yman is right, thats why ya getting that yellowing too.
im subbed even tho your start flapping bout smell wk 5-6 n chop them mega early......
im not chopppin early ther in for the full 10?? issit 10 weeks? the PE is 8? fuck knows,, but iainty choppin early fuk that il deal with teh smell
Lmfao ic3 u seriously not thinkin about puttin an extraction an carbon filter in there lmfao ??
I reckon ya neighbour is gonna start smellin at week 4 if ya dont lad and believe me your not wantin that lol i did a grow at me mom and dads yard as me old man wanted to see how he would get on with growin on his own with me as his mentor lol he was doin rather well until me bro who is always in and outta trouble with the law thought it was funny to cs gas his then misses through her letter box door as she would nt let him in as they were arguing through the letter box lmfao lets just say she phoned the dirt and made a visit to the old mans house well he was at work and it was just me old girl in so she hid on the house until they fucked off and foned me to say i need to get the stuff moved as they had been and were more than likely to return with a warrent so in a panick she turns the lot off and fucks off to get out the house just incase they did return and put the door in haha bless so heres me on me toes to get there and when i did u could smell it half way down the street lol aprox 20yards i kid ya not an the extractor was off less than 10 min just imagine the smell in full bloom wen the old man was only 3-4 wks in ?? Thw plod did turn up later that night but the stuff was already moved to next location and the tent was packed away and put up loft but the smell was still in the house sum 2-3hrs after haha the old man pretended he had just woke up and told em he had add a joint but they would nt find anythin as it was his last joint lol he got away with it by the skin of his teeth and they neva found fuck all to do him with no fire arms no grow no weed nothin lol a good job and all as he has previous for dealin green from time ago wen he got done with half a kilo lol naughty naughty lol all over me saft bro haha
yeh hmm i got a carbon filter so i guess i gotta but suim more ducting and hang the filter in the grow room,, i dont know the history of it so unsure how long,how old, or if its even been used? fuk know, owts better than nowt tho rite>?
fuking great parra from week 4-5 lol,,,, i may be lucky since the room is tucked behind the boiler in the middle of the house,, ima have try seal the door too with sum of those strips u get like they put on windows,,FUK this is gunna be fun aint it,, wat was yours pulled at 49 days userlol