Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
GPS uses triangulatiuon, and radio waves to establish and communicate your position, not relativity. both concepts (if not that particular implementation) predate einstein and his relativity theories by a VERY long time.They have to because their theories cannot stand on their own merit. Other credible theories, like evolution, can.
That is absolutely untrue. Disregard germ theory and modern medicine and watch how quickly you die. Disregard relativity and watch your gps system no longer work. These theories are accepted for good reason. Not because anyone demands or forces it.
How does not knowing the function of the appendix change the facts and evidence of any of the accepted theories brought up this far?
Biblical research. Stop being disingenuous you festering anal wart. If you don't understand the fundamental difference between real evidence and the garbage you are spewing then you are too stupid to converse with.
but to your first point, so if i close my eyes and wish real hard that newton and marconi were totally wrong then satellites will stop orbiting and radio waves will no longer transmit to receivers? wow.
if i disbelieve in germs, and instead place my faith in the theory that evil vapours cause disease i will just keel over and die? amazing.
the appendix, if you had read instead of blindly gnashing your teeth, is to my mind PROOF that intelligent design is bullshit, and evolution (with it's random mutations which may help, may hurt or may do nothing) caused species to evolve. im starting to think you only understand the ad hominem.
if i make the claim that shit stinks, i suspect you might smear some under your nose just to prove me wrong.
science is advanced by the best methods availabnle at the time, and rigorous study, argument, and testing not bold proclamations by ad hominem attack. Galileo was 'proved" wrong by the "scientific" and ecclesiastical courts which were the "peer review" and "scientific journals" of the time. THATS my fucking point. if you place blind faith in this poindexter, or that theory you may find yourself supporting a lie, and insulting, defaming and slandering somebody who is RIGHT just because the authorities disagree with his heresy!
if you want to believe that the earth is hollow, anfd munchkins and gnomes live on the inner convex surface around a tiny inner sun then you can believe the fuck out of that, it doesnt hurt me and you belief will NOT make it true.
right now your just a few steps remioved from declaring me a witch and demanding i be burnt at the stake for my traffick with the devil for daring to believe in the universe described by my god, my grandfather, newton and my past mentors.
wow. maybe im just an unrepentant apostate. get the torches.