Qrazy Train from seed


Well-Known Member
what are the pros of having a felt vs hard container?
More oxygen to the roots, and the roots prune themselves before matting to the sides like they do in hard containers...you'll notice how if you let a plant go too long without water, the soil shrinks and there is air space between the soil and the side of the container, killing off those roots....that doesn't happen in a felt bag or it happens to a much lesser degree. Root pruning helps turn the roots back towards the center of the container instead of matting up against the sides becoming practically useless. I noticed a big difference in plant health going from 5 gallon buckets to 5 gallon felt bags.

The New Jim Jones

Well-Known Member
More oxygen to the roots, and the roots prune themselves before matting to the sides like they do in hard containers...you'll notice how if you let a plant go too long without water, the soil shrinks and there is air space between the soil and the side of the container, killing off those roots....that doesn't happen in a felt bag or it happens to a much lesser degree. Root pruning helps turn the roots back towards the center of the container instead of matting up against the sides becoming practically useless. I noticed a big difference in plant health going from 5 gallon buckets to 5 gallon felt bags.
very informative response, thank you


Well-Known Member
Im starting to look ahead to the next round of seeds to be popped to hopefully find a keeper and wanted to see what you guys think.

Snow Dawg
Jack the ripper


Well-Known Member
I'm interested in all of those strains really, but Timewreck seems promising...haven't seen too many grows of that on the forum


Well-Known Member
It's high on the list but I think Plushberry is calling my name. Just like everyone else that black cherry pheno has been the one I wanted to find so maybe I'll get lucky if not I'll probably still find a keeper.


Well-Known Member
mmmm it does sound good. I think I'm done growing space queen crosses for a while with TGA just because I always seem to get the phenos that lean towards space queen dominance....not that it is bad (it's actually awesome smell and taste), just want to try something in his catalog that isn't crossed with space queen just to get some different highs and tastes


Well-Known Member
It's high on the list but I think Plushberry is calling my name. Just like everyone else that black cherry pheno has been the one I wanted to find so maybe I'll get lucky if not I'll probably still find a keeper.
plushberry is on my list for sure. I mean who wouldn't want that BCS pheno.


Well-Known Member
So Plushberry.... apparently one of my seedlings came pre main lined lol . Ive seen two sprouts before that could be separated but these fuse together. I see that psillysimon had one a while back so Im interested to see if it ends up looking like his.

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Well-Known Member
So got what was supposed to be my space dawg seeds today but they made a mistake and sent me space bomb seeds instead. Hopefully I can get this straightened out.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a free pack of space dawg might be coming your way? Where'd you order from?? That reminds me time to start checking my box my seeds could get here as soon as tomorrow :)


Well-Known Member
The tude.... I used to go to single seed centre but tude has tga for cheaper. So since that time wreck promotion last 4/20 I've been going through them.


Well-Known Member
if you're ordering for cost why order from the tude? Hemp depot is like 25% less or so $75 vs $100+ -- and hemp depot STILL has freebie chernobyl/plushberries (at least as of now but they're almost out) -- i've never gotten the wrong pack from hemp depot either, and they've always answered my emails to them same day with courtesy (granted i've never really had a problem that tested that other than an order taking a long time to get to them (thanks to canadian postal service)) -- I got my last order in 2 weeks and my current one may arrive as early as today - 2 TGA packs and a 5-pack freebie (25 seeds) for $155.


Well-Known Member
They want me to send the space bomb back before they fix it which I guess is understandable but I've only ever had a few problems and those few times I was never asked to send any part of it back. So idk I might just ask for a discount on a new pack or see what other routes I could go. I don't know if I want to be the one sending "souvenirs" back accorss the Atlantic it's one thing for them to send to me but another for me to send them the seeds it sounds iffy to me lol. Idk well see I guess but I'll check out hemp depot. I think the main reason I never investagated them to far is the mail orderbut that promo sounds awesome.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the only downside is having to send a mail order but really you can get a mail order at most general stores these days. My experience is I get my hemp depot orders as fast as most people get their orders placed online, so speed definitely isn't an issue. I'm not sure there's any guarantee the same thing couldn't happen to you with them or that they wouldn't ask you to send'em back too. I wouldn't be nervous about sending'em back except for the fact that if you do, who's to say they ever admit to getting them.... Bad situation for sure i'd probably just grow the space bomb and order the space dawg elsewhere :)