Feds end 2012 with $1.1 trillion deficit


Well-Known Member
The federal government notched a $1.1 trillion deficit in fiscal year 2012 — the fourth straight year over $1 trillion — according to a preliminary estimate that the Congressional Budget Office released Friday.

And you would do what? cut taxes?


Well-Known Member
We are not allowed to bring up our national deficit in the political forum? This is a prime example of how democrats don't care about our debt. Obama was on Letterman and said "its not a short term problem". Thats scary as hell. We can't kick the can down the road much further.


Well-Known Member
And you would do what? cut taxes?
what I would do is raise a small minorities tax rate by 3% because it's popular with the majority generating 70B a year (if they take as much profits, not just wait until the next guy). Then I'd convince a large group of people that this will not only fix the economy, but we'll be able to build high speed rails, invest in green energy, community re-investments, better welfare conditions, balance the budget, reduce the deficit and grow the middle class by repeating it over and over.

Then I'd call it a day.


Well-Known Member
Bush did this
Romney has a better plan and is more qualified to fix the mess regardless of what Bush did or didn't do. I'm tired of democrats insisting that if Obama can't do it then nobody can. If Obama is so qualified then why won't he release his college transcripts?


Well-Known Member
Romney has a better plan and is more qualified to fix the mess regardless of what Bush did or didn't do. I'm tired of democrats insisting that if Obama can't do it then nobody can. If Obama is so qualified then why won't he release his college transcripts?
Probably because he is listed as an Indonesian on them...


Well-Known Member
I think rollinbud has a very good case if he ever chose to report you for harassment.
the mods have already warned him twice for the fact that he has posted 100+ copy and paste articles. he never posts anything but.

you're an idiot.


Well-Known Member
Bucky your the biggest whiny pussy I have seen on this forum. Blatant racism, bigotry, personal attacks, child like behavior, and constant trolling if anyone should be banned it should be you. Last thread that got shut down was from you acting childish.

stoned cockatoo

New Member
Buck has a menstrual cycle of sorts.
It builds and builds until every 4 years an election rolls around resulting in the bursting of the dam wall that is bucks asshole resulting in a almighty period

Let's all enjoy this once in a 4 year show.


Well-Known Member
the mods have already warned him twice for the fact that he has posted 100+ copy and paste articles. he never posts anything but.

you're an idiot.


If you're having trouble with two letter words, than you're an idiot like Joe Biden :lol:



Well-Known Member
Neither Joe Biden or Obama can count past three. :lol:
