race is a social construct. you are attempting to mold that social construct for whatever retarded reason. to me it just seems like you are chomping at the bit to point out that obama is this color or that.
deal with it and move on. most of the rest of the country already has, clayton and others excluded.
all interaction between more people than ONE is a social construct.
claiming that race is merely a social construct does not remove it's power, make it invalid, or prove that it is irrelevant.
race is fundamental to all societies. every one of them, even liberal society. especially liberal society.
race is just one symptom of "Otherness" that separates those within a group from outsiders. it happens to be one of the few things a person cannot change to assimilate into a new social group (Michael Jackson's futile attempts notwithstanding) and it is one of the few things that makes a person a part of a single social group for his entire life.
race is more than just a social construct it is a social constructor. one of the most persistent and powerful social forms in human existence. in any crowd any person can immediately pick out other persons who are like himself, by their race. they may not wear the same clothing, eat the same foods or even speak the same language but they will be drawn together by their Sameness, and it's position in the Otherness of the crowd.
when i have my summer brown on due to extensive work outdoors, i would often find myself being approached by chicanos who would speak to me in spanish on the simple and understandable assumption that i was one of them. often they were seeking assistance of an assimilated chicano as a translator or for advice or information. they were usually quitre surprised that my spanish was so poor and that my accent was pure norte americano.
a friend of mine has distinctive slavic features and was often approached by ukrainians, russians, and pretty much any former soviet republic's immigrants and they would simply assume he spoke russian because he looked like them. they sought him out. asiuans would gravitate towards asian personnel, and blacks would go out of their way to get help from the black guy.
it is the comfort of sameness that makes race so powerful, and inescapable. those who do not live in a "multicultural" area do not understand how the basic human nature turns "multiculturalism" into cliquishness and self segregation in short order.
unless you lefties can figure out a way to re-wire the brains of every human on the planet and remove the Same = Good, Different = Bad instincts of all social creatures then you are just deceiving yourselves.
some people will never trust BHO because he is black, others will deride him because he is not black enough (al sharpton) and others will embrace him solely on his sameness to themselves as opposed to mitt romney's otherness.
thats why you guys keep harping on mitt's wealth, mormonism and other oddities. you wish to increase his Otherness to offset obama's already significant Otherness.
barry would do better if he could make himself more familiar to the people he wants to win over, to increase his Sameness, rather than focusing on mitt's Otherness. unfortunately BHO is simply unappealing to most people because he is a sanctimonious prat who cant connect with joe sixpack any more than mitt romney can, and make no mistake joe sixpack is the guy who will decide this election.