wobbly cuz it seemed like what ever i was staring at was floating kinda but it wasent intense at all.

So the other day i ate 3 grams and during the come up about an hour or so in i ate another gram. Everything was super intense lol but i was fine till 3 hours in and then it got a little too intense. Just for 5 minutes literally. No longer. Anyway i dont remember having any crazy visuals like people say like still no morphing or watching something melt or burn. Nothing crazy. I just felt soooooo fucked up. But my freak out momen wasent bad i handeled it good as fuck. We were sitting outside and i was havin a great time laughing talkin i was tripping having the whole thought process of shrooms u know and i was fine 100% wasent stressin jus thining a shitload abou life and myself but nothing bad or NOTHING at all that shuda made what happened happen..thats why its so weird to me. But anyway i started feeling crazy nautious and i stood up said i wasent feelin well walked myself to the door couldnt see shit when i went in and i jus collpased on the couch unable to see or focus and it felt like ten second it took me to roll over so i was on my back i cudnt move it was weird as fuck. Basically there was people looking right me when i was on my back and i had my eyes open and was staring straight up and didnt make them out and realize they were there for 30 seconds lol. I sweated for prolly 7 minutes from head to toe pouring sweat and then i was fine. I was never scared really at all even during it so i dont kno what caused it. I also wanna know was i too fucked up to notice the visuals and shit because of how fucked up i was and how much i ate for my first time really tripping?


Well-Known Member
Some people aren't very visual trippers. I'm one of them. The experiences where I've had intense visuals have been rare and generally involved pretty hefty doses. All of them have been pretty memorable experiences. Tripping is a much more mental experience for me. Don't worry about it and keep exploring and one day maybe you'll experience it.
the last time I had a really visual experience was on about 300mg of MDMA and ~5g of mushies. It was intense, there were dragons made of color changing energy flying in and out of paintings. The (turned off) tv looked awesome.


Well-Known Member
I had a very visual experience on 2mg of 25c that was my first time ever tripping. From mushrooms tho it wasent anything like the 25c. Although I did enjoy it i was having a great time. After my lil episode i was dead tired tho. Much more clear headed but tired as fuck.


Well-Known Member
Maybe your next trip will be more visual. I'm the opposite. I always have visual OEV and CEV. Except for one time. It started out as an insane CEV trip, but then quickly turned into a completely different thing that turned into a totally body/mind experience. And it lasted hours. I love it when things start to melt and reform. Words on the computer screen start moving like a marquee. And watching movies and the colors start to change around are the norm for me. Good luck and good times to you buddy.


bud bootlegger
Maybe your next trip will be more visual. I'm the opposite. I always have visual OEV and CEV. Except for one time. It started out as an insane CEV trip, but then quickly turned into a completely different thing that turned into a totally body/mind experience. And it lasted hours. I love it when things start to melt and reform. Words on the computer screen start moving like a marquee. And watching movies and the colors start to change around are the norm for me. Good luck and good times to you buddy.
i'm the same way desprout.. things definitely get very visual for me when i do any lucy.. it's been awhile, but i remember everything flowing and breathing and colors are always awesome as well.. i don't think i've ever had a full on hallucination though that i can recall.. i always see what is there, but not in it's true state, lol...


Well-Known Member
i always see what is there, but not in it's true state, lol...
This is what i see too. And colors are sweet. I sat down on the ground and had my legs out not straight but out with my knees bent s little and the creases in my calf were so prominent and made my leg look long as hell lol


bud bootlegger
This is what i see too. And colors are sweet. I sat down on the ground and had my legs out not straight but out with my knees bent s little and the creases in my calf were so prominent and made my leg look long as hell lol
i always loved tripping in the fall.. when the leaves start to change color and drop on the ground.. i find tripping in nature to be one of the better environments to trip in.. loved looking at the veins and stuff in leaves and other things in nature...

the clouds around here the past several days have been super crazy.. very fluffy and huge, low hanging, etc.. been really making me want to bust out the few hits of cid i have stored away and get to gettin.. :D


Well-Known Member
Mescaline in the spring is amazing. You feel the rebirth of the world all around you and colors are exquisite on mesc.


Well-Known Member
I always induce visuals by going into a dark room and smoking a cigarette. Once the trails start massively from the cherry in the dark, the colors start streaming in as well. After that walk out of the dark room and visuals will be in full effect.


New Member
I know what your talking about. When I ate 5 grams of Shrooms I had a incredible body high and I just felt fucked up, and with Shrooms I never really had intense visuals or anything like that. Shit changed color and walls were breathing and I felt like I smoked a Quarter of dank ass bud.
But another time I just had a 1/8 and I tripped pretty hard. I was in my room with the lights off just listening to music with my bro's and all of the sudden shit was moving and I wee seeing geometric patterns on the walls for a little. I wish I never turned the fucking lights on. Sometimes you trip harder then other times. The most Shrooms I ever ate at once was 8 grams and that was one of the most fun experiences ever. Besides when I dropped Cid for the first time. That was the greatest day of my life for some reason.