100 percent indica or sativa

Flying Dutchman say their pure thai sativa strain is a pure sativa land race from Thailand

It's pure as far as we're concerned as growers, but grow enough of them sooner or later an indica trait will pop up...And by "enough" it's probably going to be thousands!
Not genetically pure strictly speaking, but as near as I care...
World of seeds claim their afghan kush is pure indica. Also their Pakistani valley is claimed pure, I think this is because they are isolated landraces that they say they are 100% indica. I'm growing afghan kush at the min and it looks pretty close to 100% I say this because it's very short and bushy with really tight buds and very fat indica leafs. I've not popped my pakistani valley bean yet as the strain doesn't really grab my attention(it will save for a rainy day).

What is the Pakistani Valley isolated from? The wind? Insects? Nomadic mammals? These are the vectors through which our plants species have traditionally pollinated themselves.

What your plant looks like to you does not mean anything regarding its genetic lineage. Are you certain it's grand-parent was not a Sativa or Sativa cross?

Looking at the U.S president, who would have known he has Irish ancestry? What percentage Irish is he? What percentage African? Its meaningless. .... When organisms pass on genetic information its not done through percentages but through dominant or recessive genes.

I agree with sworth that the term 'Classic' is more accurate.
I'm only stating what W.O.S say about their strains!!! I didn't say I KNOW they are pure. Get off your high horse mobius man! It's what they say not me. And I think they mean isolated from any other strains that it can breed with. Any way u obviously feel like shitting on anything I write so I'm out!
I'm only stating what W.O.S say about their strains!!! I didn't say I KNOW they are pure. Get off your high horse mobius man! It's what they say not me. And I think they mean isolated from any other strains that it can breed with. Any way u obviously feel like shitting on anything I write so I'm out!

I don't like it when the grown ups argue :(

I'm not arguing, just asking a few questions here and dispelling myths. Dude just got defensive when I asked him what he means by 'isolated'.

Some people just don't like others disagreeing with them. I won't/can't take it personal.
No plant anywhere is isolated on the planet. Full stop/period.

"Nothing in the world is single;
All things by a law divine
In one another's being mingle... "

(Ooo get me! Quoting Shelly, still had to check it though! ;))
I'm not taking it personal either! I was just answering the op's question. And stating what's on Fd's and W.O.S's description of the strains. U obviously know your stuff. For one I didn't know there was no such thing as pure indica or sativa so thanks for that!!!! I didn't take it personal but u didn't ask what I ment by isolated, I just didn't see the point in getting all smart ass'd with your point that's all.
I'm not taking it personal either! I was just answering the op's question. And stating what's on Fd's and W.O.S's description of the strains. U obviously know your stuff. For one I didn't know there was no such thing as pure indica or sativa so thanks for that!!!! I didn't take it personal but u didn't ask what I ment by isolated, I just didn't see the point in getting all smart ass'd with your point that's all.

Maybe some wires crossed.

I do tend to over emphasize my point, its cuts to the chase in short-form discussions like these. One doesn't have time to put a point across in the most sensitive manner. Its unfortunate that you see it as 'smart ass'd'.

Please re-read post#22 where in fact I do ask you what you mean by 'isolated'.

I don't consider that I know my stuff. But I do know 'some' stuff. I use these forums to exchange knowledge and debate. That's all. :peace:
yh and if people did'nt disagree with each other then we'd all just be the blind leading the blind. and while we are on the point i just read over flying dutchmans description of the "pure" thai sativa. they also say that 5% of that strain hermi!!! wtf!!!!! i could'nt belive my eyes!!!
yh and if people did'nt disagree with each other then we'd all just be the blind leading the blind. and while we are on the point i just read over flying dutchmans description of the "pure" thai sativa. they also say that 5% of that strain hermi!!! wtf!!!!! i could'nt belive my eyes!!!

I would quite like a hermi oneday. Never got one myself. ... 1 seed in 20 turning hermi seems quite poor though, my guess is this shows a lack of genetic variation. i.e Inbreeding. ... I wonder if this is more common in Landraces. ... (more reading needed)

I think Flying Dutchman are saying when they say 'Pure' is that it hasn't been through extensive hybridization by humans as so many of the modern 'strains' have in the last 20-30 years.
...or is turning hermi due to genetic variation, and we've bred it out of them for cultivation?...so I'm wondering if this is less common in Land races?..
I, too, have some reading to do! ;)
I had hermie plants well before any hybrids were around. Or at least common. Growing since the 60's and those who taught me told me about it early on. It's a survival trait built in.
TBH, not sure if the seeds I got from Holy Smoke are 100% sativa...but I do know my Nepali Rukum (and its two clones) look like 100% sativa! Nothing indica about this plant...tall, lanky, narrow leaves, airy buds, you name it.
...or is turning hermi due to genetic variation, and we've bred it out of them for cultivation?...so I'm wondering if this is less common in Land races?..
I, too, have some reading to do! :wink:

Closed populations have less variation than open ones. ... As hotrodharley stated, the hermi(ism) ensures these closed populations survive in periods where cross pollination has become difficult. i.e through droughts, adverse weather etc.

In human selection these traits will be breed out as 'unfavourable'. Human's generally have little use for a hermi, so over generations these plants will be thrown in the bin before they pass on their genes. A hybrid will contain more genetic diversity than Landrace, it will contain legacy DNA, much of which is dormant and may not express itself in the plants life-cycle.
im really glad you guys are having this discussion.

@ mobius you are 100% correct and are explaining this the best way you can. appreciate it.

@ everyone else listen up cause hes telling the truth here.

land races "herm trait" would be more so than reg seed plants bred for cultivations :) its a survival tactic got to remember that.
Male Cannabis pollen is sucked up in storms and travels the globe in jet streams.

Over the millions of years the strain has been around DNA has been shared between all varieties.

There is no such thing as 100% Indica or 100%Sativa. Biologically, there is no such thing as 50% Indica /50% Sativa. What there is are plants showing phenotypical Sativa or Indica traits.

When discussing the DNA of any organism '% values' are completely unknowable and ultimately meaningless. Even in Human paternity tests, results are given as a statistical probability and not a definitive % value.

This is untrue. Moisture kills the viability of pollen, and any pollen "sucked up" in a storm would be killed before it ever got a chance to pollinate a plant on the other side of the ocean. This is why breeders spray down a female which has been pollinated before bringing it back into the flowering room, to avoid pollinating the other females in the room. There are pure sativas and there are pure indicas, and there are hybrids of both, as well as rudys (autoflowering cannabis).
This is untrue. Moisture kills the viability of pollen, and any pollen "sucked up" in a storm would be killed before it ever got a chance to pollinate a plant on the other side of the ocean. This is why breeders spray down a female which has been pollinated before bringing it back into the flowering room, to avoid pollinating the other females in the room. There are pure sativas and there are pure indicas, and there are hybrids of both, as well as rudys (autoflowering cannabis).

your so fucking dumb its not funny. just stop, please, before you look any dumber.
you can find 100% indicas and 100% sativas still being sold to this day. i have NO IDEA what some posters are talking about saying "finding a 100% indica or sativa is rare."

check with seedfinder.eu im pretty sure you can search for 100% indicas or 100% sativas.

100% indicas are great for indoors but dont dare try a 100% sativa indoors till you're at least out of the noobie section of the forum. trust me. i grew acapulco gold (pretty sure its 90-95% sativa) and holy hell. by the end of flowering it had a 600w hps 2 itself! they triple their size easily...sometimes quadruple in size. if you grow outdoors its more worth the effort. they also can be a pain as far as nutes go not to mention trimming (sativas tend to have more excess leaves)

a 100% indica would be great indoors. theres loads of 100% indicas you can grow indoors and some come close to 100% that are also worth looking into.

just do a strain search on seedfinder. theres plenty of both varieties.
anything above 85% could be considered as pure as it gets. mathematically speaking you can never have a strain that is more than 99.9% pure.(thats a lot of generations of inbreeding!)

as far as traits expressed this is really how you should go about labeling a cannabis plant. so if you got a "sativa" but its a hybrid of 70/30 but it expresses mostly sativa traits i think its pretty safe to call that plant sativa.