Paradise Seedss "Vertigo"


Well-Known Member
Just popped 6 Paradise Seedss "Vertigo" in pH adjusted rockwool. Built a 6 unit DWC and will be putting them in it when rooted well. Anybody who has grown this strain feel free to comment. Trolls ridiculed endlessly.

My lone experience in hydro is going on! Built a 5-gallon unit and uprooted a friends clone checking for f*^king peat plugs with nets. The clone was not progressing in growth although it was budding at about 8" high. The stem had actually bent horizontal and the few roots were massed in a muddy mess. I laid her down (gasp) and went and got a coffee can of warm water. Washed her roots totally free of organics and put her in a drilled plastic cup, filled it horticultural grade pumice and put RO water in the DWC.

In it went and I began adding AN Sensi Bloom (she's already full flower remember) A&B 4 ML each and a 1/4 teaspoon helping of Beastie Bloomz plus 2 ML Bud Candy. Resulted in 450 PPM, pH 5.6, temp 65.5. Left her for the night then.

She's not only living she is growing. Raised my PPM to 990-1000, pH was 5.8 this AM and she has doubled in size. This began 5 days ago now.

See? You don't need to know a ton of details to get things going you newer growers. I'll update with pics when seedlings begin showing.


Well-Known Member
Update: All 6 Vertigo have sprouted in their rockwool cubes. Paradise Seedss.

The clone in the other? PPM up to 1000 and she smells like her mama and has that unique star pattern limb sprout from the main stem. Look down the main stem and it isn't opposed, it looks like a Chrysler symbol (or pentagram!).

Pics forthcoming - right after I work 4 14 hour days in the next 5. Off Friday and know well it will be then I'm setting them in the DWC! Maybe pics then.


Well-Known Member
I'll post daily (or as close as possible with my schedule) in an attempt to convince newbies to just do it. It doesn't take a lot of money. Just some desire to have fun and grow good weed. That DWC sells for $199 + S/H on line and you can make one for about $70 paying pet store price for the air pump. And if the seedlings croak you'll see that too.


Well-Known Member
OK I increased the PPM to 500 last night and this morning saw the first positive growth. The White Widow Auto began responding and growing at 145 PPM! Bonus there. Anyway I added VooDoo and B-52 on advice and add 15 ML each to the res. Then I added another 10ML of AN Sensi Grow A&B increasing the PPM to just 575 to observe.



Well-Known Member
Even better. I added VooDoo Juice and B-52 to my feeds and the roots from these Vertigos are now unreal for their age! One has a tap root hanging down 12" at least! I am blown away daily by this hydro stuff. The wonders an old man never experienced. Newbies I would not hesitate to BUY A BOOK ON HYDRO and become basically familiar with it all. Not a degree or even a frigging college course. Just read the principles and theories, the different applications and methods, and see what your growing space can accommodate. This is so cheap compared to dirt. I'll always have a dirt grow going but this hydro has a new convert.



Well-Known Member
Finally they are moving and grooving. Love learning new things and new strains. This Vertigo did not budge until PPM was over 500 while the White Widow Auto started doing it under 200.



Well-Known Member
If the smoke is as good as the link I got the name from said it is I will heartily recommend the seed. 6 of 6 popped, 5 in 2 days and the last emerged on the third day in just rockwool cubes in a warmed dome. I will definitely keep buying Paradise. They have won some awards in Amsterdam so they must know something. Root development since they perked and since I added VooDoo Juice and B-52 is unreal.



Well-Known Member
looks good! Not as energetic as two days ago though.....i guess they just got fed or something? Mine droop for half hour, straight after watering in soil. All the best they are doing great :D :leaf:


Well-Known Member
looks good! Not as energetic as two days ago though.....i guess they just got fed or something? Mine droop for half hour, straight after watering in soil. All the best they are doing great :D :leaf:
That and the window was open. Hot one day and it snowed (seriously too) and I came home from work to find them. My batteries died so will get more today in town and post a new one. Got the PPM up to around 700 and they are happy and growing fast now. HUGE leaves.

Outdoor temps 54 one day, 30 the next. I'm counting on it being cold as anything like every winter to use the heat from my lights and pumps and all to heat the area they are all in. Adding a propane CO2 generator for the increased humidity and to help with closed windows. The CO2 levels here are very high as the permafrost melts but closed interiors benefit less in winter.


Well-Known Member
They're baaaaack. BTW, the last 2 on the right of the pic are in McDonald's large drink glasses I slotted so I could lower the rockwool cubes. The fall in this tub is drastic. I replaced the others so these are almost as tall as the other 4. The MH is added, the PPM increased.

