What Tools are Essential for DWC?

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
Please don't think of me as dad as your real one screwed you up enough, if you really even have one.

This will be my last reply to your already tweaked out mind. I wish you well and hopefully someday you can find what you desperately need, maybe a hug will suffice as your really uneducated mind is desperately trying to sound like you actually can convey a point of something tangible here.

Feel free to continue to reply even if it's to appease the voices in your head.

Buddah (insert childish dig on your signature here)

http://www.google.com/#hl=en&sugexp=les;cesh&gs_nf=1&gs_mss=dwc luc&pq=dwc no meter&cp=17&gs_id=2o&xhr=t&q=dwc+lucas+formula&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&oq=dwc+lucas+formula&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=1868d924740104b&biw=1024&bih=607



http://www.google.com/#hl=en&sugexp=les;cesh&gs_nf=1&gs_mss=dwc res c&pq=dwc no meter&cp=14&gs_id=14&xhr=t&q=dwc+res+change&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&oq=dwc+res+change&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=1868d924740104b&biw=1024&bih=607

I would change res on a monthly basis.I would use a 1/4-1/2 of label recommended strength for the specific phase of plant cycle.
I switched to Lucas Formula for simplicity.My target ph is 6,and would let swing between 5.5-6.5.I would add back ph balanced water till week 2 then renute res(plant looks would determine dosage).week 4 empty disinfect res.I made seperate net pot holders and kept roots away from light with a misting of ph balanced water to keep from drying out while changing res (better yet have an identical res ready).I maintained a sterile res with bleach at 1-2 drops to a gal every 4-6 days or if needed.light proof res.ideal res temp 65*F.Learn to read plants,they tell you what they need inbetween nute doses ,and will bounce back.Problems can be from 12 or more hours earlier or sooner.I would trim back roots but no closer than 6" of taproot in veg (in flower or just before flower not advised).Flush Hydroton/Rockwool with ph'ed water to cut back precipitate salts from the nutrient chems.Under nute is better than over nute.

DWC is fun but I now run Hempy.Research,ph kit,good nutes,and good genetics.

Happy growing.



Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
I never had root rot.Ideal res temp 65*F (18*C),and 1-2 drops bleach per gal.Plants uptake Chlorine in trace amounts.Over dose will kill your plants.In a survival situation you can take a gal jug of pond water,and add 2-3 drops of bleach.Cap,and shake jug.Remove cap,then wet cap,and around opening,then recap.In a 1/2 hour you have safe drinking water.Now if you put like say 7 drops in gal jug,then put it to your tongue?Then imagine what your roots feel like.

I am surprised you are not pushing Pondzyme.


What is pondzyme?

Didn't know that about bleach. Thanks for the info. Will that work with a rez thats at non ideal temps like bennies will.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
What is pondzyme?

Didn't know that about bleach. Thanks for the info. Will that work with a rez thats at non ideal temps like bennies will.
Pondzyme is a bennie culture,and an inside joke.

When I ran DWC.I would use 1 drop of bleach per gal every 4-6 days with ideal res temps.Above ideal I would use 2 drops per gal
to erradicate Phythium that will try to slime,and rot my roots.If I skipped my maintence routine,and see the clear slime of Phythium on my roots then I will do 2 drops per gal with 1 drop per gal added for the next couple days till visible eradication.

Now keep in mind that if one used the cap to measure drops?The greater chance of overdose,and death to your plants.When I say drops I am talking out of a dropper or pipette.

Nutrient chem ferts are allready broken down into water soluble uptakeable form.There is no need for bennies to break down any nutrient chem ferts further.Running a sterile res is the easiest way to grow for Hydro.Concentrate on your enviroment,and learn not to over fert.When done done right?A nonorganic Hydro grow can be just just as good as an organic grow.Undernute is better than over nute.

To put into perspective.On test plants in a 2 gal res,a 1/2 cap of bleach made them beyond stressed,and died off in
24-48 hrs.If you see symptoms after treatment?dilute or change res depending on suspected overdose,and then trouble shoot just in case an unrelated issue is at fault.Yes...I run a lab of horrors,but Sodium Hypochlorite is a plants friend in the right tolerance range.

Dyna-Gro Bloom has a guaranteed analysis of: Chlorine (Cl) 0.10% Sodium (Na) 0.1%


Proof to myself of my buds effectiveness is accidently buying,and using regular splashless instead of just regular for many runs before discovery.I did not see any ill effects,but I will not buy Linen,Waterfall,Spring blossom,or Lavender anytime soon.

I now only run a 4 gal DWC cloner,and I follow the same principles.The res temp for productive rooting is kept between 75-80*F (24-29*C).I often skip maintenance here and there.If I see the clear slime on stem,or roots?Then 6 drops,24 hrs later,and gone.

Look into Hydrogen Peroxide as an alternative.I use a capfull of 3% in a tapwater filled dish to hold my freshly cut cuttings stems in.


Well-Known Member
kill everything, including the stuff that helps a plant grow healthy or provide a healthy environment, thus preventing issues and the need for sanitizers? beneficials in outdoor soil are what protect roots, its a natural process.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
Awesome proffesional grower,and takes time out to contribute knowledge for the MJ community.
We differ on the use of bleach,but provides a safer alternative.I suspect that Al knows how easily overdoseable bleach is.The same thing about wether or not to give a seedling nutes.You actualy can give a seedling nutes,but chances are a new grower will fizzle out that seedling.So the standard "safe than sorry" advice is to let seedlings feed off it's own nutrition provided from the embryonic stage.

Put some bleach between your finger tips,and rub them together.You would think it was greasy,but that is just the oils,and fats in your skin dissolving right before your eyes.Chlorine gas is a powerfull oxidizer that strips down reactive substances on a molecular level.Bleach is chlorine in liquid form that eventualy gases off.I use 1 drop per gal for maintenance.

Working the microherd in an outdoor soil grow is a no brainer.

I run a perpetual micro cab using passive hydroponics in 12oz,and 24oz cups.The res's I am working with are around 3-6 fl oz's depending on cup.Running a sterile res gives me direct control on what the plant gets for healthy growth in readily uptakeable form.
I like running GH Diamond Nectar at .5ml a gal.I like the colloidial properties behind the little black-amber specs I see in my pipette.
Even at this small measure of .5ml a gal,I get a faint earth smell in my nute solution.At my rate of dose that DN bottle will last me a very long time.Besides the intended benefits,I feel on a certain level that the faint earthyness is a reminder for the plants of there origins,but done very well without it in past grows.

The way I see it,keeping in mind the variables on methods,setup,etc etc.When you run a balanced healthy microherd,you are letting the beneficial microbials feed the plant at a rate the plant coevolved with.Running a sterile hydro grow,you are providing the nutrion.The nutrient chem salts are not buffered,or slowed down by the bennie's,so the plant can be easily overferted from the readily uptakeable nutrient chem salts.
Now keep in mind that us mammals evolved along side plants too.Humans still have the inner intuition that is hardwired too our brain.It is more complex than intuition,but it is the same survival instinct that saved a long ago homminid from eating more poisonous berries beyond the first taste.The more overferted a nonorganic grow is,the more hyperactivated the plant flavor profile will be.An organic grow with bennies balance things out.To put it simply......The more one can match the rate of what the plant needs with nonorganic methods,the closer one can get in the organic flavor profile without hyper stimulated plant processes.
Keep in mind that some people are more pronounced in this inner intuition,and will always poo a nonorganic grow not knowing it is in his/her genetic profile to dismiss something not in sync with nature,while never knowing truely why.For example:one person is arachnophobic,while another lets a spider crawl on them.Besides differing knowledge on spiders,the phobic one is hardwired for the possible danger more than the other.
With the right hydroponic fert properly used for each method,one can equally get the same results.There will allways be debate due to phychological,and physiological factors in each individual.
If you want to run a balanced ecosystem res?Then follow Marvins call,and read the slime cure sticky(I am sure Great White,and Pondzyme are great products).
If you want to run a steril res for simplicity,and budget restrictions,with equal results if done right?then use 35% HP to be on the safe side,or cautiously use regular bleach.

Sorry to the op (who probably ran off the site),and I hope everything is all right with loved ones.I personaly used the essential tools with great results without microturd or meters,even to this day.I have a better understanding on my plants needs because I am the direct provider.
Happy Growing


New Member
Turd denotes something of dimmished quality or revulsion.Just like your posts. :razz:
Silly kid.. obviously you smoked too much "tweed" in you short life and with all the crazy voices in your head I am suprised you have time to post your drivel at all. Well at least copy and paste most of it then put your delusional spin on it.

Sorry "turd" you are just that a "turd" View attachment 2357064 (I think a pic would benefit you greatly with your limited IQ) that unfortunately shit on us by the MMJ community like the rest of the delusional trolls here, you just happen to be in a league of trolls all your own. Keep posting your run around the Rosie drivel that you seem to back peddle more then you move forward.

Troll on.. Dalick Supreme

As for my "turd" posts I am sure I can rest peacefully in my own home, warm bed, beautiful wife, non-award winning meds (but probably grades above your crispy award winners) knowing I helped more people with common sense replies then your spaced out mind could even understand... but I guess you sleep well in your mom's basement too dreaming about space ships, robots and if mom's will find your crispy award winning plants.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
Silly kid.. obviously you smoked too much "tweed" in you short life and with all the crazy voices in your head I am suprised you have time to post your drivel at all. Well at least copy and paste most of it then put your delusional spin on it.

Sorry "turd" you are just that a "turd" View attachment 2357064 (I think a pic would benefit you greatly with your limited IQ) that unfortunately shit on us by the MMJ community like the rest of the delusional trolls here, you just happen to be in a league of trolls all your own. Keep posting your run around the Rosie drivel that you seem to back peddle more then you move forward.

Troll on.. Dalick Supreme

As for my "turd" posts I am sure I can rest peacefully in my own home, warm bed, beautiful wife, non-award winning meds (but probably grades above your crispy award winners) knowing I helped more people with common sense replies then your spaced out mind could even understand... but I guess you sleep well in your mom's basement too dreaming about space ships, robots and if mom's will find your crispy award winning plants.

Wow!You guessed one thing right.I do copy & paste.An odd dip in net connection can wipe out a submit.If long reply,I type to notepad,and copy paste from there.It gives me time to fact check,spell check,and grammer check to my ability.Google phrases,sentences for any matches for clues to any pilfering.

I know you will not answer any questions,so I can only come up with this analogy.A metal detector hobbyist with a $1,200 bells and whistles to the max detector.At the end of the day,he is mad at the guy with the $250 two knobbed detector,because they have the same amount of treasure at the end of the day.

*If one is using liquids for your solutions?I suggest dedicating a syringe or pipette to each liquid.
If your syringe silk screened printing starts to fade,you can take a serrated knife to notch often used indicators.
I like to keep my bleach in an amber dropper bottle from amazon.The red rubber squeezer is in the packaging so look for it,and it is cut to fit extraction measure.Be carefull if you let bleach touch rubber it will rot,and get in the habit of picking up whole bottle not by the pull out stopper dropper.





Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
I would get a Tri-Meter.. nutradip makes one that is amazing for around $150 , its the tits
I am old school with this,but it looks like Truncheon,and Milwaukee meters keep coming up as quality in my research.
If I had investment money?I would try,and see if a growers mass spectrometer is feasable.With a price probably in the $100K-250K range,it would be out of reach of the hobbyist.A commercial op can extrapolate what is exactly in res down to the ppm of each individual compound.The money saved with specific nutrient dose would be great.I imagine a smart op has checked this out allready.


New Member
I am old school with this,but it looks like Truncheon,and Milwaukee meters keep coming up as quality in my research.
If I had investment money?I would try,and see if a growers mass spectrometer is feasable.With a price probably in the $100K-250K range,it would be out of reach of the hobbyist.A commercial op can extrapolate what is exactly in res down to the ppm of each individual compound.The money saved with specific nutrient dose would be great.I imagine a smart op has checked this out allready.
Try this link for the solution to all your problems:



I never had root rot.Ideal res temp 65*F (18*C),and 1-2 drops bleach per gal.Plants uptake Chlorine in trace amounts.Over dose will kill your plants.In a survival situation you can take a gal jug of pond water,and add 2-3 drops of bleach.Cap,and shake jug.Remove cap,then wet cap,and around opening,then recap.In a 1/2 hour you have safe drinking water.Now if you put like say 7 drops in gal jug,then put it to your tongue?Then imagine what your roots feel like.

I am surprised you are not pushing Pondzyme.
I was under the impression that i could use bennies in a dwc if i cant control rez and room temps. I had read that fluctuating temps were not a problem as long as bennies were in the rez. Also the bennies interact with the roots to prevent any sludge, slime or rot.