weeeeeeeeeeeeee--lll doctor kermit is NOW a convicted murderer but his preferred murder victims were what you might call "Choice" victims. untill he branched out into killing the "Choosers" he was just another late term abortion provider, the "court of last resort" as it were for broads who waited till late in the game to exercise their "Choice" and needed some exreme measures to "Choose" propperly, and make the "Choice" stick.
generally the "Choosing" was completed with a pair of surgical shears too the base of the brain after the infant (no longer a fetus) had crowned. then the remains were simply extracted and tossed in the rubbish bins for collection.
once his disgusting unsanitary little clinic of horrors killed a few patients who were "Choosers" not "Choosees" he found his little clinics under investigation. despite all the licensing and "inspections" and women's health bullshit he was determined to be running two late term "partial birth" abortion clinics doing the dirty work that respectable doctors wouldnt touch. you know, the "imaginary" procedure that is "never performed" despite massive evidence that partial birth abortions ARE performed and far more often than medical need would countenance. all the groovy things that "Choice" proponents claim is just hyperbole from the "anti-choice' fanatics. well doctor kermit's trial put the dirty little secret of "choice" right out there in front of the world, and its an ugly motherfucker.
if you examine these links you may find your enthusiasm for the rhetoric of "choice" waning a little.
turns out proponents of "a woman's right to choose" can lie about whether or not partial birth abortions are real even better than the anti-abortion crowd. they actually had me convinced that "partial birth abortions" were a myth created by religious fanatics.