whats wrong with these plants? help please


Well-Known Member
They all look overfed. pics 5 and 6 look like nitrogen toxicity. Flush them and don't feed for a week. It's a precautionary measure.


Well-Known Member
no nutes..........so..........it looks very wet in there. poor drainage. those pots are stayin wet a lot longer than you think. and why so deep down in the pot. the roots need room. which takes us to the larger plant. how big of a pot is that in?


Well-Known Member
Your soil does look like muck. I say get them into some better soil. That's what i did with some overwatered seedlings in soil with poor drainage.

It still looks like nitrogen toxicity though. Maybe the water sitting in the soil for too long
is causing more nutrient capsules to pop.
no nutes..........so..........it looks very wet in there. poor drainage. those pots are stayin wet a lot longer than you think. and why so deep down in the pot. the roots need room. which takes us to the larger plant. how big of a pot is that in?
11 litre so am i watering too much? what do i do how can i improve drainage?
Your soil does look like muck. I say get them into some better soil. That's what i did with some overwatered seedlings in soil with poor drainage.

It still looks like nitrogen toxicity though. Maybe the water sitting in the soil for too long
is causing more nutrient capsules to pop.
so is my soil too wet? should i let it dry?


Well-Known Member
re-pot to new soil with added perlite. yes......more perlite. water when pot feels light in weight. those little plants drink very little. i bet they could indeed go a whole week between waterings at this point. they belong in little one gallon pots, with a tight root structure, not in those big pots..........7 inches below rim.....lol.
You should always let the soil get reasonably dry before watering. How often are you watering?
i water the mum once a week with nutes and the smaller ones ive only watered like half twice and the most recent ones once since transplant so ill try do once a week or wait til soils dry but could i have given them too much water in one sitting?
re-pot to new soil with added perlite. yes......more perlite. water when pot feels light in weight. those little plants drink very little. i bet they could indeed go a whole week between waterings at this point. they belong in little one gallon pots, with a tight root structure, not in those big pots..........7 inches below rim.....lol.
they got roots comin out the bottom?


Well-Known Member
i water the mum once a week with nutes and the smaller ones ive only watered like half twice and the most recent ones once since transplant so ill try do once a week or wait til soils dry but could i have given them too much water in one sitting?
I've started preventing all these problems by mixing plain soil with perlite, pHing my water, and adding dolomite lime for my soil cause i always have soil pH
problems. Why don't you do the same and you won't have any problems in the future.


Well-Known Member
In my experience with rootbound plants the lower leaves begin to die, and the whole plant just droops.