Need help in regards to plant condition and harvest with a few pics


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if I should be harvesting sooner than I thought. I was gonna let her go for 10-12 weeks or so as she appears to be sativa dom, but over the course of a week or so, my littly lady has began to look a brownish-yellow mess. Blue dream bagseed, she's been flowering for 8 weeks now, will be 9 this weekend, and I just got a scope, but I wanted to get a few more experienced opinions before I use it and make any irrational decisions on my own. Thanks ahead of time, and happy gardening RIU fam!
Its not done. She is burned badly. Your ph is good or you dont know? You need to check water ph in & out and soil ph. A good way to test soil ph is to mix a small amount with distilled water and test the water. About 1/2 & 1/2 water/distilled water and test that ph. Unless you have a soil ph tester thats better. I doubt its ph with that small of a plant I would bet my bottom dollar you fed her to much. You also removed to many fan leaves. Im sure they were dead/burnt anyway though. Man, I hate to say it but this stuffs not going to be high quality meds. The taste and flavor will surly be below average if any so dont expect a miracle from a whole plant harvest.

Start another plant now and leave that one go a while longer to see if she will recover and fill in. She may be for the garbage...


Well-Known Member
Wow, you guys must be spoiled. Before you throw anything in the garbage, quick dry some bud and test it out. I see some sugar in the pics, at a minimum you could make some hash or edibles.
Exactly what I had in mind, no way I'm gonna toss her. I can't necessarily rule out PH issues though I suppose, as I haven't checked it in 3-4 weeks or so. I haven't had reason to believe it's PH related, she was fine up until now. I'm gonna check it, flush if necessary, cross my fingers, and hold off a while longer...I haven't changed a thing, but I did feed her 3 days before those pics...not sure where I went wrong but I have a bubba kush three weeks in looking MUCH better, already super frosty. Appreciate you guys chiming in, these are my first two attempts and I just want something smokable/usable and decent enough to brag a little! :bigjoint:
Wow, you guys must be spoiled. Before you throw anything in the garbage, quick dry some bud and test it out. I see some sugar in the pics, at a minimum you could make some hash or edibles.
I mean it may just give you a headache with minimal buzz. And there would be very little hash. If you want to catch a buzz of it its best to smoke or vaporize it. Please dont quick dry it you'll barf for sure.


Yeah id go with plain water if your using tap or light nute if with ro I mean super light like 200-300ppm which is probably only about 1/4 strength or less.

Oh I know im spoiled I realize that every time I have to buy commercial. But all im saying is id rather smoke commercial then the fried plant. Please dont take offense either.
Exactly what I had in mind, no way I'm gonna toss her. I can't necessarily rule out PH issues though I suppose, as I haven't checked it in 3-4 weeks or so. I haven't had reason to believe it's PH related, she was fine up until now. I'm gonna check it, flush if necessary, cross my fingers, and hold off a while longer...I haven't changed a thing, but I did feed her 3 days before those pics...not sure where I went wrong but I have a bubba kush three weeks in looking MUCH better, already super frosty. Appreciate you guys chiming in, these are my first two attempts and I just want something smokable/usable and decent enough to brag a little! :bigjoint:

Its not from a feeding 3 days ago thats some long term ph/nute abuse right there. What were you feeding her? How often and what dose? Tap water? How long ago did the problems show up?

You really should check your ph every watering unless you have your setup dialed in then checking ph once a week is good maintenance.


Well-Known Member
Its not from a feeding 3 days ago thats some long term ph/nute abuse right there. What were you feeding her? How often and what dose? Tap water? How long ago did the problems show up?

You really should check your ph every watering unless you have your setup dialed in then checking ph once a week is good maintenance.
I haven't gotten serious to the point of purchasing a combo meter or anything like that yet so I don't check PH ever anymore nor ppms, or ec. I buy gallons of distilled, sometimes I mix around a third of tap that has sat out for more than 24 hours. This plant has had an extrememly long life due to my procrastinating during a period of time that I should have been constructing my bootleg double Sterilite box. Her life above soil began 4/29 believe it or not...I use Sunleaves Bat Guano. Been feeding light guano teas, once a week/every other watering, quarter strength for around weeks 4-8. Mexican during veg, a light mix of Mexican and Indonesian around week 8-11, and Jamaican at full strength mixed with a small amount of Soul Synthetics Infinity and Brehr Rabbit Molasses from week 12 (first week of actual pistils everywhere, so week 1 of flower) to week 19.

I have to admit tho, I did a lot of trimming and BS during late veg, not sure where I wanted to go with it before flowering. Soaking in info from here and around the net, I've topped, supercropped, partially accidental lollipopped, snapped, bent, broke, and done just about every form of abuse possible to this plant and several others that didn't make the cut. Also using cfl's and temps get pretty high while they're on. During late July through mid-August, temps would reach a high of 93, and as of late, I have not seen it rise above 83. Stays pretty constant at around 79-81 and I run em in the evening when the temps outside decrease. One astronomical noob mistake I made with this grow though was soil choice...mostly a neutral nute-less potting mix and I mixed in VERY LITTLE MG potting soil and very little perlite. All of this shit was done before I knew what I now know, and due to these mistakes, my soil base where the roots reside is like a clump of clay. The top 3 inches or so crumble and break down nice but the bottom is like fuckin concrete.

You live and you learn, and I have grown maybe 8 plants or so up to a certain point in veg to deal with boredom while patiently caring for this one still. They either turned out to be male, got destroyed by accident, or were given away to a few good friends who LUCKILY now have females too! I follow directions and learn things extremely well, that's why I assume that my next harvest will be of MUCH better quality, not to mention the bagseed(s) came from my favorite strain, bubba kush! Oh and I also have a mainlining experiment going pretty well too in veg. I hate posting pics tho, mostly because my laptop is shit, but also my fiance doesn't really like the thought of it in any way shape or form. So, if I find the time to sneak in a few, I'll post the bubba that's around 3-4 weeks, and my mainline experiment, but I don't want to get sucked in to regularly updating because she will lose her mind! Peace:peace: and sorry for this essay of a post, figured I'd take this time to fill everyone in best I can...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
water it.......................
I flushed it the same evening, and now I'm just being patient. Thanks for your input scrog, I've come across quite a few informative things in your posts and glad to see a name I recognize. No disrespect to anyone else in any way, as I appreciate and RESPECT any and ALL input from everyone! :leaf:
I haven't gotten serious to the point of purchasing a combo meter or anything like that yet so I don't check PH ever anymore nor ppms, or ec. I buy gallons of distilled, sometimes I mix around a third of tap that has sat out for more than 24 hours. This plant has had an extrememly long life due to my procrastinating during a period of time that I should have been constructing my bootleg double Sterilite box. Her life above soil began 4/29 believe it or not...I use Sunleaves Bat Guano. Been feeding light guano teas, once a week/every other watering, quarter strength for around weeks 4-8. Mexican during veg, a light mix of Mexican and Indonesian around week 8-11, and Jamaican at full strength mixed with a small amount of Soul Synthetics Infinity and Brehr Rabbit Molasses from week 12 (first week of actual pistils everywhere, so week 1 of flower) to week 19.

I have to admit tho, I did a lot of trimming and BS during late veg, not sure where I wanted to go with it before flowering. Soaking in info from here and around the net, I've topped, supercropped, partially accidental lollipopped, snapped, bent, broke, and done just about every form of abuse possible to this plant and several others that didn't make the cut. Also using cfl's and temps get pretty high while they're on. During late July through mid-August, temps would reach a high of 93, and as of late, I have not seen it rise above 83. Stays pretty constant at around 79-81 and I run em in the evening when the temps outside decrease. One astronomical noob mistake I made with this grow though was soil choice...mostly a neutral nute-less potting mix and I mixed in VERY LITTLE MG potting soil and very little perlite. All of this shit was done before I knew what I now know, and due to these mistakes, my soil base where the roots reside is like a clump of clay. The top 3 inches or so crumble and break down nice but the bottom is like fuckin concrete.

You live and you learn, and I have grown maybe 8 plants or so up to a certain point in veg to deal with boredom while patiently caring for this one still. They either turned out to be male, got destroyed by accident, or were given away to a few good friends who LUCKILY now have females too! I follow directions and learn things extremely well, that's why I assume that my next harvest will be of MUCH better quality, not to mention the bagseed(s) came from my favorite strain, bubba kush! Oh and I also have a mainlining experiment going pretty well too in veg. I hate posting pics tho, mostly because my laptop is shit, but also my fiance doesn't really like the thought of it in any way shape or form. So, if I find the time to sneak in a few, I'll post the bubba that's around 3-4 weeks, and my mainline experiment, but I don't want to get sucked in to regularly updating because she will lose her mind! Peace:peace: and sorry for this essay of a post, figured I'd take this time to fill everyone in best I can...:bigjoint:

Those meters are very cheap on ebay. So are HPS/MH lights. You can get a complete air cooled 600 watter for under 200. I had one of those yellow Milwaukee chepo ph testers last me 3 yrs. Also you can get a liquid aquarium tester kit. They're better then nothing. Also (ec and ppm are same) just in case you didnt know. Often late in flowering people keep feeding trying to boost bud production and then get a toxic build up in the soil causing ph to go way down along with the burn. Flushing agents work great for over feedings and toxic salt build ups. Dont feel bad man I screwed many of plants in my first couple yrs. I seriously have even thrown away product because it was so crappy I couldnt bare to smoke it. Even with no seeds it was terrible lmao but I kept at it and kept reading and trying new things and then eventually I got it and now its all finally paying off.

My ol lady doesnt like the forum or pics either but no one can prove anything and if they wanted someone they would get them without needing to trace forum activity. Just be a good person and hopefully karma plays on your side. Shit its not like any pot head does any harm to ANYONE ever. If hitler smoked he would have never gone coocoo. Damn coke heads. You know that he shot coke in his eye w/ needles. No wonder he tried to take over the world. Whats doing harm to everyone is all these bullshit prescription drugs that are out. Which cannabis could probably substitute for a good majority of them. I just dont get it. Its all about the government and getting money they are just pissed they cant put cannabis in a pill. Thats why they were like yeah well make it legal for CA. to rec smoke & or grow but we are going to fuck them in their ass's for money that was some serious bs also if that would have passed everyone that wanted to grow would have been paying more to grow then they could have just bought commercial product for. The price of cannabis would of had to be outrageous just to break even. Shew no that I got all of that out I feel better lol sorry for all that but thats just how I feel. I have had many many friends destroy their life over prescription drug's.

But uhh yeah man just keep at it and read read read thats the best advice I can give and also dot be afraid to try new things. Good luck pal


she is def badly burned, but for a first timer, hey who cares? your learning, you did a good job to get this far, you learned something now, dont feed as much and lower the nutrients and next time you will have awesome for throwing it away...dont do that, you will still enjoy it as in the end its your hard work...good luck friend