Active Member
Silver is up because the fed announced what is basically unlimited QE( Free currency).
Wait til the Government requires all 401K 's to be converted to US Bonds. They are gonna take your retirement money somehow, there is $16 trillion of it sitting untouched.
Yup, QE3 too, forgot to mention that. QE4 will occur too... it's inevitable. Amazing how some don't see the handwriting on the wall.
Yes, a plan called GRA plan presented to congress in 2008 goes over just that. Confiscation and redistribution of 401k's and government pension plans, so that everyone can have a "Guaranteed retirement fund". Though I doubt that exact plan will pass, I have no doubt the government will find it's way to get it's hand on various forms of retirement funds, other than SS, which it's already fucked over.
Wait till China and other major countries really start buying vast amounts of silver and gold. Wait till a percentage of people in the USA really start buying silver and gold. Wait till our credit rating goes to an F over time. Wait till every country circumvents the OPEC agreements. Only then will people realize silver was way undervalued at it's current price. These same people who don't understand the value of silver, don't understand anything I've written above though, so it's no wonder their completely oblivious.