Active Member
I recently email Emrald Triangle about there products Snow Storm Gravity Bushmaster and others haveing carcinogens in them and that they must be bad if there not allowed in CA/OR this is what he said and i asked him if i could copy and past and he said please do i found this info to be helpful if all is true, like he said we probably drink more of it in our water then we would give to our plants. Let me know how everyone feels about this.
Sorry for the late reply but I was on vacation. The state of California ordered us to stop selling Gravity and BushMaster because they were not properly registered. Oregon had the same issue with the registration but allowed us to continue selling it until our registration expired in December. It was all a labeling issue and were are in the process of correcting it. The products WILL be back on the market next year. All the stories about toxic or carcinogenic ingredients are absolute false. The ingredient that is supposed to be dangerous, paclobutrazol, is not carcinogenic nor has it ever been considered as a possible carcinogen. It's used on food crops all over the world. In fact, gibberellic acid and paclobutrazol are the 2 most common plant growth regulators used on food crops in Europe. About 75% of the apple crop in the UK is sprayed with Paclo, most of the cherry crop in Spain is sprayed with Paclo. Spain, by the way, is the largest grower of cherries in Europe. Virtually all nut trees and citrus trees in Europe are allowed to be sprayed with Paclo. The standards for spraying crops with PGR's are as high there as they are here. The most difficult country in the world to license a product for use on food crops is Japan and they allow Paclo on Apples and Pears as does Australia. Since the agencies which are responsible for evaluating food safety in major civilized countries have given it the okay, I wouldn't be concerned about it being dangerous. As a matter of fact, the state of Vermont has set a limit for Paclo in drinking water. The limit is 455 parts per Billion. If you mix Gravity according to the instructions the solution contains 125 parts per Billion. That means that, theoretically, you could drink the stuff you're putting on your plants and be well under the limit. Of course the kelp would probably give you the shits-- but that's another issue. I hope I've answered your questions. If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Phillip Leavitt, owner Emerald Triangle
Sorry for the late reply but I was on vacation. The state of California ordered us to stop selling Gravity and BushMaster because they were not properly registered. Oregon had the same issue with the registration but allowed us to continue selling it until our registration expired in December. It was all a labeling issue and were are in the process of correcting it. The products WILL be back on the market next year. All the stories about toxic or carcinogenic ingredients are absolute false. The ingredient that is supposed to be dangerous, paclobutrazol, is not carcinogenic nor has it ever been considered as a possible carcinogen. It's used on food crops all over the world. In fact, gibberellic acid and paclobutrazol are the 2 most common plant growth regulators used on food crops in Europe. About 75% of the apple crop in the UK is sprayed with Paclo, most of the cherry crop in Spain is sprayed with Paclo. Spain, by the way, is the largest grower of cherries in Europe. Virtually all nut trees and citrus trees in Europe are allowed to be sprayed with Paclo. The standards for spraying crops with PGR's are as high there as they are here. The most difficult country in the world to license a product for use on food crops is Japan and they allow Paclo on Apples and Pears as does Australia. Since the agencies which are responsible for evaluating food safety in major civilized countries have given it the okay, I wouldn't be concerned about it being dangerous. As a matter of fact, the state of Vermont has set a limit for Paclo in drinking water. The limit is 455 parts per Billion. If you mix Gravity according to the instructions the solution contains 125 parts per Billion. That means that, theoretically, you could drink the stuff you're putting on your plants and be well under the limit. Of course the kelp would probably give you the shits-- but that's another issue. I hope I've answered your questions. If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Phillip Leavitt, owner Emerald Triangle