
maybe they're Pepsi fans and only like flavored water? fuck idk... but I do have a question about someting I see in your videos often. What's with the zip lock baggy over the cups? is it acting like a saucer? is it a control of some test? Just curious as I've never seen a bag on the outside of a pot although I have seen bags inside pots... and of course lots of pot in bags! lol!

not to mention they are rootbound.
you really think so? There's roots at the bottom of them cups, but certainly not bound up. To me a rootbound plant is one that has excessive root growth that has swirled around and around the container looking for new earth and has bound itself up and basically strengling itself to it's death. When I pull my pre vegged plants from their cups they look like stir fry noodles everywhere! Big, fat, and plump healthy root systems that make the root mass solid. When I chop my plants and pull the wods from the containers I could use them as foundation under the house they are so hard and full of roots. Not bound as I use root friendly pots, but there is a ton of roots stuffed into the container. It always amazes me that with that much root growth it doesn't swell the pots of push medium out of the top. Anyways just curious if that's what you really consider root bound...



you really think so? There's roots at the bottom of them cups, but certainly not bound up. To me a rootbound plant is one that has excessive root growth that has swirled around and around the container looking for new earth and has bound itself up and basically strengling itself to it's death. When I pull my pre vegged plants from their cups they look like stir fry noodles everywhere! Big, fat, and plump healthy root systems that make the root mass solid. When I chop my plants and pull the wods from the containers I could use them as foundation under the house they are so hard and full of roots. Not bound as I use root friendly pots, but there is a ton of roots stuffed into the container. It always amazes me that with that much root growth it doesn't swell the pots of push medium out of the top. Anyways just curious if that's what you really consider root bound...


well, i mean im not saying that its terribly root bound and affecting growth per say, but the plant overall would def. be doin better and be much bigger if it had a bigger medium to grow in for sure. i mean i guess i wouldnt consider them badly bound but i also wouldnt let any of my plants live like that cause in the end unhappy plants = unhappy growers :D


Well-Known Member
I see some of us pay attention.This is an example of what not to do,the main 2 problems are root exposure and no drainage but the cup is indeed root bound circled
around the bottom of the cup.Now I'm gonna drill a couple holes and wrap some black plastic to see if taking these problems away will make these two plant resume
normal growth.


what ive come to notice about root bound plants is being rootbound doesnt seem to effecting vertical growth as much as it effects individual node growth, as in the plant will still tend to grow upward with not much of a problem but the nodes really wont produce little stalks that eventually grow up and become many bud sites, just an observation from doing this for awhile.


Well-Known Member
Cut holes and put black plastic now it's time to wait on the effects :-)

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If you did it with both of them, how would you have a control? or how would you know if it was light on the roots or lack of drainage that caused the problem? We know it is a combination of both but what causes more of a problem and what would fix the problem faster - IE better drainage OR less light. that is just how I would do it.