Is there any need to flush when in coco?


Well-Known Member

Was just wondering due to it being an inert medium so is there any point in doing the 2 week flush? Or could i get away with the last 3 waterings with plain water before the chop?



Well-Known Member
I don't personally think flushing is necessary, (unless you have salt build up of course) but a LOT of people will argue with me on that when using chemical fertilsers in a hydro medium.

In soil, it's impossible to stop the plant having access to nutrients up until the moment it's chopped, and organic weed is some of the tastiest around. (you should stop watering a few days before chopping at least though, as that does seem to help with the drying process without hurting flavour or potency)

Just my 2 cents...
I just did a 2 week flush on my coco setup. I think I mightve been better off w say ONE week, or even less.
The coco cleans out quick, the water was coming out clear.

As far as saying "chemical" ...everything is a chemical. "organic" can mean SHIT..
there's my .02

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
I suggest a (gradual at first) reduction of nute strength.The lessening fert in the water will help flush medium while reducing an overferted harvest.Keep an eye on your plants.They will tell you if you went too low too fast.
The best part is you still feed bud development,flush medium,and whiter ash before the jar cure.
Yuuup, thats what i did. Like 50% nute..then flush..
then I felt she was still hungry and had time, so another feeding..then flush..flush..

I still felt I couldve fed a little more, mainly because the coco rinses so clean, so fast..
Im gonna feed a lil longer on my next one

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
Yuuup, thats what i did. Like 50% nute..then flush..
then I felt she was still hungry and had time, so another feeding..then flush..flush..

I still felt I couldve fed a little more, mainly because the coco rinses so clean, so fast..
Im gonna feed a lil longer on my next one
When you run clones.You get to know the strains needs,and finishing time (not breeders suggested).You can ride the line between the plant eating itself,and continued bud ripening in the final days till harvest.Between hang dry,and cure jar.Buds have more white ash than an overferted harvest.
When you run clones.You get to know the strains needs,and finishing time (not breeders suggested).You can ride the line between the plant eating itself,and continued bud ripening in the final days till harvest.Between hang dry,and cure jar.Buds have more white ash than an overferted harvest.
yeah definitely. My next plant in line is about 4-5 weeks in, from the same clone. So now I'll have a better idea of timing those feedings. This next one already looks better than the first..