Polls tighten after debate


New Member
This is kind of stupid arguing whether you grow but damn, who the hell doesnt know to trim fan leaves?
Dude, we aren't talking about trimming fan leaves! LOL
We're talking about after you cut if your fan leaves turn brown and fall off of the plants you are hanging!


New Member
so now your claiming only trimmed fan leaves never turn brown, . . .so then that means you have never trimmed at your or grown
LMAO I'm claiming the same fucking thing I've been claiming all along. When I chop my plants and hang them, no leaves turn brown and fall off unless there were fucking dead to begin with!


New Member
oh ya now it all makes sense

Dude, I don't know whether you're being a dick or just can't figure shit out.

Go back and you will clearly see that NLXS1 capped on Buckies plants for the fallen dead leaves in his room!
Not out fucking side where the plants were growing, this means his plants had dead leaves on them when he chopped!

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Dipshit one of the first things you learn is if you dont clip the larger fan leaves, it will smell of hay

im sure after this post you will say . . "oh ya i clipper the "larger" fan leaves sesh"


New Member
Dipshit one of the first things you learn is if you dont clip the larger fan leaves, it will smell of hay

im sure after this post you will say . . "oh ya i clipper the "larger" fan leaves sesh"
No one is talking about clipping fan leaves ya fucking derelict, we're talking about dead brown leaves under Buckies hanging plants!

How did they become brown so fast if they weren't dead from the get? Follow along, would ya!


New Member
Says the guy who doesn't know to trim fan leaves.
there was already a lawn there when they moved there. sprinkler system on a timer and everything.

my mom is a nurse and my dad is a carpenter. they are salt of the earth, lower middle class folks. of course they don't have the money to support their sons their entire lives.

do tell me again about how i mooch. this promises to be grand, you lawn mowing pedophile.

Is that cat shit all over the floor?
those are dead leaves.

have you ever grown cannabis?
Not with dead leaves on it... you must suck worse than I thought...

How much do you sell that schwag for?
Here stupid fuck, where do you see anyone talking about trimming fan leaves?
Where did the dead brown leaves come from Einstein?

You're nothing but a big mouth poser!


New Member
Samwell took his ashamed little ass out of here when we started talking about clean grow rooms, does his grow environment look like shit or sumptin?

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Yep I'll admit I'm pissed, when some punk like you talks the shit you do and doesn't have a pic to back it upyou only have 4 pics of some internet grow to back your shit up, not evena drying pic to show us your green fan leaves!
pissed becasue everyone knows you lie for effect

you fucking liar

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Samwell took his ashamed little ass out of here when we started talking about clean grow rooms, does his grow environment look like shit or sumptin?
i went to start work douche . . you know growing . . . .

so why do you lie BeenNowhere? is it to fit in . . is it to seem on the level . . is it to look cool or relevant here when talk extends past fox news broadcast?


New Member
pissed becasue everyone knows you lie for effect

you fucking liar
The only liar here is you. Your boy Buckie got caught with a fucking box of cat shit in his curing room and you come running to his defense!

I haven't lied about one single thing in here and that's what pisses you off the most!

I'd watch it talking shit about another mans grow, I've seen your pics bro!

But I'm not a little piss ant like you, until you push me.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
i never came to UB's defense, i came to illuminate your lies

UB is a big boy i coudl care less what you think, you are a posser, a tourist, a faker
The only liar here is you. Your boy Buckie got caught with a fucking box of cat shit in his curing room and you come running to his defense!

I haven't lied about one single thing in here and that's what pisses you off the most!

I'd watch it talking shit about another mans grow, I've seen your pics bro!

But I'm not a little piss ant like you, until you push me.
ya you have the last one you tried to show as somthing i did wrong ended up looking like this

go ahead talk, what you see cat hairs oh no . . . .i guess fire with a few hairs on it is still better then no bud at all from the make believe fake grow you operate