Actually it wouldn't be any different than his first video, only the names would be changed to protect the idiots!Yep.... Ill informed. Simply Genius. Following the blind.
Makes you really think. How damn clueless these people are in their daily lives.
That goes for both political parties.
I would now like Mr. Stern to do a "Man on the Street" with Independents and Republican.
Would be one Hell of an Eye opener.
I can understand how wanting to know exactly who is running your country if they are acting shady. But in the end he ended up giving up a portion of his returns. Whether or not he only paid 13% it was a crazy amount of money to pay out. I know that if I ever do become that wealthy, I will try and find whatever deductions I can to make it where I can pay a lesser % rate also. If giving to charity does that. So be it. If I need to bend the law to get back more money, so be it. I'll do whatever it takes to either keep or get back as much as possible.
No, that's not what I meant. I still try and figure out ways to get back as much money as possible. My only thing is I could care less how much money someone else is being taxed or how much money they have in their bank account "no matter where that account is located." It doesn't benefit me in the long run and I will never see a dime of any of their money or taxes. So to me it's pointless in worrying about it. will only try to get any tax break you can when you being to be "that wealthy"? There comes a point when one's lifestyle is not affected by a 10 percent reduction in income. The rest of us are. Why is that so hard to understand? why is it so hard for people to believe that it is not good to subsidize misers?
No, that's not what I meant. I still try and figure out ways to get back as much money as possible. My only thing is I could care less how much money someone else is being taxed or how much money they have in their bank account "no matter where that account is located." It doesn't benefit me in the long run and I will never see a dime of any of their money or taxes. So to me it's pointless in worrying about it. IMO.
Gary Johnson, like Ron Paul, doesn't have chicken's chance in a foxes den. I would love for him to win the Presidency. He was a great governor. But, the reality is, he doesn't have a chance at winning dog catcher right now. Get rid of Citizens United and then we can talk. Lets see if we can spread the word! Did ya'll know that it only took 24 hours for the people of the US to pass a law for those 18 and older to be able to vote?!? Imagine what we could do today with the outrageously easy social networking of today
What did he say that makes you think he is a liar?I don't say this often but Duke is a liar.
What did he say that makes you think he is a liar?
I don't think he's a liar, if he was a liar I couldn't prominatly display an autographed copy of his book with pride.
Ok, I was afraid he might have lied which would be out of character for him. Im glad he has remained consistent and didn't lie, im relieved it was just that you don't like what you precieive to be a lack of compleetness in his presentation of facts, omission is not lie.I posted why he is a liar - he misrepresents the truth and that is lying. Again, tell me about the CEOs of the fortune 1000 and their 18 percent representation of blacks.
Tell me exactly how many black senators we have? it should be.... 18 right? Isn't that what Duke is espousing here? representation mirroring percentage?
I care to a certain extent. But the fact of the matter is, I nor you or anyone else can ever do anything about it. Unless you are ridiculously rich and have the power to change something there isn't any point in worrying about it."get back"? get back? what are you talking about getting back? Getting what back? You don't mean you let the government hold your money most of the year do you?
You should care, if you are being taxed at a high rate and someone making more money than you is being taxed at a low rate and we each have a debt to repay, you are paying proportionately more than the other guy.