Urgent! Flowering 6 weeks and plant split down the center of the main stem.


Active Member
My plant which is no special strain, (bag seed) has been flowering for 6 weeks and was looking fantastic until a few days ago. I accidentally over watered while the plant was in it's final cycle of GH Flora, Micro, Bloom and it got a bad case of nute burn. The two main branches must have been too heavy for the sick plant and it split directly down the center. I was actually in the middle of flushing the pot to help clear the nute buildup when I noticed the split. I zip tied it back together and now the split is nice and secure. However, I'm unaware of how long the split has been there. I have been scoping out the trichomes for days and very few are clear, most are cloudy and very few are amber. So my question is: Do I leave it zip tied and see if she recovers and try to squeeze another week out of her or do I cut my losses and harvest now? More details about the grow below.

Fox Farms Ocean Forest
3 gallon pot
250w HPS set to 12/12
temp avg. 83
humidity avg. 40%
Nutes Info in post above.


Well-Known Member
I would have taped it instead of zip tie, so it was more like a bandaid than a turnikit.

I'm not sure what you should do though. Ask Shiva to make help it through.


Active Member
It's not in a spot where it's feasible to tape. It was zip it or clip it at that point.


Well-Known Member
I'm unaware of what that means. Can you please explain?
Try to give it anything it would need to get better. "Offer" it things. Dry ice, a yeast bubbles, new nutes, molasses, more light, a new fan, anything. Let it know you want it to get better, support it. "Ask" it to live (with those actions). And maybe Shiva will here you.


Active Member
I posted in your other thread, but judging by the trichomes your plant isn't far from harvest. I would keep flushing and just harvest it normally when the trichs are the color you want them.