3 weeks left......very very yellow plants


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I have some very yellow plants in my CFL grow....some of you may have seen my grow before.

I have about 3 weeks left I think, the last 4 days the buds have turned from white to dark brown / red.....

They look really yellow so I added 0.5ml of bio grow to my regular bloom nutes....I also did a very light spray feed on the effected leaves......have I done the right thing you think???

Cheers for looking. IMG_3560.JPGIMG_3561.JPGIMG_3562.JPGIMG_3564.JPG
Well since nobody has chimed in yet, I'll do exactly that. First and foremost don't foilar spray your plants when the are that far along in flower. The risks outweigh the rewards unless you're dealing with disease. Its hard for me to tell if you're dealing with a nitrogen def, or a mag def I am leaning towards a slight magnesium def along with the plants being far enough along in flower to start naturally using up their stored nitrogen cause they won't need it for further bud production. You seem to have dodged a bullet with a bud rot description almost, as things look to be okay. Anytime buds turn brown it's not good, in your case things look like they weren't affected. On pic 2 and 4 I would pull all of the yellow and ugly leaves off of that plant as it has PLENTY of fan leaves to keep it going strong. Those dying leaves are just sucking up energy that could be going to other uses. Some people will disagree with removing the yellow fan leaves in those two pics but it's my .02 worth. The other two pics look okay as far as bud production goes, just dealing with the def and I wouldn't remove any fan leaves unless they begin to die..



Well-Known Member
Ok thanks .. The pots aren't that small.. The pics make them look like that though. No roots are coming through the bottom. I think the buds look dark as its the red hairs but I'm not sure. Il add some N and hope 4 the best. It's my first grow so just learning
I wouldn't add N as it's too late and the plant won't use it at this stage in it's life. It actually could retard further bud formation and make your flowering cycle even longer...



Well-Known Member
Too late... I added it but literally only .5ml per litre so not much at all. I won't add more....

These plants are at a house I can't visit (long story)..if been growing them through looking at the pics I've been sent and making judgement calls on how to act on the description/pics im
getting....at this point any harvest will be a result


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks .. The pots aren't that small.. The pics make them look like that though. No roots are coming through the bottom. I think the buds look dark as its the red hairs but I'm not sure. Il add some N and hope 4 the best. It's my first grow so just learning
Just because you don't see roots poking out, doesn't mean they are not crowded.
Also I realize that is your bath tub, but it looks like you're soaking them.............. If so, WHY?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't add N as it's too late and the plant won't use it at this stage in it's life. It actually could retard further bud formation and make your flowering cycle even longer...

I agree 100% . You took the word right out my finger tips lol. Op said he was 3weeks from harvest prolly was tops pullin n out of leaves.just my opinion


Well-Known Member
All this could just be as simple as a PH problem, whats your ph when you feed and whats the run off?? If its out it can just stop the plant absorbing the nutes in your feed, this leads you to start playing with your nutes and making the problems worse.
If your run off is way out you should flush it a shed load.

Happy smokes


Well-Known Member
All this could just be as simple as a PH problem, whats your ph when you feed and whats the run off?? If its out it can just stop the plant absorbing the nutes in your feed, this leads you to start playing with your nutes and making the problems worse.
If your run off is way out you should flush it a shed load.

Happy smokes
Very good point. +rep my man


Active Member
just let em finish stop giving your plants so many treatments give it time to help itself, all you need to do is keep your temps and watering under control let the plant get the nutrients it already has in the pot you only have 3 weeks left max so just let those babies go on without all the added nutrient stress your giving them by trying to fix leaf color....


Well-Known Member
just let em finish stop giving your plants so many treatments give it time to help itself, all you need to do is keep your temps and watering under control let the plant get the nutrients it already has in the pot you only have 3 weeks left max so just let those babies go on without all the added nutrient stress your giving them by trying to fix leaf color....
agree and some yellowing late in flowering is not uncommon, actually pretty normal, look pretty healthy overall, so don't mess to much with it now .. let it finish ..

next time use a littel more Nitrogen doing the fist two weeks of flowering (the stretch)


Well-Known Member
i would flush them good once, plain water, if 5l pots, 10l of water, etc..... give em a few days and go back to normal feeding schedule, looks like you got some lockout going on. if they only have a couple weeks left, 2ish it looks to me, lol, they should get to harvest ok m8. giving extra nutes when locked out just makes problem worse. and creates more. also, i may be totally wrong so wait until a few more suggestions come up, including more knowledgable growers with ppm meters etc. that will have the exact answer and make me look the amateur i am...... anyways, good luck with em, the fact your even trying to grow the lovely herb deserves a big thumb up dude... and every other grower too, legal or prohibited........


Na wont kill it, but probably best not to though.

Id say just lay off the nutrients and flush them with plain old water like the other guy said