Fair enough I would however urge you to look into genetically altered crops, the potential risks of it, and the small farmers who have been utterly and completely fucked by it.
If you spend an hour googling it I'm quite certain you will sing a different tune. Just as you said.. Things don't get banned for no reason and GMO is banned in many countries. This is nothing "retarded" about these risks and painting people with this brush really isn't flattering towards you.
You know what the most popular GMO product is? "round up ready" plants. Food crops, that you eat BTW, that can be doused in round up and it will not hurt them. Too bad the rest of the watershed and it's organisms are not round up ready. You think phospho load is toxic? Look up the EPA listing for aquatic toxicology of glyphosate (round up).
If that shit doesn't wake you up nothing will. Monsanto suing an organic farmer because their HMO plants pollinated HIS crop... Talk about big business fist fucking people
I am not trying to flame you, I'm simply trying to urge you to educate yourself a little.