Eric Holder cleared in Fast and Furious

desert dude

Well-Known Member
So, executive privilege, transparency, treasonous GOP, nothing to say righties?
God, that's hilarious.

You have just been handed your ass over the last 86 posts and you don't even realize it.

You keep quoting the article, and you don't realize that it does not support the point you are trying to make. Let me paraphrase the article: it strains credulity (look it up) to believe Eric Holder was not aware of Fast and Furious. Eric Holder investigated himself and concluded he was blameless... SURPRISE!!!

This thread needs 11 stars. At least. Maybe even make it a sticky.

AC, smoke another joint and get back to your medical studies.


Well-Known Member
God, that's hilarious.

You have just been handed your ass over the last 86 posts and you don't even realize it.

You keep quoting the article, and you don't realize that it does not support the point you are trying to make. Let me paraphrase the article: it strains credulity (look it up) to believe Eric Holder was not aware of Fast and Furious. Eric Holder investigated himself and concluded he was blameless... SURPRISE!!!

This thread needs 11 stars. At least. Maybe even make it a sticky.

AC, smoke another joint and get back to your medical studies.
you ought to learn the difference between opinion and fact, I am quite aware that the article is biased against holder and yet i have still found all i need in it.

"[Holder] should have been informed by no later than December 17, 2010, that two firearms recovered at the Terry murder scene were linked to an ATF firearms trafficking investigation … We found that although [Holder's then deputy-chief-of-staff Monty] Wilkinson forwarded to Holder during the afternoon of December 15 three emails from the US Attorney's Office providing further details about the shooting and law enforcement efforts to find and arrest the suspects, he did not notify the Attorney General of the revelation that two weapons found at the murder scene were linked to a suspect in an ATF firearms trafficking investigation."

Now dipshit, sort through opinions, as you stated in Canndo's thread on fox lies, you clearly know the difference, but in this case you seem to have forgotten. Are you that stupid? Or just that desperate to feel like you are winning?


Well-Known Member
Let's see you use an MSNBC article to support YOUR conclusion.
C'mon, Really?? You don't think Holder knew anything at all? Just didn't read E-Mails sent to him, just fucking clueless? You think the guy in charge of all the legal shit prosecuting things on a federal level should be this ignorant? You want ignorant inept know nothings in high powers of office? You want the USA to fail and fail fucking hard don't you?


Well-Known Member
C'mon, Really?? You don't think Holder knew anything at all? Just didn't read E-Mails sent to him, just fucking clueless? You think the guy in charge of all the legal shit prosecuting things on a federal level should be this ignorant? You want ignorant inept know nothings in high powers of office? You want the USA to fail and fail fucking hard don't you?
let me simplify this even more



Well-Known Member
Furthermore, now that the documents withheld by executive privilege are out, why isn't Issa complaining about the IG's findings?

Since you righties are so stupid, I have to point out I just destroyed your argument that holder's own employee found him innocent.

Come on girls...

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Furthermore, now that the documents withheld by executive privilege are out, why isn't Issa complaining about the IG's findings?

Since you righties are so stupid, I have to point out I just destroyed your argument that holder's own employee found him innocent.

Come on girls...
Calm down, Nancy. You're foaming at the mouth.


Well-Known Member
tens of thousands of Mexican people?
The Mexican government will have to pursue that route. But I am wholeheartedly for it. We all know it will never happen though. All those guys are gonna go off to their new cushy jobs as lobbyists, highly paid litigation lawyers or partners in law firms. They got no worries.