Whipping is bad, would you do that to your children? lmao Do it as little as possible, you will have to whip if you dont have a pump, etc. But with a lot of practice you can get your whipping down to a minimum, and get it even more pure than when you were whipping the fuck out of it. 120 degrees of constant temp is your friend. No higher. Lower is ok. Too much lower and it will be more tacky, 120 will make it more waxy?, and slightly crumbly,but not too bad, just keep it in a nice air tight container to keep the consistency longer. Whipping does destroy terpines. I know, sounds crazy and I didnt think so either until I refined my BHO making a bit, and now my stuff tastes and smells so much better than before. Little things like that can be the difference between good bho, and great bho. Not that mine is perfect by any means.