From The Tude--Trans Siberian Auto **Journal**


Well-Known Member
My TS problem was due to lockout from alkali soil. It is a P deficiency. If you are using purified water ( distilled/R.O.) You MUST use a CalMag supplement. If you are not, then yes you will continue to have problems that will get worse. Best of Luck. Keep us posted. Crunch*
So you're saying if you use ro water you have to use Cal/mag? But if you're using Ph adjusted tap it should be fine?

I'm thinking they were just curling because they were thirsty, about 2 hours after watering they were not changing....then I just checked them and the curling is gone...but I still have another one that doesn't seen to want to open up the top shoots...its been that way for about a week now...any thoughts on that?


Well-Known Member
If you use R.O. Water or Distilled water you MUST use a CalMag supplement. It is necessary. If you are using hard tap water, you might have SOME of those secondary nutrients, but not all. CalMag is easy to apply. People even apply Epsom salt as a foliar feed, but not while flowering. I highly recommend you go to the store. Hope any of this helped. Crunch*


Well-Known Member
I will definitely grab some this weekend...I am using hard tap water, but I'm sure its not enough, thus causing the dropping and clawing...I'll post up next week with hopefully a turnaround!! Thanks for the help Dameon, hats off, your a stand up dude!!


Well-Known Member
So went to the Hydro store and got me some cal/Mg, a pretty big free sample I might add...haven't used it yet though. Was told I didn't need it if I was using tap. Plus the don't look like they did, I am thinking it was just because they needed some water. I can't let them dry out that much, lesson learned. I did get some Big Bloom and have started using it with my Tiger bloom. Its only been a little over a week and have only feed them once, as I am going every third watering with nutes. They all look extremely healthy though. Got a pic of the Trans, and thought I would post a few pics of my other ladies, as they are looking so vibrant!! Sorry to crowd the thread with pics other then the Trans Auto...but deal with it LOL :D

Day 50

View attachment 2350513

This is a Northern Lights called Alquimista, 60 days from germ and roughly 2 weeks of flower (non-auto):

View attachment 2350518

This is a Mexican Bag Seed, 2 weeks into flower:

View attachment 2350520

This is a Hawaiian MAui Wowwy, Non Auto, 72 days from germ, 2 weeks into Flower:

Hawaiian Day 72.jpg

And lastly: Today I chopped a Trans Siberian that was in a 1/2 gallon pot, roughly 65 days from germ to harvest. She was tiny, but it was my very first one and she started with all sorts of problems..I'm lucky she got this far:


Anyways...thanks all for checking in!!


Well-Known Member
I don't know why some show as attachments and others don't. As I know I can't see the attachments when I am on my phone viewing so I will post some of the pics again, sorry all!!

Trans Day 50 Update:

Trans 4 Day 50.jpg

Northern Lights:

Alquimista Day 60.jpg

Mex Bag Seed:

9.26 Mex.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nice man, that will give you some good smoke though wont it so its worth it. Now you know you can do it alot better next time :) Can you get any close up high res picks of the TS? Remember to give a smoke report once its dried properly :weed:


Well-Known Member
Nice man, that will give you some good smoke though wont it so its worth it. Now you know you can do it alot better next time :) Can you get any close up high res picks of the TS? Remember to give a smoke report once its dried properly :weed:
Low, do you want close ups of the current TS or the one I just cut and trimmed? I will put them up tomorrow for you...thanks for checking in!!


Well-Known Member
Aiight Low, not able to get to the one that is drying for pics...I'll post those when I am ready to send them to the jars for cure, prolly about a week. But here are a couple of close up shots of the Trans on Day 51:

Trans 4 Day 51.jpgTrans 4 Day 51b.jpgTrans 4 Day 51c.jpgTrans 4 Day 51d.jpg

Hope thats what you were looking for!!


Well-Known Member
Aiight Low, not able to get to the one that is drying for pics...I'll post those when I am ready to send them to the jars for cure, prolly about a week. But here are a couple of close up shots of the Trans on Day 51:

View attachment 2351602View attachment 2351603View attachment 2351604View attachment 2351605

Hope thats what you were looking for!!
nice man :D what does the THC smell of? I cant wait till my ULH start getin crystals :P i love pinching the fan leaves n smellin my fingers. Sounds kinda perverted but mayb i just watch the wrong genre of horror films. hmmm....bambi anyone


Active Member
I just finished reading through this whole thread and del you got some nice lookin plants there bro... also that mex seed is lookin nice as well. I just got some auto skunk mass seeds off the tude ill be taking pictures throughout as you have done let us know how the smoke is on the trans. Nice work bro!:weed:


Well-Known Member
I just finished reading through this whole thread and del you got some nice lookin plants there bro... also that mex seed is lookin nice as well. I just got some auto skunk mass seeds off the tude ill be taking pictures throughout as you have done let us know how the smoke is on the trans. Nice work bro!:weed:
Thanks bro for checking in and the rep!! I'll definitely be following that skunk mass when you get it going...


Well-Known Member
nice man :D what does the THC smell of? I cant wait till my ULH start getin crystals :P i love pinching the fan leaves n smellin my fingers. Sounds kinda perverted but mayb i just watch the wrong genre of horror films. hmmm....bambi anyone
That's funny low...I do the same thing: squeeze, run my hands up the gets extremely perverted!! Lol

On the smell note, very skunky and earthy...Prolly one of the most potent smelling I've experienced...thanks for following low..I'm figuring three more weeks...hopefully!! :D


Well-Known Member
I had to post this pic today: Hawaiian Maui Wowie, Top View...count em, over 13 top bud sites!! I can't wait for this lady to finish!!

Hawaiian Day 74.jpg


Well-Known Member
So I just smoked some of the Trans I just chopped a few days ago and although it was only about 3/4 dry and not cured, thought I would post a little smoke report (never done this so bare with me):

Smooth draw with a pungent skunky earthy taste, I'm thinking a little earthy from not being cured. Super intense initial high, very mind numbing, heavy buzz. Its definitely not a motivational high, to be honest don't feel like leaving the couch.

Its my first grow with bought seeds, never really smoked anything with a name other than "hydro", with that being said, this is one of the top five highest I've ever been....DAMEON, I will be waiting to hear your smoke report on the t.s., as I'm a true noob and hope to see some similarities...

Thanks all!! :)


Active Member
sounds like you got some good smoke brotha and i would imagine that earthiness is what you say just from it not having been cured yet. Thanks for the report!