F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

That is going to be awesome Em! And that Double Bubble is making my heart skip a beat. Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh lolololol she is just so effing pretty.
wow holy purple lol hahah looking dank as hell bro! love how that plp is finishing. i wish my romulan grew more like that. she gets kinda close just her branches ar so damn thin... maybe some heavy super croping? or a thick male hehehe

ight peace!
Well Em, I tried to rep you, but it wouldn't let me :( Your 1st outdoor is awesome! Everything is just beautiful, nothing but kolas. Mama is hella proud son! That F2 you have hanging there is hella fat.
My parents are coming over for dinner in a couple hours. Homemade chicken curry. First time they get to see my garden :weed: Super excited:D
Well dinner was AWESOME! I have the coolest parents in the world. I love them so much :hug: My mom smokes like I do - like a chimney lol, so she was B-Blasted when they left. As we toured the garden she just kept going 'Oh!' 'wow!' 'this is amazing' How cool is that? We had yogurt tomato chicken curry, Basmati rice, and garlic green beans. My man gave my mom an OMFG (or 1/2 of one) for dessert, and I sent them home with a bag of goodies ;) I love my parents!


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Yeah, she was pissed at me. I moved her again from the agapanthus and was holding my hand above her head lol. She wanted to bite me :o
This is the view from my little tipi lol. Just the top part of my tree hehehehe. I had to take 3 pics to get the whole thing!

True story: Was out watering the girls one morning and my elderly neighbor lady gets up on her ladder and pops her head up over the fence to say high. 'OOh, what kind of tree is that?' pointing to my PLP 'Well now Rita, that's a Marijuana tree.' lololololol Just couldn't help myself ;)


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Thanks Em! I have noticed something on her...I completely lagged and didn't get my light blocker put up in time this year and I think that is why a couple arms on that side of her are fluffy and not nearly as big and dense as on the back? I have the light blocked now though. Like I told you, Big Worm. Can't leave it off completely lol

***hint front back front back lol


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Fumble she looks beautiful, you got a nice pheno there, it has way more pink/purple pistils than mine, plus she is looking frosty!!! Wait till the end, she will pack on some serious frost in the last 2 weeks.

Quick update...

I am now re-loaded....PLP F2 Harvest Day 1 of Cure. These are only 3 plants, I still have the 2 below this to chop.

PLP F2 these are getting chopped tonight!!!
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The Outdoor Gang

Mama Diesel....

This clone was supposed to be Fire OG, no way in hell is it that. This is a full blown Trainwreck, smells exactly like it and grows like a Trainwreck.

I got Hazeman's G13 x Hash Plant, MD x Cougars and DNA Pure Afghan
Hey FM, you got those PLP trees looking great. How long are you letting the PLP cure before you test it out:)
Another great women in the growing world....hello ma'am! At least 4 weeks, I got a lot from my last harvest that will keep me good till this batch is fully cured. There is nothing better than fully cured bud!