Romney to release 2011 tax return, paid IRS 14.1 percent

how much did he donate to charity? does anyone know?

They don't want to mention that Romney donated more than Obama and Biden combined. Biden(1.5%) and Obama(21.8%) donated about 180k to charities in 2011 but to be fair Romney makes more money than both if them, but he still donates a higher percentage either way. Shows you how well liberals are about putting their money where their mouth is.
They don't want to mention that Romney donated more than Obama and Biden combined. Biden(1.5%) and Obama(21.8%) donated about 180k to charities in 2011 but to be fair Romney makes more money than both if them, but he still donates a higher percentage either way. Shows you how well liberals are about putting their money where their mouth is.

obama gives more to charity as a percentage of his income.

obama gave 14.2%, romney gave 13.8%.

so shut your lying sock puppet mouth, kiddo.
I wonder if he's going to release the years he lived in a house his father bought him and sold stock he inherited as his income. He did this for years. Guess who didn't pay any taxes?
Obama only paid 20% of his income in taxes yet he gets a pass...

A pass? Stop inhaling all the lawnmower exhaust man.
Obama is proposing RAISING taxes on himself and Romney, Romney is proposing cutting both of their taxes. How in the world is raising taxes a pass?

Romney is getting hammered for this because he wants himself to pay LESS in taxes, that 14% isnt fucking low enough right? What Ann need another goddamned Cadillac or more dope for her horses?
Hes getting hammered because he is what he is.
Hey dumb ass,

10% is tithing, which is your "mandatory." He donated 30%, 20% more than tithing. Also, tithing is his choice. Romney wants to go to the special high roller planet when he dies.

How is that any different than you liberals who buy carbon credits so you can have street cred amoung your homies? If you guys don't give your liberal buds will call you selfish and greed. Then you'll have no choice but convert to an icky Republican.

Utah has the highest per capita rating for giving to charitable organizations
There is a reason for that in the LDS church tithing is mandatory
I wonder if he's going to release the years he lived in a house his father bought him and sold stock he inherited as his income. He did this for years. Guess who didn't pay any taxes?

Last year he paid more in income taxes than you will likely make in a lifetime. Certainly more than you will pay in your entire life.


Typical liberal...
dispute the numbers. math is math. i know that's tough for a grade school cock sucking piece of shit like yourself to comprehend the immutable laws of mathematics, but it's all there.

obama gave 14.2% of his income to charity, romney gave 13.8%.

deal with it you sock puppet piece of shit.

And yet Romney donated more than you will ever pay in your lifetime but it is not enough... Typical liberal.
Romney could give away 91% and still be a millionaire. I'm sorry he's such a victim of the non-producers of society.

You have that wrong... He is a huge supporter of both producers and non-producers of society.

Millions of dollars in taxes pays for ALOT of food stamps.

Why are you such a hater?
Romney's tax returns do not reflect the income he made on foreign investments (for which he pays ZERO taxes). I believe they are in the tens of millions for the year. Yes, he has shell corporations in the Cayman islands and Swiss bank accounts. His family is loaded, and they have paid a VERy tiny fraction of what they should have. If you want me to cite sources, then you have no business arguing anything because you do not know enough to sound off.
It's all a distraction from the rape and pillaging the wealthiest are doing worldwide right now. We (the 99.9%) are being fleeced to death. while they lead us around by the tv.