Lookin for that special someone


Lookin for that special someone to ask a few quick questions bout nutes because im gonna start some more bagseed for a few more practice runs.(unrelated to the frankenhemp expirements) if anyone has some chemical knowledge that could be helpful to my situation, im all ears. So this might sound like a dumb question but say you have a soil that is a 5-5-5 npk...if you introduce a food thats say 8-3-3 (or something like that) will they make it like 13-8-8 in all? and also should if not will the fact that the bag said ''feeds up to 3 months'' affect how i should feed the plants? as in getting a lesser dose of nutes in the water cycle till the life expectancy of the soil is up,and doing the same for the flowering stage? Lol i ask all this because yes...i didnt read the bag and have 5-5-5 soil and just want to be prepared for the worst to stick it out like if it will be to much (if thats possible).thanks for any and all feed back.
oh one more thing speaking of overdoing nutes.i know that in veg stage they need lots of N and flowering will be the P and K but when it comes to the actual nute numbers is the higher the number always better or is there a range i should look to stay with in?

your friendly nieghborhood mad scientist,


Active Member
[will they make it like 13-8-8 in all?] pretty much...
[will the fact that the bag said ''feeds up to 3 months'' affect how i should feed the plants?] yes, feed them half strength nutes for the first two weeks to see how they react, then if all is well, go up to 3/4th strength, and if all is well, just stay there (unless you start seeing nutrient deficiencies).
[is the higher the number always better or is there a range i should look to stay with in?]You're putting too much importance on the numbers, imo. What nutrient line are you using? Some brands work much better than others, and some tell you to use more than you actually need, so the kind of fertilizer you have makes a big difference. If you want to learn to grow excellent buds, I suggest you read up on organic growing for your next grow. When you have organic growing under the belt, you really don't need
to worry about burning your plants with nutes...the plant gets its nutrients from the excretions of micro organisms in the soil, which break down organic matter into plant nutrients. The plant controls the size of the populations of different organisms by excreting various carbohydrates (food for micro organisms) through the roots. This way the plant gets the exact amount of the right nutrient. It is possible to make an organic soil mix that does not require fertilizing at all. Nutrients are slowly released during the growth cycle; all you have to do is water it. Look up subcool's super soil if that sounds interesting to you.


Well-Known Member
Lookin for that special someone to ask a few quick questions bout nutes because im gonna start some more bagseed for a few more practice runs.(unrelated to the frankenhemp expirements) if anyone has some chemical knowledge that could be helpful to my situation, im all ears. So this might sound like a dumb question but say you have a soil that is a 5-5-5 npk...if you introduce a food thats say 8-3-3 (or something like that) will they make it like 13-8-8 in all? and also should if not will the fact that the bag said ''feeds up to 3 months'' affect how i should feed the plants? as in getting a lesser dose of nutes in the water cycle till the life expectancy of the soil is up,and doing the same for the flowering stage? Lol i ask all this because yes...i didnt read the bag and have 5-5-5 soil and just want to be prepared for the worst to stick it out like if it will be to much (if thats possible).thanks for any and all feed back.
oh one more thing speaking of overdoing nutes.i know that in veg stage they need lots of N and flowering will be the P and K but when it comes to the actual nute numbers is the higher the number always better or is there a range i should look to stay with in?

your friendly nieghborhood mad scientist,
Just a suggestion, next thread you start, don't make the title like this one. It sounds like another spam thread when read.:cool:


Just a suggestion, next thread you start, don't make the title like this one. It sounds like another spam thread when read.:cool:
aaah thanks i didnt even think about it at the time was just stoned and got a kick out of the personal ad listing lol.


@ DDimebag i started off with a mix of some graveyard dirt mixed 50/50 with some MG potting soil (only used gy dirt because its right next door and seems to grow pretty good). As for the nutes i put the lower level nute supply off to the side for the moment and went and got some MG all purpose feed single packs they're 24-8-16 i figured since that was the highest N content they had at walmart and im just starting veg it would do, and the fact its also MG cant hurt right?i figured same brand would be better than a mix of two seperate ones conflicting one another or something.
the pack says to add 1 pack per gallon of water so i figured it cut it to 1/4 dose to see how it goes. thanks for the input ill let ya know how it turns out.


Well-Known Member
That'll work, but I wouldn't give them any for a couple weeks, maybe 3. MG stuff is a running controversy here, but I have mine in MG soil, MG all purpose ferts only from end of May until mid August, and then I started doing a Burpee fert with just 0-15-11 and molasses until now. I have a couple weeks left on my Indica, and about a month probably on my Sativa.


Active Member
the best advice is keep your plant healthy with what you have read from expert analysis, which most people on here are not but some are.. there are few and far between people that have grown and actually had experience with plants. I have read a TON of posts on here and kept to myself for the most part but you need to just basically figure it out on your own through trial and error my friend goodluck on your grow.