Polls tighten after debate


Well-Known Member
Romney is only behind 1 point in Ohio and is ahead in Virginia and Florida.

Dun dun dun....
What Rasmussen? lol
While President Obama turned in a lackluster debate performance that was panned by Republicans and Democrats alike, he got some good news yesterday: according to a new Gallup poll his approval rating now stands at 54%, the highest it has been in 3 years. Historically, Presidents with an approval rating above 50% have been reelected while those under 50% have struggled and often lost.
Romney is only behind 1 point in Ohio and is ahead in Virginia and Florida.

Dun dun dun....

And with the 8% oversampling of Democrats, I'd say that puts him ahead by about 5-6%. But hey, the magic liberal abacus says the unemployment rate mysteriously went down to 7.8% in September, which as we all know is a month that employers really jack up their hiring...lol.

Broke the 29 year record for a single month.

Have you seen the Labor Secretary Hilda Solis? That's a batshit crazy liberal if I've EVER seen one. I have no prior knowledge, but I'd bet my entire savings on the fact she's a screaming lib. Looks like Pelosi and Sotomayor had a mongoloid love child.

And with the 8% oversampling of Democrats, I'd say that puts him ahead by about 5-6%. But hey, the magic liberal abacus says the unemployment rate mysteriously went down to 7.8% in September, which as we all know is a month that employers really jack up their hiring...lol.

Broke the 29 year record for a single month.

Have you seen the Labor Secretary Hilda Solis? That's a batshit crazy liberal if I've EVER seen one. I have no prior knowledge, but I'd bet my entire savings on the fact she's a screaming lib. Looks like Pelosi and Sotomayor had a mongoloid love child.


i cant understand why his rating is so high. he is a complete failure! unless you call destroying jobs a success..like the 1200 miners just put out of work, cause he had the epa, (which needs to be kicked down a few notches), raise the standards for coal. well, how much is our lights going to cost us, with 200 more coal fired plants slated for closure, according to this godly president??? nothing is green enough for him. he just wants america, to be no better than any other shit pot country. no more bush bashing. or romney, for that matter. romney has had no chance at the wheel yet! ohbnama has had so many ways to show us he cares. he has failed each one. so, do you want to re-elect him, so he can drag us all the way down? do u like the idea of life like cuba? have you been wrongfully taught, that all people with money are bad? they employ the rest of us! at least those who choose to work, and dont have their hand out, and a joint in their mouth! they owe us protection form enemies. thats the original only job of goverment. and we forget. THEY WORK FOR US! NOT US WORK FOR THEM.
Is still cant believe that Americans care about the election.

I mean, you only get two choices, "TWO" choices! For someone to become president.

Both sides take care of the rich, take care of big businesses and go to war.

I honestly think it does not matter who becomes president, because 90% of the outcome will be the same, just branded differently.
mr con man al gore to the rescue! it was the altitude! so we should ignore that debate, aye? funny how everyone of his fans, are so eager to give him excuses. he makes plenty for himself. one is he is not an american at heart. but a hater of all who are succeses. gore is a fool. the good thing, is that i feel, that after ohbama is fired, the rest of the far left, one by one, will meet the same fate. the true democrats have been slowly driven into exticntion, starting with the kennadys assasinations. now, they are commies. any president who appologizes for america, bows to others, and says we didnet build that! is not a true american.
Is still cant believe that Americans care about the election.

I mean, you only get two choices, "TWO" choices! For someone to become president.

Both sides take care of the rich, take care of big businesses and go to war.

I honestly think it does not matter who becomes president, because 90% of the outcome will be the same, just branded differently.
war is life. the middle east is not impressed with weakness, shown by our president. easy pic., our president has done more harm than good. unless you feel handouts are the way to go. id rather have access to our own resources, like oil, natureal gas, and coal, which he just keeps ham-stringing. he says is not green enough, thats a ploy. he really wants to do his daddys wishs. that was he hated america, and wanted everyone to be equally poor. barack is working on this, make no mistake. id say, four years is enough for anyone who dosnent proove themselves. why do u think the commi goverments like him so!!??
im with you, fungus. it amazes me how many love obama, based on the fact that he is PURPOSELY trying to destroy america. the scary part, is maybe they do love him for this!!! just like when the IDIOTS cheered at madonnas comments on "we have a muslim in the whitehouse"!! "this is the shit"!!! in another country, she would have been stoned, or at least jailed, for her comments. the media. hollywood. and the blind sheep, are our problems, we will need to address. the media really believes the lies they tell us?? lol. the reason the liberals are so frantic, is that they realize, after ohbama is replaced. we are going to replace them! lol. and that party, is now going by-by, forever.
the polls are jacked by the libs. dont listen to em. its a way, to get conservatives to stay home. they are really grasping at straws! so frantic, to preserve their dream of a "socialist america"..or worse.
Jesus Christ blindbaby, you have a hardon like no other for Obama but its funny how Bush dug the hole we are in. Its so easy to get yourself in a hole but getting out is so much harder. Bush, with his "you tried to kill my daddy" cowboy attitude made the US look a fool and now the rest of the world sees us as not quite the powerhouse we once were. Bush created the current scene. You can't keep blaming Obama for Bushs' fuck ups. Obama has been tryin but with a republican congress, its hard. You sound a bit like a communist actually... You need to go find a piece of ass and bury that hardon.
Jesus Christ blindbaby, you have a hardon like no other for Obama but its funny how Bush dug the hole we are in. Its so easy to get yourself in a hole but getting out is so much harder. Bush, with his "you tried to kill my daddy" cowboy attitude made the US look a fool and now the rest of the world sees us as not quite the powerhouse we once were. Bush created the current scene. You can't keep blaming Obama for Bushs' fuck ups. Obama has been tryin but with a republican congress, its hard. You sound a bit like a communist actually... You need to go find a piece of ass and bury that hardon.

I guess what they say is true, if you keep repeating the same BS over and over, some people accept it as fact!
I guess what they say is true, if you keep repeating the same BS over and over, some people accept it as fact!
that's the best you could come with? Fact is, all the proof is there, do some research... I expect a better, more educated answer from you next time... Politics is what I know. I am not an Obama supporter nor am I a Romney supporter. I can tell you that the latter is not the answer. Not even close. Obama is the better option.
that's the best you could come with? Fact is, all the proof is there, do some research... I expect a better, more educated answer from you next time... Politics is what I know. I am not an Obama supporter nor am I a Romney supporter. I can tell you that the latter is not the answer. Not even close. Obama is the better option.
If that is a fact, can you explain to me how Obama claims he cant get stuff done because of Congress, but somehow Bush was the lone cowboy doing everything he absolutely had any inclination to do and Congress bowed before him?

How could Bush get Congress to agree to all the bad things he did yet Obama cant get a single Democrat to vote for his budget plan?
that's the best you could come with? Fact is, all the proof is there, do some research... I expect a better, more educated answer from you next time... Politics is what I know. I am not an Obama supporter nor am I a Romney supporter. I can tell you that the latter is not the answer. Not even close. Obama is the better option.

*in best perot voice*

Now here is the deal... The economy was in a shambles at the end of Bush's 2nd term. HOWEVER.... Obama promised to fix it. He has not bee able to. Therefore, he needs to go....
*in best perot voice*

Now here is the deal... The economy was in a shambles at the end of Bush's 2nd term. HOWEVER.... Obama promised to fix it. He has not bee able to. Therefore, he needs to go....

you don't call two and a half years of job growth after inheriting 800k jobs lost per month a fix?

if you install sprinklers, the grass will grow faster and give you more business. that should allow you to buy way more bazooka joes and baseball cards.
you don't call two and a half years of job growth after inheriting 800k jobs lost per month a fix?

if you install sprinklers, the grass will grow faster and give you more business. that should allow you to buy way more bazooka joes and baseball cards.

I bet I made more money working legally today than you did Bucky....

Why dont you become part of the solution rather than being part of the problem?
I bet I made more money working legally today than you did Bucky....

Why dont you become part of the solution rather than being part of the problem?

way to avoid the question, kiddo.

i might have missed your answer (or avoidance of an answer) in another thread, but do people check the height of their lawn or their top marginal tax rate before they call you up to come mow?