Faith in Humanity Restored Thread


Well-Known Member
Nothing but negativity pretty much everywhere right now. I hope this thread can sort of counter that.

Post anything you find, I'll start it off with this clip;


There are still a lot of good people out there, I lose hope on a daily basis it seems, but stuff like this reminds me not to give up.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Nothing but negativity pretty much everywhere right now. I hope this thread can sort of counter that.

Post anything you find, I'll start it off with this clip;


There are still a lot of good people out there, I lose hope on a daily basis it seems, but stuff like this reminds me not to give up.
That made me cry. I've done this a time or two. Mostly for kids who don't have enough money. It's so sad to watch a kid have to put back something they really wanted.


Active Member
The other week at a Safeway I was standing behind a mom and her son (probably about 8 years old). The kid is holding about $30 in $10's. The mom is trying to teach the kid how money works I suspect, because at the end of everything he ends up paying for the groceries. At one point I notice that there is roughly $11 sitting on the ground next to him. I could have EASILY put my foot over it, waited for them to leave, and then picked it up myself. Instead I tap the kid on the shoulder, he looks up at me, I point to the ground and tell him he dropped some money. At this point the mom looks at the kid, asks if he dropped some money, picks it up, and looks at me like I was going to steal it. I REALLY wanted to tell this white trash bitch that I told the kid he dropped it and that I'm better than her. I didn't and just went on with my day. I don't know if this counts for the topic, but that really annoyed me that I did the right thing, and the bitch acts like who she is...a bitch.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
The welfare queen should have pulled herself up by her bootstraps. The people that helped are only enabling a non-producer of society to take more. Altruism is immoral.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
The welfare queen should have pulled herself up by her bootstraps. The people that helped are only enabling a non-producer of society to take more. Altruism is immoral.
As you well know, the "welfare queen" is a myth. It was a propagandist political scare tactic designed to sway voters. It worked. Those days are over. We're in recession that should have been called a depression. People are hurting. Minimum wage workers most of the time have 2 or 3 jobs just to keep a damn roof over their head and clothes on their back. A lot of them need food stamps to have enough food on the table. That is today's reality. No one is enabling anything. They're pitching in and THAT'S the America I grew up in. Apathy is immoral, not altruism.

This is a thread celebrating faith in humanity. If you want a political debate on the subject then I suggest you start your own thread in the politics section.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but rational self-interest is the only morality anything else just breeds dependance from the leeches of society. She should take personal responsibility for herself and get her food from a dumpster or prostitute herself out; a pretty lady like her doesn't have to starve. When does it all end? You give them food and shelter and they ask for medicine! The gall of these people.

. If you want a political debate on the subject then I suggest you start your own thread in the politics section.
Thank you, I will. Everyone remember to vote Republican on November 6th.


Well-Known Member
That made me cry. I've done this a time or two. Mostly for kids who don't have enough money. It's so sad to watch a kid have to put back something they really wanted.
Even worse is when their parents make them put it back so they can buy their cigs, beer and lotto tickets. My wife sees it all too often working at a gas station.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but rational self-interest is the only morality anything else just breeds dependance from the leeches of society. She should take personal responsibility for herself and get her food from a dumpster or prostitute herself out; a pretty lady like her doesn't have to starve. When does it all end? You give them food and shelter and they ask for medicine! The gall of these people.

Thank you, I will. Everyone remember to vote Republican on November 6th.
and there it is....


Well-Known Member
The welfare queen should have pulled herself up by her bootstraps. The people that helped are only enabling a non-producer of society to take more. Altruism is immoral.
6 posts in and you already diminished it..

It's difficult to understand this sort of mindset

"Altruism is immoral", dude, put down the Atlas Shrugged..


Ursus marijanus
6 posts in and you already diminished it..

It's difficult to understand this sort of mindset

"Altruism is immoral", dude, put down the Atlas Shrugged..
Fungus Gnat is just here for the trolol. A thread like this screamed "low-hanging fruit". Now that the compulsory bullying of billygoats is behind us, let's get this thread back on course ... cn

Total Head

Well-Known Member
here is a collection of pictures of humans not sucking. i will put descriptions above the photos.

guy in india rescues kittens from a flood.

plaza cleaners in portland, oregon.

guy gives his shoes to homeless girl in rio de janeiro

group of practicing christians at a chicago gay pride parade

this one needs no description.
