Silver! Who Is On This Train?

Silver is up because the fed announced what is basically unlimited QE( Free currency).

Wait til the Government requires all 401K 's to be converted to US Bonds. They are gonna take your retirement money somehow, there is $16 trillion of it sitting untouched.

Yup, QE3 too, forgot to mention that. QE4 will occur too... it's inevitable. Amazing how some don't see the handwriting on the wall.

Yes, a plan called GRA plan presented to congress in 2008 goes over just that. Confiscation and redistribution of 401k's and government pension plans, so that everyone can have a "Guaranteed retirement fund". Though I doubt that exact plan will pass, I have no doubt the government will find it's way to get it's hand on various forms of retirement funds, other than SS, which it's already fucked over.

Wait till China and other major countries really start buying vast amounts of silver and gold. Wait till a percentage of people in the USA really start buying silver and gold. Wait till our credit rating goes to an F over time. Wait till every country circumvents the OPEC agreements. Only then will people realize silver was way undervalued at it's current price. These same people who don't understand the value of silver, don't understand anything I've written above though, so it's no wonder their completely oblivious.
You all are delusional.. You are thinking like people of today's market. If you really think that things which grow in the ground are only valuable if they are illegal you have fallen victim to the system already. Food will be the most valuable commodity there is and it has to be grown by someone. Think sustainably not like the hoarding money grubbers that got us into this mess.

When I purchase seeds from someone, I don't need to buy their food anymore. I just throw the seeds in the ground and grow it myself. That's why weed will plummet in value regardless of any situation that makes it legal or able to be grown by a majority of people.
silver bullion and minted silver makes up a TINY percentage of the total amount of silver

the big tech companies aren't gonna be hounding the bullion silver investor for silver because it's going to become "so precious" for industrial use

IDK why ppl think this is the case

If anything, the government will make posssession of metals illegal again and "demand" the confiscation of precious metals and re-peg the new price against our fiat shit currency
silver bullion and minted silver makes up a TINY percentage of the total amount of silver

the big tech companies aren't gonna be hounding the bullion silver investor for silver because it's going to become "so precious" for industrial use

IDK why ppl think this is the case

If anything, the government will make posssession of metals illegal again and "demand" the confiscation of precious metals and re-peg the new price against our fiat shit currency

Even so black market shall prevail.
silver bullion and minted silver makes up a TINY percentage of the total amount of silver

the big tech companies aren't gonna be hounding the bullion silver investor for silver because it's going to become "so precious" for industrial use

IDK why ppl think this is the case

If anything, the government will make posssession of metals illegal again and "demand" the confiscation of precious metals and re-peg the new price against our fiat shit currency

Silver is silver... bullion or not.

It will go up in value due to big tech companies using it at a higher rate than it can be mined. It's a simple concept.

Silver will go up, and it will go up a lot in the next coming decades. However marijuana prices will go down in the coming decades assuming that marijuana is legalized or the majority of states adopt medical marijuana. Look at California... you can get a pound for $800-$1000, and it's not even legal yet. Where I'm at, I could grow a pound indoors for much, much less than $800. Now take that same pound and move it outdoors... that pound will go for nothing, especially if everyone else is doing the same thing, given it's legalized.

The government can try to make silver illegal, but it just isn't going to happen in today's age without a large backlash. People aren't going to turn their silver and gold in like they did gold in the 50's... that type of mentality is long gone in this country, especially with the path we're going down.
Silver is cool but I myself think that it is at a good price to sell right now (depening on what you bought it at ofcourse ;) )
Yup, QE3 too, forgot to mention that. QE4 will occur too... it's inevitable. Amazing how some don't see the handwriting on the wall.

Yes, a plan called GRA plan presented to congress in 2008 goes over just that. Confiscation and redistribution of 401k's and government pension plans, so that everyone can have a "Guaranteed retirement fund". Though I doubt that exact plan will pass, I have no doubt the government will find it's way to get it's hand on various forms of retirement funds, other than SS, which it's already fucked over.

Wait till China and other major countries really start buying vast amounts of silver and gold. Wait till a percentage of people in the USA really start buying silver and gold. Wait till our credit rating goes to an F over time. Wait till every country circumvents the OPEC agreements. Only then will people realize silver was way undervalued at it's current price. These same people who don't understand the value of silver, don't understand anything I've written above though, so it's no wonder their completely oblivious.

I am interested in hearing your theory as to a QE4 when QE3 is an open ended program.
Found a local dealer who only charges a dollar over spot. Nice.

really? i went into a coin shop recently and asked about bulk silver one oz bullion rounds. figured i'd throw 250 ounces worth into a portfolio mix cuz it dropped and ride it a few months

$1.78/ounce. i laughed right out the front door
I talked to the dealer about Gold and hew assured me that Silver was a better store than gold.

He said he has been in the market since the 80s and he said silver is largely undervalued.

He placed the value of silver at 50 an oz and gold at 1200. Apparently the market is skewed.
So that everyone knows the facts..

The Gold confiscation of 1933 didn't affect most people. Only one person was ever tried as a result of the law which made it illegal to hold gold.

First off, you could hold up to 5 ounces, second, any gold coins minted previous to that date were exempt.
So if you had a million gold double eagles from 1910, you got to keep them all. Not like it mattered anyway since government never went looking for it and most people kept their gold since government never had records of it in the first place.

Oh, but the folks who trusted the banks had their gold replaced with paper currency, which one year later was devalued overnight by 60% when....du du duuuuuh! Gold was revalued from $22 to $35 by FDR. You can look at it one of two ways I guess, Either a brilliant move by a president to give government the needed funds to provide a modicum of social support and a monetary base in which to further its causes, or one of the greatest swindles on the American people of all time.

US Silver Eagles are great investments for the tax advantages if you ever need to declare them for some reason. Bullion would be taxed at 40% if Government finds out you sold some. And unless you can prove how much you paid for that gold, the IRS assumes you paid $0.00 for it in the beginning.
I'm definitely on the silver express. As well as the gold, platinum and palladium lines. It's the best way to store wealth but it's too difficult and expensive to get in and out of. I don't think I'll buy any more because I can't see selling what I have. So why buy more? It's just insurance to me and only so much is needed. Cool stuff but not terribly flexible. Really sucks having mad money these days with so little to invest in.
Well here is how I look at it. Take out a loan for property. MAke regular payments on property. Use excess cash to buy PM. When PM goes sky high use PM to pay off loans.
i want to buy on the dip, but im short on cash. its going good at 29.87. gold at 1656.86 dude the right time if there ever was one. im watching gold mostly but thats because within 30 days it rose and tanked 50 dollars. im loving silver at 29 wish i would have spent my first night here in the woods id be holding 2 rounds right now.
I've been having trouble finding junk at my local dealers. They sell out before they can find more, everyone is buying and no one is selling
I've been having trouble finding junk at my local dealers. They sell out before they can find more, everyone is buying and no one is selling
My dealer is the same way, although I recently purchased a few rolls of 2013 Silver Eagles at $625 a roll. He had almost no junk silver and said it was extremely difficult to get anything PM related.

I hope prices keep going down so i can accumulate more.
There is talk of a price crash before an epic up tick. I feel like I never know what is going to happen. My dealer said people were scared shitless by the price drop and trying to sell. But they would not budge off spot price. He was trying to buy 150 eagles for 4000. I would have bought them.