i like fox. they report the stuff the other media deems "we dont need to know". the local media, is a cheerleader for our pres. not their job! and very left leaning. fox likes to simply report, and let us decide. however, its a good idea to watch both, instead of just saying, " ill take it on faith that all the neg i hear, is true. i have a freind , who tells me he hates fox. i said, "but i did not think you watched it" "i dont" was his responce. "ever"?-said i. "ounce, for like 30 seconds", was his responce. hmmmmm. dont soound like an educated veiwer to me. how can u hate something that u dont know anything about? ahhhhh. he told me! if its ANYONE with traditional american values, YOU SIMPLY HATE EM! (and, since the first amedment is only used by the left to further their speech, this is quite handy.) if the left says it, its "free speech". if the right says it, its "hate speech" is this correct??? sounds like communism. the commi countrys, only ALLOW ONE VOICE....THEIRS! fox and hln, would have been shut down immediatly, just as soon as it was determined that their news was not first "edited" by the goverment! so this is why some hate fox. however. did you know, that if you add up the viewership of all the liveral news, like cnn, cspan, msnbc, king,kiro, etc, and stack all togeather, well, they dont add up to the viewership of fox news. also, many of the mainstream media outlets, are near bankrumptsy. why? no veiwers. same reason fox has been #1 for over 12 years. and their stock worth is huge! so, with all these viewers, they must be doing something right. my late mom, was a life long democrat. the last few years of her life, she watched fox. i asked her why. she said "fox shows us stuff thats going on in the world, that the others dont. i only watch the others, for the weather." so. old dogs can learn new tricks. she loved greta, most. its only obvious the left news, is so biased. when is the last time, anyone can rememver, even ounce, of a mainstream saying ANYTHNG GOOD about a conservative?? hmmm? gotch-ya!