Ahhh SHIT, it's Friday....... who is smoking and drinking something good?


Well-Known Member
Tonight it's the rest of the handle of Stoli and I am smoking Bubbleberry and Chem Dawg. I am also making QWISO out of some Bubbleberry.


Well-Known Member
It wasn't Friday, it was Saturday. Daughter came for dinner ;)

smoked: Medijuana revegged and cut early
drank: green tea/orange spice tea
smoked: Medijuana revegged and cut early
ate: mesquite London broil, mashed potatoes, and baby artichokes stuffed with bacon, onion, garlic and cheese.
smoked: Medijuana revegged and cut early
Followed by apple strawberry balsamic crisp
smoked: Medijuana revegged and cut early



Well-Known Member
I thought the same until I saw Oakley84's qwiso. The guy's an artist. cn
Yessir! And that is the way that I made my QWISO. I cooked it a little too long so it's a little on the firm side but it's dank and very, very clean. I will be making more with the trim from this harvest. I will also be trying dry ice extraction and butane extraction too.