Obama's Fake Lead in the Polls, Exposed!

Too many polls - I don't buy all the BS. Usually it only works to skew the polls when its in the same party. Like when B.O did it to Hillary in '08. The idea is to give the bias media something to run with. Makes it look like B.O so far ahead that giving money to Romney would be a waste. To campaign for Romney is a waste. To dispirit Republicans. But most republicans don't buy it. They know most polls are setup to be bias. Over sampling democrats. Under sample independants
We come to find out that one of the polls that had Obama up by 11 was a poll of 160 people with a margin of error of +- 8.

It seems the desperation is on the side of the pollsters trying to shore up Obama.

Howbout you? Put your money where your mouth is or close it.
How about you go fuck a broken coke bottle... This is a discussion forum.

If you had any money you should have already sent it to Obama... He is desperate for it...

obama's campaign is not the one that is $10 million in debt with donors leaving him for down ticket causes :lol:
How about you go fuck a broken coke bottle... This is a discussion forum.

If you had any money you should have already sent it to Obama... He is desperate for it...
He'll give it back if he's reelected, obviously, cos he's a Commie scumbag.
obama's campaign is not the one that is $10 million in debt with donors leaving him for down ticket causes :lol:

At this point he should be down. After the conventions was the time to book up all the airtime on TV.

Besides, he could pay for that out of his own pocket..
Carne - they are still depending on their voter suppression actions to give Romney the win - I believe Romney knows of these efforts and their internal tracking has him more confident than he whould ordinarily be, perhaps that is why his campaign is so lack luster, they know something we only suspect.

I mean, he doesn't have the black vote, he doesn't have the latino vote, he doesn't have labor, he doesn't have the poor and he doesn't have women, and the right claims the polls are skewed? Really?

Try to think past color, gender, sexual orientation and ethnicity for just a second. I know thats going to be hard for a democrat to do, but try to listen. Voter ID is meant to suppress only 1 vote. The Not American vote. Thats why democrats like no voter ID. It makes fraud easy and nearly untraceable. But that topic is for a different thread. So why bring it up here?
Try to think past color, gender, sexual orientation and ethnicity for just a second. I know thats going to be hard for a democrat to do, but try to listen. Voter ID is meant to suppress only 1 vote. The Not American vote. Thats why democrats like no voter ID. It makes fraud easy and nearly untraceable. But that topic is for a different thread. So why bring it up here?
what a load of crap. voter fraud happened when american citizens voted for Gore and then we got Bush. thanks but you are a little too late.
what a load of crap. voter fraud happened when american citizens voted for Gore and then we got Bush. thanks but you are a little too late.

What a load of crap. Voter fraud happened when Gore cheated in 7 Florida counties, and the loser still came up short. But you are a little too late.
Too many polls - I don't buy all the BS. Usually it only works to skew the polls when its in the same party. Like when B.O did it to Hillary in '08. The idea is to give the bias media something to run with. Makes it look like B.O so far ahead that giving money to Romney would be a waste. To campaign for Romney is a waste. To dispirit Republicans. But most republicans don't buy it. They know most polls are setup to be bias. Over sampling democrats. Under sample independants

Try to think past color, gender, sexual orientation and ethnicity for just a second. I know thats going to be hard for a democrat to do, but try to listen. Voter ID is meant to suppress only 1 vote. The Not American vote. Thats why democrats like no voter ID. It makes fraud easy and nearly untraceable. But that topic is for a different thread. So why bring it up here?

At this point he should be down. After the conventions was the time to book up all the airtime on TV.

Besides, he could pay for that out of his own pocket..
your comeback was "oh right, he's rich!", he's got a horrible campaign team, much worse than obama's, and the fact that he's bad with money regarding his campaign is even more telling.
The polls that indicate the direction of the election are the ones in individual states, specificly in the battleground states - and they don't look good for R&R.

I will say this again, pollsters depend upon their reputations, they are depended upon by both sides to reveal the truth as much as they are able, if they are caught slinging numbers they will lose their customers. It is highly unlikely that groups of pollsters are cribbing just to put Obama in place.

This is typical of the right btw.

You keep spinning it all you want, the pollsters are required to disclose the criteria on how they arrived at their findings, anyone can research each poll and see they are over sampling democrats, but if they want to rely on your bias opinion, that shows how easy some people are led around by the nose.

As far as reputation goes, they are judged by their final polling stats in the last week of the election, most of them will all tighten up or swing the other way!
You keep spinning it all you want, the pollsters are required to disclose the criteria on how they arrived at their findings, anyone can research each poll and see they are over sampling democrats, but if they want to rely on your bias opinion, that shows how easy some people are led around by the nose.

As far as reputation goes, they are judged by their final polling stats in the last week of the election, most of them will all tighten up or swing the other way!

Then why don't you bet? Shut the fuck up with everything else and either accept or decline and show those true colors
Then why don't you bet? Shut the fuck up with everything else and either accept or decline and show those true colors

Dude, don't try and act like a tough guy on the internet, it makes you look more and more like the little idiot you are. I wouldn't trust your lying ass as far as I could throw you, let alone bet shit with you.
Dude, don't try and act like a tough guy on the internet, it makes you look more and more like the little idiot you are. I wouldn't trust your lying ass as far as I could throw you, let alone bet shit with you.
No, you won't bet because you're a pussy with no conviction and a big mouth and no balls.

Watch Obama wipe the floor with Romney's ass this election. When you're sitting there wondering wtf just happened, remember what I said on Oct. 2nd.
