Romney to release 2011 tax return, paid IRS 14.1 percent

Romney's tax returns do not reflect the income he made on foreign investments (for which he pays ZERO taxes). You have any proof of that, cause I believe the federal government taxes Americans on foreign investments, not to mention the country the investments were made! I believe they are in the tens of millions for the year. Yes, he has shell corporations in the Cayman islands and Swiss bank accounts. His family is loaded, and they have paid a VERy tiny fraction of what they should have. If you want me to cite sources, then you have no business arguing anything because you do not know enough to sound off.

I think it's fair to say that if you can't cite a factual source, you have no business posting it.
I think it's fair to say that if you can't cite a factual source, you have no business posting it.

I was going to take a job about ten years ago teaching English in Japan. The rules are: first you pay the foreign taxes, then you subtract that from what you'd pay in the United States. If the amount is equal or greater than what we charge, you pay no taxes to our government. Otherwise, you pay the difference.
I was going to take a job about ten years ago teaching English in Japan. The rules are: first you pay the foreign taxes, then you subtract that from what you'd pay in the United States. If the amount is equal or greater than what we charge, you pay no taxes to our government. Otherwise, you pay the difference.

I believe that, but I think investment income is a little different.
The IRS has gotten very aggressive when it comes to the taxation of off shore investments.

His 2011 returns were done during the time he knew he was going to run for president and during his campaigning, so he made sure he paid a few percentage points over the minimum(about 500,000) even though Romney has stated ""I pay all the taxes that are legally required and not a dollar more. I don't think you want someone as the candidate for president who pays more taxes than he owes" making him once again look like a complete buffoon.

Many experts say Romney probably paid LITTLE to ZERO taxes in some of the years preceding, especially while with Bain.

If you can pick out details well you can see the Romney's use the word "owed" and not "paid", implying that they possibly didn't pay their legal share, or that they did after a notice to do so, or another tax legality to where one specific year of taxes was not paid but it was fully or partially paid in another year.

It's doesn't matter. DAMAGE DONE.

If Romney has nothing to hide he should of released at least 5-6 years of tax returns willingly. It took this long just to get him to release their meaningless 2011 returns which were done knowing fully well they would have to at least release the previous year's returns.

Romney has dropped down in every swing state except NH(4 electorals). Not much time left. If current trend continues Romney will dig his hole even deeper and my prediction is Obama by 9% in the popular and by 128 electorals.
What's really exciting is many of the senate races are leaning dem, Romney has screwed those republicans to. Just gold, pure gold.

senor romney is anything but smooth. the man exudes awkward idiocy with every move he makes. i can imagine him reaching a slight level of comfortability at the yachting meet or the country club, that's it.

senor romney is anything but smooth. the man exudes awkward idiocy with every move he makes. i can imagine him reaching a slight level of comfortability at the yachting meet or the country club, that's it.

His wife is actually his worst advocate
He comes in a close second

I know why he wants to be president though
There is actually room on Mount Rushmore for 2 more faces


His 2011 returns were done during the time he knew he was going to run for president and during his campaigning, so he made sure he paid a few percentage points over the minimum(about 500,000) even though Romney has stated ""I pay all the taxes that are legally required and not a dollar more. I don't think you want someone as the candidate for president who pays more taxes than he owes" making him once again look like a complete buffoon.

Many experts say Romney probably paid LITTLE to ZERO taxes in some of the years preceding, especially while with Bain.

If you can pick out details well you can see the Romney's use the word "owed" and not "paid", implying that they possibly didn't pay their legal share, or that they did after a notice to do so, or another tax legality to where one specific year of taxes was not paid but it was fully or partially paid in another year.

It's doesn't matter. DAMAGE DONE.

If Romney has nothing to hide he should of released at least 5-6 years of tax returns willingly. It took this long just to get him to release their meaningless 2011 returns which were done knowing fully well they would have to at least release the previous year's returns.

Romney has dropped down in every swing state except NH(4 electorals). Not much time left. If current trend continues Romney will dig his hole even deeper and my prediction is Obama by 9% in the popular and by 128 electorals.
What's really exciting is many of the senate races are leaning dem, Romney has screwed those republicans to. Just gold, pure gold.

Romney's accountants have stated that the least percentage he has paid since 1990 has been 13.6%. Romney's accountants are the most expert of all "experts" who make statements about Romney's taxes.

Why is Romney's charitable giving so much higher than Obama's? Is Obama a cheap, heartless bastard?
Romney's accountants have stated that the least percentage he has paid since 1990 has been 13.6%. Romney's accountants are the most expert of all "experts" who make statements about Romney's taxes.

Why is Romney's charitable giving so much higher than Obama's? Is Obama a cheap, heartless bastard?

obama gave a greater percentage of his income to charity than romney did, you lying racist POS.

and LOL at you believing anything romney or his surrogates say. moron.
Well Romney sure isn't going to give that info out. And I'm about 99.9% sure why he won't.


So I guess with that way of thinking, we'll never know if Barack Obama got into college on a foreign student scholarship (lied) or did as well as he leads on, unless he gives that info out!
So I guess with that way of thinking, we'll never know if Barack Obama got into college on a foreign student scholarship (lied) or did as well as he leads on, unless he gives that info out!

good thing clayton the racist is here to point out that obama is just some dumb black guy and a product of affirmative action.

what would we ever do without clayton's race baiting?
What $7million, if you have anything other than your opinion, post it up!
Final 2011 return:
Adjusted gross income: $13,696,961
Total federal tax paid: $1,935,708
Effective federal tax rate: 14.1 percent
Preliminary 2011 return (released in January):
Adjusted gross income: $20,901,075
Total federal tax paid: $3,226,623
Effective rate: 15.4 percent
Final 2010 return:
Adjusted gross income: $21,646,507
Total tax paid: $3,009,766
Effective rate: 13.9 percent
So here's the mystery: Between January and October of this year, Romney's adjusted gross income for 2011 fell by $7.2 million. And it dropped by nearly $8 million compared with his AGI in 2010. His federal tax liability also fell, by similar proportions.

Look at your own link, you're comparing 2010 returns with 2011 returns.
And you called Desert Dude a liar while you're the one who made the mistake!

DEAsert dude is a liar, my link shows that obama donated more of his income to charity than willard did. deal with it.

or go fuck yourself. either way, clayton.